How to make fluffy slime: the best recipes
How to make fluffy slime: the best recipes

Fluffy slime (from the English fluffy slime - fluffy slime) is called an elastic material that can be deformed by light pressure. The popularity of a jelly-like toy, popularly referred to as a lizun, ensures mainly its extensibility and "obedience". So, colliding with the wall, the slime takes a flat shape, starting from it - spherical.

how to make fluffy slime
how to make fluffy slime

We present to your attention a selection of fluffy slime recipes. The list of tools needed to prepare it is as follows:

  • plastic or glass container where the components will be mixed;
  • shovel or wooden stick, which will be needed to mix the products;
  • gouache or food coloring to give the slime an original color;
  • plastic bag.

The classic recipe for how to make fluffy slime

After preparing the work surface and materials such as polyvinyl alcohol, sodium borate and water, proceed to create a jelly-like substance:

  1. Pour into a container, the surface of which is covered with enamel,part of a pack of polyvinyl alcohol.
  2. Add water, stirring gently with a stick.
  3. Put the water-powder mixture on a slow fire. Future slime should boil for 45 minutes. Stir the solution regularly to avoid burning.
  4. In a separate container filled with clean warm water, add two tablespoons of sodium borate. After waiting for the appearance of crystals, strain the mixture.
  5. After cooling the solution of powder and water, add the strained mixture to it in a ratio of 3:1. Add food coloring.

In front of your eyes, the solution will acquire a jelly-like consistency resembling mucus. As you can see, making fluffy slime without glue is a quick and easy process.

fluffy slime recipe
fluffy slime recipe

But what if you don't have polyvinyl alcohol on hand? The following recipe will show you how to make fluffy slime using PVA glue.

Make a toy out of glue

The main difficulty that needleworkers face when preparing slime at home based on glue is proportions. So be careful:

  1. Combine a quarter cup of water with the same amount of PVA glue. Mix thoroughly.
  2. Stir one tablespoon of sodium borate powder, previously dissolved in water, into the solution. Add dye.
  3. As an analogue of powdered sodium borate, you can use a 4% solution of sodium tetraborate, in which you do not need to add water.

That's it! Slime is ready to serve you for two weeks.

Glue Starch Slime

Variationscooking funny toys - set. However, not everyone can find the necessary ingredients at home. So, how to make fluffy slime without unnecessary trips to the pharmacy? Easiest recipe without sodium tetraborate/borate:

  1. Dilute the starch with water by mixing it with a small amount of PVA glue.
  2. Pour one third of a glass of liquid starch into a plastic bag, adding a few drops of dye.
  3. Pour ¼ cup of thick PVA glue into the starch.
  4. Stir the solution thoroughly until an elastic lump forms.
  5. Taking the slime out of the bag, let the liquid drain.

Eco-friendly option

How to make a fluffy slime that is safe for a small child? A plastic toy for children over the age of 3 is prepared according to the following principle:

  1. In 150 ml of warm water, add 20 g of shampoo, mix.
  2. While stirring the solution, add flour into it until the consistency of the mixture resembles an elastic dough.
  3. At the stage of adding flour, color the future slime with gouache or food coloring.
  4. After cooling the dough in the refrigerator, rinse the slime with cold water.

Now you know how to make fluffy slime without fear for the he alth of the child.

fluffy slime without glue
fluffy slime without glue

Recently, slime is rapidly winning the love of not only kids, but also their parents. Perhaps the main advantage of a jelly-like toy is its availability: fluffy slime can be found in the nearest children's store, or you can cook ityourself!
