"Arana" knitting needles: schemes and features of execution
"Arana" knitting needles: schemes and features of execution

The top of handicraft skills can be called "arana" - intricate patterns knitted on the needles. Knitters who have learned how to perform them will not be left without attention. Their products will attract attention, and when knitting to order, there will be no end of customers.

arana knitting patterns
arana knitting patterns

History of occurrence

Knitting has been around for a very long time. For years, people have been inventing and hoarding various patterns and techniques. One of the oldest is the technique of "Arana spokes". Schemes of such drawings first appeared in the Irish Isles. The women who lived there knitted sweaters with original patterns for their husbands. Most of the population was engaged in fishing, so thick, warm clothes were a must.

Each family living in Ireland at that time created their own unique pattern. It was easy to find out from which village the fisherman was from. "Arans" became the basis of Irish culture. In complex, unique weaves of stripes and "bumps" - deep symbolism and hidden meaning.

To this day, knitting has not lost its relevance("arans"). Their schemes are original, unique and distinctive. They decorate many warm things - sweaters, hats, scarves, mittens. They are perfect for both men and women of all ages.

Execution technology

Many people think that "arana" and "braids" are one and the same. But it's not. "Braids" include only one type of loop, their interlacing is regular. When making the “arana” pattern with knitting needles, the schemes often contain a large number of elements. In the drawings, movements or crossings are intricately intertwined with encircling loops. In some patterns, "bumps" may occur. That is why it is sometimes difficult to knit correctly according to such a pattern even for experienced needlewomen.

arana knitting patterns and description
arana knitting patterns and description

A huge number of symbols and designations can confuse anyone. Before starting work, you need to carefully study all the designations necessary for making the Arana pattern with knitting needles. Schemes are almost never the same. There is no single system for designating knitting elements. Therefore, the needlewoman must be extremely careful not to have to dissolve the canvas.

The devices used in the knitting process are of great importance. Many cross the loops by simply holding them with their fingers. But, if there is no certain skill, you can miss them. In addition, this method is absolutely not applicable when crossing blocks consisting of more than three loops. That is why the craftswomen resort to the help of pins or additional knitting needles. Most convenient inIn this case, use a specially designed tool. It is a needle that is pointed at both ends and has a bend in the center that does not allow the loops to slip.

Next, we will consider in more detail the elements that are most often used when drawing up a scheme for the Arana pattern.

Crossed loops

Crossed loops - the basis with which "arana" patterns are made with knitting needles. Schemes often contain only an abbreviated description of their implementation: cross any number of loops in a certain direction. However, not everyone knows how this technique is performed.

knitting arana scheme
knitting arana scheme

The crossing of the loops will be pronounced if it is knitted on the wrong side. That is, to obtain a background, it is necessary to knit purl loops in odd rows, and facial loops in even rows. In this case, the tracks themselves are formed on the front side of the canvas with facial loops. Let us consider in more detail the crossing of four loops to the left and to the right. The direction in this case indicates in which direction the slope will be.

In order to cross four loops to the left, you need to remove 2 loops on an additional knitting needle, without knitting, and leave in front of the canvas. Then the next 2 loops in the row are knitted with facial ones and, returning to the additional knitting needle, they are also knitted from the postponed loops. The only difference when doing a right-angled criss-cross is that the backed stitches are left behind the knit fabric.

Wrap loops

When drawing"Arans" with the knitting needles of the scheme and the description of the pattern may contain a technique called "wrap loops". It is quite simple and quickly mastered even by inexperienced knitters.

You can wrap one or more loops around. Most often, a single wrapping loop is used. To perform it, the knitting needle is inserted into the gap behind the last wrapped loop and the working thread is pulled out. After that, the first loop on the left knitting needle is knitted and stretched through the elongated loop. The remaining loops in the girth are knitted according to the pattern.


patterns arana knitting patterns
patterns arana knitting patterns

Getting acquainted, if you want to make "arana" with knitting needles, with patterns, needlewomen often come across circles, which are indicated in the description as "bumps". Executing them requires some skill. First, a designated number of loops is knitted from one loop, alternating front and back. Then, constantly turning the knitting, perform the required number of rows on the resulting "bump". After that, all the loops that make it up are knitted together.

Tips & Tricks

It is important to remember a few tips before you start knitting "arana" with knitting needles. Schemes and descriptions can be quite detailed, but without using the recommendations of experienced craftswomen, the work can take a long time.

When choosing yarn, it should be noted that "arana" is best knitted from plain threads. In this case, the relief and pattern will be favorably emphasized. The consumption of yarn for such patterns is greater than for a smooth fabric. It is better to take this into account at the stageshopping.

knitting needles with patterns
knitting needles with patterns

Special marks can help not to go astray when knitting a fabric with a large number of sections of various patterns. They are put on the knitting needle between the loops of individual patterns, and in the process of knitting they are simply thrown from knitting needle to knitting needle. When knitting too tight, it can be very difficult to cross the loops.

"Arans" require from the knitter not only skills, but also patience. However, the result is worth the time spent.
