Paper boat: classic version and application
Paper boat: classic version and application

Acquaintance of each child with the art of origami begins with making a boat out of paper with his own hands. Like to do such crafts as children of preschool age, and students of the school. Adults do not forget the skills of folding a sheet of paper and pass on the skills to their kids.

The fastest and most convenient way to build a paper boat is the classic version of it. The art of origami is not only entertainment in your free time, creating figurines of animals, flowers or technology, the child develops motor skills of hands and fingers, improves motor memory and voluntary attention. In the process of work, it is required not only to remember the sequence of movements, but also to cultivate accuracy in work, perseverance and attentiveness.

Now many children suffer from hyperactivity, cannot sit still even for a couple of minutes. Origami, namely the folding of paper boats, will force the child to focus on a certain business in a playful way, to show determination. And this is already a lot.

In the article, we will consider how to make paper origami crafts correctly, what you need for this, how you can later play with the boat.

Required Materials

If youdecided to make a paper boat with your baby, then prepare everything in advance. You will need two sheets of thick A-4 paper. One will serve to fold the mother's sample, the other - to train the child. So that the baby can cope well, you can provide him with a diagram of a paper boat. An adult will tell him a step-by-step explanation.

To ensure all folds are even, encourage your child to use a pencil or ruler. If, after folding, to hold these items along the fold, it will turn out to be clear and well folded.

If you are making crafts as a gift for dad on February 23, then you can prepare paints, pencils or wax crayons for coloring crafts. A boat made of colored paper or an analogue with a print will look beautiful. How it can be further decorated, we will consider after studying the detailed scheme for making crafts.

Getting Started

The first training work is best done from plain white paper. Sheet A-4 is placed vertically. The rectangle is folded in half. A finger or pencil is drawn along the fold so that it is even. Then the leaf is bent again in half, only the action is already performed horizontally. This will determine the center line of this rectangle.

how to make a paper boat
how to make a paper boat

Continue work

Seeing a line in front of you in the center of the sheet, you need to take the corners and pull them down. The outer edges are lowered so that a right angle is formed. The folds are carefully smoothed so that the triangles do not open. The bottom remains thinstrips to be turned up. To do this, gently lift the part in front of the workpiece, rub the edge well with your finger.

Then the future paper boat is turned on the back side and similar actions are performed. The blank for the center is taken by hand and opened so that a square is obtained. On the diagram you can see the sample number 6.

boat with sails
boat with sails

It remains to lift the lower corners up on one side and, turning the back side, repeat the steps again. The boat origami continues with the opening of the triangle. This is necessary for the last action, namely, with two hands, stretch the upper edges in opposite directions.

To make the craft look neat, you need to press it down with your hands and run your finger along all the fold lines. Now you know how to make a paper boat.


You can decorate the ship with sails attached to thin sticks in the center of the craft. For such purposes, cocktail sticks are also suitable, on which triangles of bright colored double-sided paper are glued. If this product was created by a child for the purpose of a gift, then the sides of the ship can be decorated with appliqué, by gluing portholes, and drawing an anchor with felt-tip pens. Paper then it is better to use glossy. It is bright and glitters beautifully.

boats in the game
boats in the game

Sometimes boats are made to create a painting with a seascape. Then the boat is glued onto a sheet of cardboard, the waves are drawn. You can attach a rope with triangular small flags to the boat.

How to play?

Children's paper boats can be launched both in the bath and in a natural body of water with small waves. By putting Lego figures in them, you can play with friends on the beach. Sea battles and shipwrecks are not terrible, as you can always quickly make a new ship.

boat testing on the water
boat testing on the water

Not only kids love paper boats, but also adult serious people. Many times around the world, attempts were made to conquer the water expanses of rivers and lakes. Attempts were made in different countries of the world. For example, in London on Lake Southwark, a beautiful girl named Morwenna Wilson crossed the distance from one bank to another in a paper boat. She is a descendant of the famous English engineer Brunel, who worked in naval technology in the 19th century.

So learn how to make paper boats. Perhaps on one of them later you will conquer your expanses of water.
