Jacquard patterns: patterns, rules for reading them and crochet and knitting techniques
Jacquard patterns: patterns, rules for reading them and crochet and knitting techniques

Knitting allows you to create unique things that can attract attention. Jacquard patterns look original and original, schemes of which are presented in large numbers on the Internet and in print publications.

jacquard pattern patterns
jacquard pattern patterns


Jacquard patterns include patterns made with yarn of two or more colors. The first option is considered traditional. At the same time, classic combinations of white with blue, black, red were chosen.

Most often, patterns of patterns contain various geometric shapes, elements of animals and plants. Depending on this, several types of drawing are distinguished:

- Norwegian jacquard is based on snowflake and deer patterns;

- meander jacquard is represented by ribbons (stripes) from right angles;

- Icelandic patterns use stripes of geometric shapes, which are most often seen on products knitted in a circle;

- ethnic jacquard is made up of various folk patterns.

In addition, jacquards differ in technique: classic and lazy, crochet or knitting.

Multi-color patterns are ideal for decorating warm clothes. However, they are successful in both men and women. Children love products with cartoon characters and fairy tales.


If desired, any needlewoman will be able to master knitting jacquard patterns. Schemes are used without fail. Therefore, it is important to understand them and be able to read.

knitting jacquard pattern patterns
knitting jacquard pattern patterns

Special schemes are used for jacquard. Each cell in them corresponds to one loop. When knitting two-color patterns, empty and filled cells are most often used in the pattern. When using yarn of several colors, each of them can be marked with any shade or in black and white explanations with some icon.

When jacquard patterns are knitted, the charts contain both knit and purl rows. In this case, in odd numbers, the drawing should be performed from right to left, and in even numbers, vice versa. If knitting is done in a circle, its pattern is always read only from right to left.

Features of jacquard knitting

Many people think that it is very easy to make a jacquard pattern with knitting needles, because the scheme does not contain any complex elements. Yes, and knitting is carried out only with two main loops - facial in odd rows and purl in even rows.

However, this is fundamentally wrong. The difficulty lies in achieving such a thread tension at which the broaches on the wrong side do not tighten the fabric. Or you will have to master one of the knitting techniques without long broaches.

You can make your work easier by observing somedetails:

1. There are two ways to hold the threads: all with the index finger of the left hand or in this hand, hold only the main thread, the rest with the right hand.

2. To obtain a smooth edge, the edge loops are knitted with two threads that are in work.

3. To prevent the threads from twisting, you should follow the rule: after the front row, turn the work clockwise, after the wrong side - against.

4. When choosing yarn, pay attention to the thickness. Even when using a different texture, it should be the same.

5. To avoid the formation of holes in the place of color change, the threads must be crossed.

Knitting options

jacquard knitting pattern scheme
jacquard knitting pattern scheme

When knitting jacquard patterns, patterns always include patches of different colors. The classical drawing technique suggests that in places where one color is used, broaches of another are formed. In this case, the difficulty lies in the careful tension of the thread. If it is too tight, the knitted fabric is deformed, if it is too weak, the extreme loops of the fragment may turn out to be too large. The following method will help to achieve the correct tension: by straightening the loops on the knitting needle, the knitter determines the desired length of the thread being pulled.

You can avoid long broaches if you use the weave method. In this case, the unused thread intersects with the main one, lying on it. Knitting should be tight enough so that the extra thread is not visible on the right side.

There is also a method that completely eliminates the appearance of broaches. It's called lazy jacquard. In this case, two rows are knitted with a thread of the same color. If at the same time the loops of another come across, they are simply removed. In the front rows, the main thread remains behind the canvas, in the wrong rows - in front. The next 2 rows are knitted in a different color according to the same principle.


Prefer knitting (jacquard patterns)? Schemes usually contain small periodically repeating elements. But there is another option for performing multi-color drawings, which is usually called intarsia.

knitting jacquard patterns patterns
knitting jacquard patterns patterns

This technique is used when the elements of the picture are large enough, and allows you to completely get rid of broaches. This is achieved by the fact that each colored section is knitted from a separate ball. When changing threads, they cross.

It is important to note that the use of this technique in circular knitting is extremely difficult. In this case, you have to break the thread every time, and reattach it in the next row.

Crochet Jacquard

Needlewomen who do not like knitting needles should not despair if they like any jacquard pattern patterns. You can also crochet colored fabrics.

crochet jacquard patterns
crochet jacquard patterns

There are two ways to do this. In the first case, broaches are formed on the wrong side of the knitted fabric. But products in which they are absent are much more beautiful. While avoidingbroach is easy: just hide the unused thread under the knitted posts.

Jacquard patterns have been one of the most popular knitting patterns for a long time. It is easy to make their own schemes. By the way, there are a large number of programs that allow you to do this based on any drawing.
