How to make a flying kite with your own hands: a master class
How to make a flying kite with your own hands: a master class

Before starting the story of how to make a flying kite with your own hands, let's explain what it is and how people used it.

Aerial or flying kite is an aircraft that rises into the sky by the force of air currents and is held with the help of a handrail. Already in the 2nd century BC, the first mention of a flying dragon-serpent appeared, which was launched by the ancient inhabitants of China. Since then, people have been constantly thinking about how to make a flying kite with their own hands and where such an invention can be applied.

Many great discoveries have been made by scientists with a kite. This is an antenna for the best signal when the radio was invented by A. Popov, and the measurement of air temperature at high altitude by meteorologists. Even during the war, such devices served reconnaissance soldiers to adjust artillery fire on the enemy.

how to make a flying kite
how to make a flying kite

Recognizing this benefit to humanity, since 1985 people around the world have been celebrating World Kite Day on the second Sunday in October. Currently, such devices are usedonly for sports and entertainment. The article describes how to make a flying kite with your own hands.

Ways to get the job done

In ancient China, snakes were made from light bamboo sticks and a piece of silk cloth. A variety of methods for the manufacture of such items are now used. Consider the types of kites:

1. The simplest option is a kite in one plane. Such an aircraft is not intended for serious long-term flights. A strong wind will break it right away, but it is with this option that they introduce children who want to know how to make a flying kite with their own hands.

2. The second type is a construction of several layers: whatnots, in the form of a box or a parallelepiped, which has many cells and parts. They are stable and can withstand strong winds.

3. The next view is a group connection of several devices into one. It turns out a long structure. Such kites are used in festivities, as they look very picturesque against the blue sky.

Components of a kite

Let's consider the simplest option, how to make a flying kite with your own hands, what it consists of.

1. Rigid frame base. The shape of the future structure depends on the location of the rails. It can be in the form of a triangle, rhombus or multi-tiered.

2. Lightweight material or oilcloth surface of the kite, which is pulled over the frame. It is she who performs the aerodynamic function and keeps it in the air currents.

how to make a flying kite with your own hands
how to make a flying kite with your own hands

3. Mountsrails and material. It can be tape, simple threads or a thin rope, or there can be stronger bindings that can be disassembled. If the kite has a regulation of movement, then a rope adjustment of the direction of the tail is attached to them.

4. tail of the device. When flying, it curls and looks very impressive. In addition, it also serves as a stabilizer in flight.

5. Holding thread or handrail. It should be very strong, but at the same time light. It is better if it is wound on a reel. This will protect the owner of the snake from painful disentangling.

Material for making

Before you make a flying kite with your own hands, you need to prepare all the necessary materials. For the simplest diamond-shaped kite, you need to take:

  • thin and light slats or sticks;
  • piece of polyethylene;
  • fishing line;
how to make a flying kite with your own hands step by step description
how to make a flying kite with your own hands step by step description
  • adhesive tape;
  • sharp knife or scissors;
  • roulette or long ruler;
  • good strong glue;
  • drawing;
  • marker.

How to make a flying kite with your own hands: step by step description

1. You need to draw a drawing according to this sample.

how to make a kite with your own hands
how to make a kite with your own hands

2. Transfer the dimensions to polyethylene and saw off the desired length of the rail.

3. The sticks are folded in a cross and tightly wrapped with tape.

4. At the ends of the rails, we make small cuts and insert the fishing line into all the holes, pulling it along the contour of the rhombus or"diamond".

5. Then polyethylene is cut to size and glued, pulling it tightly onto the fishing line. The edges are bent inwards.

6. On the top and on the two side rails, you need to wind a piece of fishing line, connecting them in the central part into one long thread called a rail, with which the snake must be held in your hand so that it does not fly away.

how to make a simple kite
how to make a simple kite

You can do the job easier - with plastic sticks and double-sided tape (as in the photo), but such a kite will be fragile and, in principle, disposable.

How to start the machine?

You already know how to make a kite with your own hands. Now you need to go to nature and try to run it. You also need to be able to do this, otherwise the kite may fall and break without taking off. What is the right way to launch?

First you need to choose an empty place, without trees, bushes and water barriers. A kite needs wind to fly. Without at least a slight breath, nothing will work. After waiting for the breeze, you need to determine its direction and become your back, holding the snake in your hand.

how to make a simple kite
how to make a simple kite

Then you need to take the device in one hand, and the spool of fishing line in the other. Turn the kite with its nose up and forcefully push it away from you in the direction of the wind. When the kite flies up, you need to control the flight with the handrail.

If the tension has subsided, then you can run forward, keeping the kite even in relation to the ground. If the wind has died down and you see that the apparatus is falling to the surfaceearth, you need to loosen the thread so that the tension decreases. Then the fall will not be so strong and critical. The kite will not break and it will be possible to launch it again.


The article showed how to make a simple kite, but you also need to understand what danger this device can pose during launch. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to get acquainted with the safety rules.

Before starting, check that there are no power lines on top, as electric shock may follow.

It is strictly forbidden to launch during a thunderstorm.

You can not fly with a large crowd of people, in the area of railways, highways or airport terminals. It may disturb and harm other people.

When starting, use the coil and it is better to wear gloves. With gusts of wind, the kite can twitch violently and the sharp movement of the fishing line will cut your hand.

Before the kite starts moving, you need to check all the connecting elements so that there is no accident and the flight is not interrupted at the very beginning.

If all safety rules are followed, then you can safely start this exciting activity.
