Birdwatching in winter and autumn
Birdwatching in winter and autumn

Since ancient times, people have been attracted to birds. The dream of free flight in the cloudless blue of the sky did not leave the minds of scientists, philosophers and ordinary people. Observation of soaring birds prompted the mythological Icarus to create wings and fearlessly fly towards the sun. Years pass, and people, raising their heads to the sky, look with slight envy after the flying birds.

Wintering birds

With the onset of cold weather, many birds fly to the southern countries, but some remain to winter in their former habitats. Birdwatching in winter can be a great pleasure for inquisitive little ones. Caring parents willingly answer unthinkable questions that arise in children's heads.

bird watching in winter
bird watching in winter

Among the wintering birds, the tit can be especially distinguished. This small bird with a bright yellow breast is a frequent visitor to the feeders prepared by people. She is very interesting to watch.

The important and sedate crows are also interesting, pacing the city parks in search of food. Shiny feathers shimmering with resinous hues shimmer in the sun, giving the birds a special pride.

Onsnow-white snow, like droplets of scarlet blood, placers of rowan berries attract bullfinches. The red-breasted winter guest is a real symbol of bitter frosts, fluffy snow and the New Year.

Watching birds at the feeder evokes the touching feeling of caring for the tiny ubiquitous sparrows. Familiar and native birds flock to them in search of food in the winter cold in large flocks. It seems that only a brisk magpie is not afraid of the arrival of winter. Filling the space with flooding crackling, she jumps on the branches of trees with special excitement.

Tit is a familiar bird from childhood

Interesting, exciting and informative can be a winter walk. Birdwatching allows you to notice features and habits that are not given much importance in everyday life. Familiar from childhood, the nimble tit is actually a forest dweller. Only with the onset of a harsh winter, she is forced to fly to settlements in search of food.

bird watching at the feeder
bird watching at the feeder

Few people know that habitual winter inhabitants cannot be fed with black bread. Tits leave some of the food in the crop, where the crumbs begin to swell, causing fermentation. Such a process can lead to the death of the yellow-breasted songbird.

Features of the flight of a titmouse

Watching birds in winter will allow you to notice an interesting feature. The tiny tit never eats the whole seed. Pressing it with her paw to a branch, she pecks the shell and only then proceeds to the meal, pinching off small pieces of pulp. Flight of the titmouse - a separate topic, for examplewhich you can see the bird's ability to economically expend energy.

Birds fly very fast, but rarely flap their wings. Watching the flight, you can see how tiny yellow breasts dive down, then rush into the heavenly heights, making dizzying stunts in the air. It is very interesting to watch the flight of a bird in slow motion video, but even with the naked eye you can see the characteristic features.

Crow is a smart bird

Crows, contrary to popular belief, are very smart birds, it is about them that the story will go on. Watching birds representing the Raven family can sometimes reveal some really amazing things. Frequent guests of city squares and parks, black crows look for shiny objects on the ground. Regular observers tell fascinating stories about how birds collect pieces of foil, candy wrappers, bottle caps. Having previously made a small hole in the snow, the crows securely hide their finds, diligently covering secret places with snow.

bird watching story
bird watching story

The crow dwelling deserves special mention. Birds build their nests on the tops of trees, and they do it in such a way that no wind is able to throw the nest from high crowns. Breaking off thin twigs, sedate crows carefully carry them to the nest. It would seem that there are a lot of old branches on the ground, but for the bird they are of no interest. Last year's sticks may be too dry and brittle, emit an unpleasant smell of rot. This material is completely build a secure nest.

Bullfinch - herald of winter

Watching wintering birds is especially interesting when the herald of winter arrives - the bullfinch. Since the times of the Soviet Union, the owner of the red breast has been remembered as a frequent character in New Year's cards. The bullfinch arrives with the onset of winter cold from the northern countries, remaining in our area for the winter.

bird watching walk
bird watching walk

A feature of bright birds can be called their inexplicable connection. Bullfinches form pairs once, being faithful to the chosen partner throughout their lives. Warm relations between birds are noticeable in caring courtship. You can often observe how a bright male feeds his female, the coloring of which is much more modest than that of a handsome winter male.

Nesting period for birds begins in mid-April. A simple nest that can accommodate up to 5 eggs, the female incubates for two weeks. And after 18-20 days, the chicks that have appeared leave their native nest. In one year, the female is able to bring two broods of representatives of the Finch family.

The house sparrow is the most common bird

Sparrow is the most famous representative of birds, not only among those who observe birds at the feeder, but throughout the globe. A small bird with characteristic plumage and chirping familiar to everyone often settles near settlements. Arrived from the countries of Northern Europe, the sparrow easily adapts to changing living conditions. In places of human settlement, a feathered resident easily findssubsistence.

Due to their high fertility, sparrows form large flocks living in the neighborhood. Already in early March, the birds break into pairs and begin to build a nest. The clutch of eggs, consisting of 7-10 pieces, is incubated by the female for 12-14 days. Already on the 10th day after hatching, young sparrows leave their native nest.

bird watching in autumn
bird watching in autumn

Birdwatching in winter shows that sparrows spend the cold season in permanent nesting areas, unlike some breeds that migrate to warmer climes for the winter. People who are not indifferent to birds equip feeders, to which more and more birds flock every day.

Autumn bird migrations

Bird watching is especially popular among ornithologists in autumn. Having finished the breeding season, many representatives of birds go in active search for food. Most migratory birds begin to prepare for migration already at the end of summer. The period preceding departure to the southern countries takes several months. In this time period, the birds begin to molt, the plumage changes. Abundant food allows you to form a subcutaneous fat reserve that helps birds make long flights.

Farewell to autumn

The beginning of the autumn season is the most interesting time for lovers of educational excursions. It was during this period that birds massively leave their homes, starting the autumn migration. It is probably difficult to find a person who has never seen how cranes fly to warm countries. Beautiful smootha wedge consisting of many birds, with a loud cooing, sets off for the southern expanses. The farewell song of the cranes evokes a slight aftertaste of sadness for many as evidence of the end of the warm season.

winter bird watching
winter bird watching

As if nature itself is saying goodbye to the last drops of the outgoing Indian summer, waiting for the arrival of a cold, harsh winter. With the onset of the first cold weather, wildlife lovers are again looking forward to bird watching in winter.
