How to make a wire ring with your own hands?
How to make a wire ring with your own hands?

In the nineties, when the country was faced with such a concept as a shortage, and it was almost impossible to get something worthwhile in stores, almost no one asked how to make a ring out of wire, and no one could be surprised with such homemade decoration. Now this trend has moved aside, a bunch of jewelry has appeared in stores literally for a penny. But there are women of fashion who know how to make a wire ring with their own hands so that it fits organically into the image.

Required Materials

To make this simple decoration, you will need very few tools and materials:

  • Any thin wire, preferably aluminum. For baby rings, you can use the one covered with insulating plastic.
  • Round nose pliers.
  • Scissors for cutting metal.
  • Beads.

How to make a wire ring with love inscription

In order to make a wire ring with the inscription love on your own, you must initially have some experience with this material. Ata certain skill to create such an accessory for you will not be difficult.

  1. Use the pliers to bend the wire into a lowercase l shape.
  2. Wrap the free end of the wire in a small ring - this will be the letter o.
  3. Continue to bend the free end of the wire. But do it carefully so as not to damage the already finished letters. Make a checkmark that will become the third letter - v.
  4. Finish the word also with round nose pliers, making the letter e.
  5. Place the entire wire word on your finger and bend it into shape. Wrap the free end of the wire around your finger so that the ring can be easily removed and put on.
  6. Cut off the excess wire, leaving a small piece to attach to the l.
  7. Ring "love"
    Ring "love"

According to this principle, you can write almost any word. But it must be remembered that it must consist of three or four letters in order to fit on the outside of the finger.

How to make a DIY champagne wire ring

Some romantic men in a fit of feelings, when there is nothing but a bottle of champagne at hand, still want to make their girlfriend happy, at least with a wire ring. In this case, they can come to the aid of the wire on which the cork of the bottle is held. The principle of making such a ring is very simple.

  1. Straighten all the wire.
  2. Bend it in half.
  3. When weaving a ring by a man, it is better to try on the product on the little finger, a woman can measure the ring on the middle orindex finger.
  4. Now put the center of the wire under your finger and cross the two ends on top so that the ring is not tight, but does not fall off your hand.
  5. Continue twisting the ends to form a rose.
  6. If there are excess ends, cut them off or wrap them on both sides of the ring.
  7. rose ring
    rose ring

Ring with a bead inside

And how to make a wire ring so that it is unusual and at the same time very attractive? Most likely, those around will not leave indifferent the product in which the bead is hidden.

To make it, you will need to repeat the first points from the section "How to make a ring from champagne wire", only instead of forming a rose from the free ends, you will need to make a small spiral, put a bead on it and start randomly wrap loose ends around it. It is necessary to achieve such an effect that the bead continues to look through the wire. But as if it would be all covered with cobwebs.

Another option: pass the free end of the wire through the bead, set it in the middle of the ring and make a couple of turns of the wire around the bead so that it is all over the ring.

This accessory will be a great addition to a romantic look.

beaded ring
beaded ring

Unusual accessory: leg ring

An excellent summer decoration will be a ring worn on the leg. This accessory will look great with open shoes and boho style clothes. Here is a detailed plan how to do itsnake-shaped copper wire ring.

Ring on the leg
Ring on the leg
  1. Take a wire 10-12 cm long.
  2. Attach it to the toe on which you plan to wear jewelry, on the reverse side exactly in the center of the wire.
  3. Wrap both ends around your finger for two turns.
  4. Remove the ring from the foot and bend one end of the wire with the help of round nose pliers several times, imitating the tail of a snake. Cut off the excess.
  5. Bend the upper end of the wire in the shape of a snake's head using the same round-nose pliers and wrap the free end down so that it hides under your finger while wearing the product. Cut off the excess.

Ring with semi-precious and precious stones

If you are still wondering how to make a wire ring and none of the above options appealed to you, then you will definitely be delighted with this jewelry. In the event that you have several beautiful and small natural stones, you just need to turn them into a beautiful ring. It is good if there is already a hole in the stone, for example, if it is left over from another piece of jewelry. But you can just glue the stone in the center of the product. All of the original work follows the steps of making a champagne wire ring. But for this product, it is better to take a very thin copper or gilded wire and fold it not two, but three or four times. Then the loose ends need to be twisted around the stone.

Rings with stones
Rings with stones

Beaded wire ring

Very nice and gentle lookjewelry with beads. To understand how to make a wire ring with small beads, it is not necessary to have experience in creating such products. All you need is to string just enough beads onto the thin copper wire so that they cover the top of your finger. Then, on one side and on the other side of this bead row, you need to make small rings with the help of round-nose pliers. Now take a small piece of wire and fasten it to the ring of the bead row, then repeat the same on the other side. Measure the product: if it fits you in size, then cut off the excess, if not, then first change the size up or down.

Rings with beads
Rings with beads

Wedding rings: imitation wire weave

Interestingly, a few years ago, the world of wedding fashion was swept by a wave of wedding rings, as if woven from wire. Newlyweds invest in this accessory an individual and personal meaning only for them. But most often, such rings hint at the absence of a rigid framework within the newly-minted family. These non-standard wedding rings are chosen by girls and men who do not want to wear ordinary, strict jewelry, but want something more tender and youthful. In addition, often such accessories are made in the form of a nest, which symbolizes family.

And how to make a wire ring for a wedding with your own hands? Not many people decide to make an accessory for such an important day on their own, but you can still participate in the creation process: draw a sketch of your future jewelry and take it to the jeweler. So youguaranteed to get exactly the ring you imagined.

braided ring
braided ring

Thus, you have learned how to make a wire ring with your own hands in stages. It's fun to experiment with this stuff, so stick with the tips in this article and try something new!
