Paintings with beads on glue: necessary materials, technique, photo
Paintings with beads on glue: necessary materials, technique, photo

Various types of handicrafts and the creation of art objects with their own hands are now very common. Beads have always been very popular among needlewomen. Today, more and more of its color variations and methods of application appear, one of which is the creation of paintings with beads on glue.

Where to start?

Creating a picture of beads on glue with your own hands is a job that requires accuracy, but the product turns out to be voluminous and surprisingly beautiful. It is done almost like an application. The only difference is that instead of cut out paper parts, you need to glue beads.

Simple lines in a bright design
Simple lines in a bright design

The advantage of beaded paintings on glue is the ease of execution, and also differs in the depth of colors and unusual brilliance. For this type of needlework, many master classes are held, where in just a couple of hours they will tell you how to make paintings from beads with glue. At lessons and master classes with the help of a professional, even a beginner can create his own masterpiece. But bead paintings on glue are easy to make andat home, finding a diagram on the Internet or drawing it by hand. Even photographs are suitable for the base, for example, with portraits of parents or a favorite musician. Flash photos look flatter, while natural light photos are better suited to show the volume and shape of objects. Although for the first time it is worth choosing a picture with simple lines and smooth transitions between colors.

Photo editing

Creating a picture with beads on glue for beginners will simplify detailing, in a regular photo editor (Photoshop or Paint) on a computer, pixels should be selected larger.

Beginning of work
Beginning of work

In addition, in the editor, you can slightly change the settings for the brightness, contrast and color saturation of the image. After all, it is important that the color scheme fits the interior and looks good as a picture. Contrast will help emphasize the contours and main lines. By increasing the graininess, you will visually make the image clearer and better, which will make your work easier.

You need to print the photo in two copies, one of which will be the basis for the future picture, beads are glued on top of it. The second photo should be in front of your eyes to make it easier to navigate the drawing. After these preparatory work, you need to choose the beads of the desired color.

Basis for painting

It is necessary to immediately determine the size of the future picture. The paper must be glued to a thick cardboard or other base, additionally securing the edges with adhesive tape. When choosing a glue, it is worth choosing one that will remain transparent, quickly and firmly.grab the beads. With this task, "Moment" perfectly copes. But such glue has one drawback - a pungent odor.

Special sets of beaded paintings are sold, which are much easier to glue. In such kits, tubes with PVA glue are usually used, it is less harmful, and it is easier to peel it off in case of an error. A glue gun, often used for crafts, is a great option.

handmade painting
handmade painting


Beaded paintings are very beautiful and look great not only on the walls of famous galleries, but also in home interiors.

Before you start, you need to decide where it is more convenient to start. Often, at first, glue is applied only to the contours along which beads are glued, indicating the main lines. When the outline is dry, small areas can be glued with beads. It is better to gradually fill the fragments inside the contour with beads, going from it to the center. Start with the smallest details.

Tips for implementation

Glue should be applied in small layers so that excess does not drain. In still lifes, the contours are usually done in black, sometimes silver or white can be used. If the picture is plot and requires an artistic approach, then the color of the contour is selected based on the shades of the details of the image. You can run wire between the color zones, adding shine and clarity to this image.

A color scheme
A color scheme

The bead painting uses significantly fewer colors than the original photo. Usually chosenprimary colors and their shades. Do not get hung up on the exact repetition of tones, as the image will turn out not quite clear and sharp, it is better to resort to light abstraction.

Choosing bead color

It will be easier if you pre-distribute each color in a separate small container or bowl. Professionals often number the shades in containers, putting the numbers on the drawing, so as not to confuse similar shades during work. The areas between the contours are filled in turn. Each area has its own color, but often combines many shades. Transitions between shades are done using a gradient. Beads of one color gradually blend into another for a smooth transition. First, 2-5 are glued, in the next row - 10, then a row of 20 is made, and so on in ascending order.

Variety of beads
Variety of beads

Very small areas of color (less than half the width of the bead) will not be able to be covered with beads, so just ignore these colors. Sometimes it is worth using beads of a color slightly different from what you see in the photo. If there are two or more similar colors in the background, you can eliminate one of them, thereby simplifying the background.

However, reflections and highlights are best kept the same as in the original image. It is these color spots that help make the picture more realistic.

Finishing work

Beads that have fallen out of the right place can be carefully touched up with a toothpick. In addition, when the entire pattern is applied, you can put baking paper on top and press downpicture book.

After complete drying, the beaded picture should be placed vertically. As a result, some of the beads may come off and fall off. They can be re-glued in the same places. For small areas without beads, glue should be applied with a brush, and individual beads should be glued with a toothpick or a needle. After gluing on the beads, you need to lightly press with your fingers so that it sticks more tightly. Sometimes an additional layer of varnish, glue or acrylic paint is applied over the beads. This helps to make the painting more durable, expressive and protect it from dust, which can easily get into the gaps between the beads.

Painting in the interior
Painting in the interior

When the work is finished, the picture can be framed and hung on the wall. A panel made with your own hands will have an original appearance and delight others. Beaded needlework is an enjoyable hobby that is easy to teach the whole family. Simple sketchy drawings can be done with children, developing fine motor skills and a love of art. Pictures from beads on glue are very beautiful, the images look voluminous and bright. Abstract art looks especially interesting, in which the emphasis is on colors.
