Cross-stitch canvas calculation
Cross-stitch canvas calculation

Any embroiderer knows how painstaking and long her work can be, especially when it comes to a large picture, pillow or tapestry. It is extremely disappointing if the work comes to an end, and it becomes clear that the remaining free space on the canvas is sorely lacking. A lot of time and effort wasted.

In this article we will tell you how to correctly calculate the canvas for cross stitch, and based on these recommendations, you will not be disappointed in your needlework.

cross stitch
cross stitch

What you need to know about preparing for embroidery?

Beginning of each new embroidery project should be thoroughly prepared. Preparation includes the purchase of threads of the necessary colors, the selection of the basis for embroidery, accessories, and the organization of the workspace. If something is missed, then the work may be spoiled, and the process will bringdisappointment.

So, suppose that the palette of threads is ready, the hoop, needle bar and scissors are also waiting for work to begin, and one of the main questions arises - the choice of canvas and size selection.

Some needlewomen start embroidering on canvas with a large margin, measuring in advance such a piece of fabric that will have to be cut off at the end of work. This is inconvenient and not economical, and it is better to measure clearly and accurately the required amount of canvas.

How to calculate canvas size?

The size of the embroidery on the canvas, as well as the canvas itself, is determined by its main characteristic - the count. Count is the number of crosses that can be embroidered in one inch (that's 2.54 centimeters). This parameter also indicates the number of the canvas. For example, if the package says "Aida No. 14" - this means that 14 crosses embroidered on this canvas will make up one inch. Accordingly, the larger the numerical value of the count, the smaller the crosses will be, and the pattern will be thinner.

For convenience, let's make a short table for counting crosses by 10 centimeters.

Aida 11 43 cr/10cm
Aida 14 55 cr./10cm
Aida 16 63 cr./10cm
Aida 18 71 cr./10cm
Aida 22 87 cr./10cm

Next, take a close look at the pattern for embroidery - it indicates how many crosses are on each side, horizontally and vertically. Based on the fact that we know the count of the canvas and the total number of crosses, it will not be difficult to calculate the canvasfor cross stitch in centimeters.

Next, we calculate according to the principle of a simple equation. For example, let's take canvas Aida 16 - 63 crosses by 10 centimeters. Let's take 100 crosses as X centimeters: X \u003d 100 x 10/63 \u003d 16 centimeters.

Be sure to add about 5-7 centimeters on each side, because after finishing the work you will need to decorate it, besides, without an allowance it will be difficult to tuck the canvas into the hoop.

Total, if the size of the finished work should be 100 by 100 crosses, then the canvas cut should be measured approximately 25 by 25 centimeters.

embroidery process
embroidery process

Recommendations for needlewomen

If instead of "Aida" a uniform weave or linen is used, it is also necessary to pay attention to the count - the fabric is numbered by analogy with the canvas.

There are special programs and online services with which you can calculate the canvas for cross stitch.

Before work, it is better to overcast the edge of the fabric to avoid the threads falling out - with a small allowance, the unraveled edge can cause inconvenience during the design of the work.

When embroidering from a ready-made set, problems with the size of the canvas can usually be avoided, however, in order for the image to be even, it is better to start embroidering from the center.
