A simple crochet flower: diagram, description, photo
A simple crochet flower: diagram, description, photo

Always, at any time, anywhere in the world, a flower has been an ideal part of jewelry - clothes, interiors, hairstyles, etc. However, their delicate and magical beauty is not enough for a long time. An excellent alternative to a living plant - crocheted flowers from thin threads. This is a fairly simple task, and every novice craftswoman can easily cope with the schemes. Simple crochet flowers with a description and a schematic drawing are easy to create. Choose the threads of the required shade, the type of flower and the hook that matches the number, be patient and go ahead!

simple flower necklace
simple flower necklace

Daisies, lilies, roses, forget-me-nots, violets and many other flowers you will knit and decorate your things with them.

Symbols used in the article:

  • connect. Art. - connecting post;
  • air. p. - air loop;
  • st. b / n - single crochet;
  • half. - half-column;
  • st. with 2 / n - double crochet;
  • st. from 3 / n - columnwith three crochets;

What are they for?

Knitted flowers can be used as decor for completely different areas.

  1. Decorate your caps and hats - large or small.
  2. Decorate cushion covers for sofa cushions.
  3. With similar knitted flowers they create excellent jewelry - they are also involved in the manufacture of knitted bracelets, necklaces, earrings. When knitting with very thin hooks and yarn, you can get almost jewelry in elegance.
  4. With flowers of various sizes, you can decorate a knitted handbag.
  5. Bookmarks, serving napkin clips.
  6. By placing knitted flowers in a frame, create a three-dimensional panel and decorate the room with it.
  7. You can use them to create gift wrapping, postcards. On a postcard, you can depict a bouquet of flowers.
  8. scheme three
    scheme three
  9. Bouquets created using yarn and hooks look very original. Made with love, they make a great gift for relatives.
  10. Crochet a few simple flowers according to the pattern and use them for serving - put in the middle of the plates or secure each napkin with them.
  11. Even such an accessory as a delicate bridal bouquet can be created with your own hands. It is clear that in the manufacture it is necessary to show all possible diligence and skill, then it will be excellent! Such a bouquet can never wither, and it can be stored for a very long time!

Flowers are knitted in all shapes and sizes, voluminous and flat - it all depends on the destination. Volumea flower may consist of several layers of leaves. The simplest crocheted flowers have simple patterns and descriptions - an amigurumi ring or air loops and alternating columns with a different number of crochets.

layered flowers
layered flowers

There are also different options for petals: pointed ones are made for daffodils, long ones are ideal for lilies and chamomile, and narrow and short they are made for carnations. A tiny cup is suitable for lily of the valley and bluebells, and large and wide petals are just right for orchids and poppies. The oval-shaped elements make an amazing spring tulip.

There is a technique for creating flowers from lace ribbons, ruffles - when a long strip is knitted beforehand, and then it is assembled into a spiral or an accordion. This is how roses and carnations are made.

There are many variations on this theme, but first you need to learn how to crochet simple flowers according to patterns.

simple little flower
simple little flower

Only by constantly practicing skills, one can achieve masterful execution of more complex products.

Tools and materials

Crochet of simple flowers according to the scheme is made from yarn of completely different composition - cotton, wool, synthetic, silk, etc. The only rule here will be the texture of the thread - dense, twisted and not splitting into fibers.

flower with arches
flower with arches

Then the hooks are selected - they must match the thickness of the thread. In the case of incorrectly chosen tools, the finished flower may not have the samethe look you would like. It will turn out either loose and not holding its shape, or too tight and skewed.

When knitting a flower, you can decorate it with beads or beads, stringing them immediately on a thread or sewing them onto an already finished flower with a needle and thread.

Simple crochet flower patterns for beginners

So, what is the simplest knitting diagram?

simple flower, diagram
simple flower, diagram

First, the middle of several stitches is knitted, which is tied with single crochets, or immediately go to the petals, alternating different types of stitches - lower and higher.

Often in simple colors it looks like several columns with a different number of crochets, knitted into one loop. The end of the petals here is a half-column (connecting loop).

When it is necessary to leave a hole in each petal and tie an openwork flower, a row of arches of the desired size is made, then tied with double crochets or without it.

scheme two
scheme two

Similar principles - with a round center and petals - are the basis for creating almost any flower. All color schemes are just slightly more complicated versions of it.

openwork flowers
openwork flowers

For example, a slightly modified scheme - a "picot" clove is added on the edge of the petal - nothing complicated, but the shape of the flower has changed dramatically.

Crochet Violet

You can tie a delicate flower in the same way. For him, pick up several shades of threads of the same thickness. In nature, violets havethe most unexpected color combinations.

So, make a chain of five air loops and knit five posts. without a crochet. Next, knit a loop in the rise and continue according to the scheme.

Instead of air loops in the center of the flower, you can make an amigurumi loop and knit stitches into it - this way the middle will be more elegant.

violet, scheme
violet, scheme

At the end of the main work on knitting a flower, tie it with single crochets with threads of the opposite shade. This way you will get a brighter inflorescence.

Crochet flowers with description - simple and beautiful

Try creating flowers with a slightly more complex knitting pattern. You will need to stock up on threads (three colors that match each other) and a crochet hook of the right size. Knit using chart below.

tricolor flower
tricolor flower

From the first to the third row, knit with the darkest shade of yarn, for example, blue. From the fourth to the fifth, switch to the lightest color of the thread - blue. On the sixth row, work in light blue, and on the seventh row, knit in dark blue.

Tricolor flower scheme
Tricolor flower scheme

Flowers can be knitted in several shades and then attached to wire stems - you will get a great bouquet for interior decoration. It is great to use a similar flower as a hair clip, just sew an elastic band to it from below.

Rose with multiple rows of petals

You can decorate a hat, scarf or blouse with a multi-tiered flower. It will be a magnificent, voluminous product, the middle can be embroideredbeads or beads.

bulk rose
bulk rose

Tie a chain of nine air loops and close into a ring with a half-column. Tie 18 pillars on them. without crochets by inserting the hook into the ringlet.

For sheets, knit the required number of columns according to the scheme. single crochet and post. with one crochet. A rose tied in this way will be a wonderful decor.

Crochet patterns for simple flowers

As mentioned above, decor in this form is very good for any purpose. Below are some simple crochet flower options with patterns great for beginner needlewomen.

Daisies, knitted from thin cotton threads, will become an interesting element for any flower arrangement, as well as a single solution - a brooch, hairpin, pendant.

camomile, scheme
camomile, scheme

You can easily sew a stylized rose on the lapel of your jacket - this will add elegance to your look!

stylized rose
stylized rose

Now you know how to crochet a simple flower. By learning how to create beautiful flowers, you can transform your appearance, make it more joyful and bright.
