How to crochet a horse?
How to crochet a horse?

Needlewomen know how much sometimes you want to create something interesting, unusual, and even useful in the household. Let's crochet a horse today. Why her? Because it is a wonderful animal, beautiful, charming, loved by children and adults. In addition, such crafts will come in handy as a gift in the year of the Horse. So, you can knit a voluminous toy or a flat panel on the wall. If everything is very simple with a toy, then with the second option it is more interesting. Let's deal with him.

crochet horse
crochet horse


In order to start crocheting a horse, you will need the remnants of threads of different colors (orange or brown, white, black), a hook suitable for yarn (you can take No. 2 or 2, 5), threads with needles, buttons for the eyes (or ready-made eyes), pencil, fabric for lining (this item is optional).

Getting Started

We start knitting with a set of six air loops with a brown thread, close them into a ring and knit as follows: the first row is equal to twelve double crochets, the second row is twenty-four. In the third row we knit two columns through one, that is, we constantly increase the number. The fourth row - two columns through two, the fifth - two columnsafter three. The result is an even circle. Its value can be different, which one you like best. We complete it with a crustacean step with black (or dark brown) threads. So we knit two more circles - for the head of brown yarn and for the muzzle of white (no need to tie).

horse crochet pattern
horse crochet pattern


How to crochet a horse next? We take the head, we tie the ears to it. To do this, we knit the first and second rows of six single crochets, the third of four (we tie two tables together at the edges), the fourth is also of four, the fifth is reduced to two, and the sixth to one loop. In the same way, we make the second ear - and we tie the whole head with black threads with a crustacean step.

Muzzle and assembly

We take a circle connected with white threads and embroider a smile and a nose on it, and then attach the finished muzzle to the head. The next step is knitting the mane. We take black threads and make several rows of single crochets from one side from ear to muzzle so that we get several pretty strands. Between the ears we knit three or four strands of bangs. All the resulting sew to the body.

Legs, hooves

To crochet a horse further means to make four legs and hooves for them. The leg is done like this: a chain of air loops is dialed, the length of which can be any (optional). We tie it with a pair of rows of single crochets and proceed to the hooves. For them, we take four air loops, knit in the first six columns with a crochet, turn and then continue along the half of the circle.

how to tie a horsecrochet
how to tie a horsecrochet

General assembly

So, we crochet the horse further. We collect everything, sew or glue eyes to the muzzle. You can add a beautiful bow to the mane. We tie the tail to the body. From the wrong side, the product must be steamed and the lining sewn on (or not sewn on if you don’t want to). A loop is attached to the head so that the finished panel can be hung on the wall. This is how a horse is crocheted. The scheme is quite simple, even novice craftswomen can do it.
