Horse embroidery: diagrams and descriptions
Horse embroidery: diagrams and descriptions

Many people cannot remain indifferent when they see for the first time such a strong and stately animal as a horse. And in this article we will provide you with some simple and not very schemes that you can then use in your work.

Beads or threads?

First decide how you want to embroider the horse. You can use beads or floss. And depending on the option you choose, buy either a cross stitch canvas and a thick needle, or a special fabric for beading and a thin needle.

Keep in mind that Chinese embroidery beads will not work as they tend to be poorly sized. You can buy either Czech beads or Japanese beads. But for cross-stitching, Chinese floss threads are quite suitable. However, before buying floss from China, read the reviews and make sure that these threads do not fade over time.

The simplest horse pattern

If you don't know how to embroider with either beads or a cross, then it's better to start with a simple pattern, as in the photo below. Such schemes are called monochrome, that is, they use only one color and its lighter shade. The size of the canvas for this pattern will be approximately 12 x 8 centimeters.

horse embroidery
horse embroidery

First define the middle on the canvas. To do this, divide the sides in half and connect the opposite lines with lines. The intersection of these lines will be the middle of the embroidery.

If you cross stitch, then focus on the cells. If you are embroidering with beads, then it is better to first draw a pattern on the fabric with a special pencil or marker. When embroidering with beads, it is not necessary to follow the exact pattern.

A more complex embroidery pattern for the Year of the Horse

The diagram below is best cross-stitched. Due to the presence of many shades in the pattern, we recommend buying more expensive floss threads from a French or Spanish manufacturer. So you can choose the most correct colors and shades. The size of the embroidery is approximately 30 by 40 centimeters.

year of the horse embroidery scheme
year of the horse embroidery scheme

Before you begin to embroider, determine the center on the canvas and on the diagram. Use a rectangular hoop to make it easier to work.

Horse embroidery according to sketch

How to create a unique and inimitable thing? You can buy expensive and large horse cross-stitch embroidery. Be sure to look at the stitch size: the smaller it is, the more detailed the picture will be and the more difficult the work.

Such embroideries look realistic and can decorate any interior. Pay attention to the background too: if you don’t want to waste your energy on it, then buy a horse embroidery on a simple one-color background.

Embroidery with beads according to the pattern on the fabric

For such embroidery you will need beads, needles with a small and thin eye, threads, fabric, a pencil and a hoop. First draw on the fabric. Delimit the areas of shadows, mark the same shades with icons so as not to get confused in the future. Then stretch the fabric over the hoop. It is best if the hoop is the same size as the design itself, so that you do not have to rearrange it.

horse beadwork
horse beadwork

Buy fabric. Then choose the shades of beads. Beads can be transparent, translucent, transparent with a colored middle, matte, glossy and opaque, as well as with a mother-of-pearl or metallic effect. Before buying beads, put them on the fabric and see how they look. It is better to embroider the horse itself with simple opaque beads, but it is better to use beads with a metallic effect for glare from the sun.

Start embroidering the picture. The more shades you use in your work, the more realistic it will turn out. After finishing work, pick up a frame in the framing workshop and insert your work there yourself or with the help of a master. For safety, it is better to install embroidery behind glass. Horse embroidery with beads is ready! Now you can hang it on the wall or give it to someone.
