Crochet beret: description
Crochet beret: description

A beautiful and original beret can completely change the look of a beautiful person. Make it more sophisticated, elegant, give charm, charm and a little coquetry. However, it is very difficult to find the right combination of model, color, pattern and other important features of this wardrobe item. That is why some girls and women prefer to do it with their own hands. It's just hard to find detailed and understandable instructions. Especially when newbies are looking for her.

For this reason, we invite our reader to study the article with diagrams and step-by-step instructions. Which will help you understand the technology of crocheting.

What should I think about ahead of time?

Experienced knitters claim that they select threads and a hook, focusing on their inner flair, and they take the pattern directly from their heads. After all, they, by virtue of experience, can calculate each loop and independently come up with even a very complex pattern. However, people who are just starting to master the basic crochet technique need instructions. In which there should be not only a diagram or a detaileda description of each action, but also an indication of the preferred hook number and thread thickness.

So, in order to determine these two criteria, you need to answer a simple question: "What season is required to take?" After all, if you want to get a summer headdress, you should pick up thin threads. For example, Iris threads are praised by a huge number of experienced knitters. And all because this yarn is quite thin, delicate and pleasant to the touch. For this reason, she is chosen for knitting openwork and lace.

If the reader is interested in the technology of crochet beret, which he will wear in the autumn season or even winter, you should pay attention to woolen yarn, mohair, angora. And for the spring period, it is better to knit a product made of acrylic or nylon.

The hook should be selected depending on the thickness of the yarn. However, experienced knitters recommend that beginners choose a tool commensurate with the thread. This circumstance is a guarantee of comfortable knitting.

how to start crochet beret
how to start crochet beret

Symbols on patterns for knitting simple and unusual crochet berets

Very often the idea to make an original thing remains just an idea, which for some reason cannot be realized. In many cases, of course, notorious laziness is to blame, but sometimes the problem lies in misunderstanding. For example, it seems to some novice knitters that, without a step-by-step description of crocheting, it is absolutely impossible to make a product. However, this is of course not the case. After all, sometimes a clear graphic scheme explains the technology andthe next steps are much better than the monotonous enumeration of the necessary actions.

That's just for beginners, the scheme is a strange encrypted picture, which will not be possible to unravel. Therefore, further we offer our reader the meaning of each icon or symbol, which can only be found in the diagrams presented below. To certainly avoid various questions and problems associated with misunderstanding the essence of the graphic instructions.

how to crochet beret
how to crochet beret

Elegant beret with knobs

According to the opinion of stylists, the best way to transform a beautiful person is a voluminous headdress. Especially when it comes to beret. That is why the first version of the product, which we invite the reader to consider, consists of simple steps. And it's done in just a couple of days. But the result will surely please both the adult lady and the little coquette.

So, the crochet beret technology is in simple steps:

  1. Cast on six stitches.
  2. Then we close them in a circle, fasten them by passing through the first and last thread and pulling out a new one.
  3. Now we draw two new ones from each loop of the previous row, each time knitting a double crochet.
  4. In the third row, we knit a double crochet first, after which we draw four new loops from one hole of the second row, also not forgetting the double crochet. We repeat these manipulations until the end of the row. A total of nine times.
  5. Next we move, focusing on the diagram below.
beret with crochet knobs
beret with crochet knobs

Summer openwork beret for experienced knitters

If our reader has not only basic knowledge, but also understands some of the nuances of crocheting, we advise him to use the following pattern. After all, it will help to tie a really original and very beautiful headdress. Which will suit a lady romantic and a little dreamy. And if you make it from bright threads or even combine several shades together, then a young fashionista will be delighted with a knitted product.

crochet beret
crochet beret

Lacy beret for beginners

Perhaps beginner knitters do not know one simple secret that their more experienced girlfriends are happy to share. After all, if you can’t find a suitable graphic instruction for a beret, you can take as a basis the scheme of a simple rounded napkin. And already on it to tie the bottom of the beret. For example, crochet summer berets can be based on the pattern below.

beret crocheted
beret crocheted

Round beret with flower

Spring is the time when trees come to life, flowers bloom and birds begin to sing wondrous melodies. That is why many young ladies tend to go to the store to buy something bright and original for themselves, which will definitely set them in a positive mood. However, sometimes it is much easier to do with your own hands what is spinning in your head in the form of a bold or unusual idea. After all, then the author has the opportunity to fully think over the model, and then embody it exactly as you want.

For example, if the reader hasdesire to decorate himself with a spring flower, we recommend him to execute a not very complicated scheme. Which we have presented below.

napkin scheme
napkin scheme

Round beret with triangular motifs

If our reader is interested in the technology of crocheting berets for women, it is quite possible that the previous options and patterns will seem too childish to him. After all, serious adult ladies are accustomed to more classic specimens. It is for this reason that we further decided to propose a scheme for a simpler, but at the same time also very original and feminine beret. Perhaps the reader will consider it the most worthy and interesting for his person.

openwork crochet pattern
openwork crochet pattern

Women's fishnet beret

On the eve of the hot season, more and more fashionistas are wondering where to find the technology of knitting an openwork crochet beret. After all, making any product with your own hands is not only very interesting, but also profitable. Because if you slightly modify the finished thing, for example, decorate it with a flower, ribbon, beads and other paraphernalia, you will be able to bring a touch of individuality into it. In addition, often a hand-made beret is unlike any that is sold in a store or made by another knitter, even a very experienced one.

So, next we would like to draw the reader's attention to a simple diagram (see below), which will help to connect an interesting and original thing.

Simple beret for spring

The next great hat is best for spring. After all, he perfectly combineslightness and elegance. And besides, the young lady will definitely not freeze in it and will look stunning.

So, crocheting a women's beret is also based on a napkin pattern. However, this does not degrade the look of the product at all. To be convinced of this, you just need to decide and knit such beauty for yourself.

spring beret crochet
spring beret crochet

Simple autumn beret

Another very attractive product will decorate an adult lady or a young lady in the autumn season. If you knit it from red, brown, golden, red or burgundy threads, you will be able to bring some mystery, mystery and charm to the image. And all due to the fact that such a beret will be in perfect harmony with the color of the leaves on the trees. In addition, a beautiful person will not get lost in it, but, on the contrary, will stand out brightly from the gray and dull mass.

However, for beginner needlewomen, the main and most joyful aspect will be a slightly different aspect. And it lies in the simplicity of the execution of this headdress. Indeed, unlike various knitting technologies, a crochet beret for a woman with a description, this one consists of the simplest steps based on the implementation of basic columns and air loops. We offer a product diagram below. It remains only to study it and begin the creative process.

crochet beret
crochet beret

Warm beret

We have already said that for the warm season, you should choose a lighter model of the headdress under study and use thin threads for it. For the autumn or winter period, such a thing is not suitable, because it does notprotect your head from cold winds. That is why in the current paragraph we propose to consider an interesting and rather simple model. Which can be done in one classic or bright color, or you can use two, three or more. It all depends on the taste of the knitter and the wishes of the customer. For example, for a fair-haired person, it is recommended to use pink or blue yarn. For red - green, purple or blue. And for dark-haired - red, yellow, burgundy or turquoise.

crochet pattern
crochet pattern

The scheme was presented above, but now we will look at the crochet beret knitting technology for beginners:

  1. So, this is the most elementary headdress presented. After all, it is knitted using a series of air loops and double crochets.
  2. First, take a ball of prepared threads and crochet eight loops out of them.
  3. Then we connect them into a ring.
  4. After that we tie them, making one air loop, and then fourteen single crochets. And we close the row, fixing the last loop of the circle.
  5. Next, we knit, focusing on the scheme. The beginning of the row is where the air loops are indicated. They are depicted with circles.
  6. Knit four air loops.
  7. And then from the first loop of the previous row we pull out a new one, making a double crochet. Then we knit an air loop. We repeat these manipulations fifteen times. And fasten the last loop of the circle.
  8. Go to the second and knit three air loops.
  9. After we do another one, after itdouble crochet, another air and two double crochets, derived from one loop of the previous row, between which you need to make one air loop. Repeat the above steps six more times.
  10. And then we knit an air stitch, a double crochet, another air stitch, again a double crochet and an air stitch. We fasten the circle.

Experienced knitters say the hardest thing to get started is crocheting berets. The detailed description offered above will help not to confuse anything. The further process is based on the scheme proposed above.
