Weaving bracelets from laces: step by step instructions
Weaving bracelets from laces: step by step instructions

Needlework is a useful and entertaining pastime, so many people nowadays are fond of making crafts from various materials. Now all the conditions for hand-made classes have been created - courses are held, materials for creativity are sold both in stationery and in specialized stores. Learning how to make beautiful things is easy and simple, the main thing is to have a desire.

In the article we will talk about one of the interesting types of needlework - weaving, which also has many varieties, depending on the material. There is weaving from vines and straw, from newspaper tubes and strips of paper, wire and satin ribbons. Let's stop your attention on weaving bracelets from laces.

This is one of the easiest ways to learn how to create, as the material needed for work can be found in any apartment. Most often, 2 or 4 laces are used. It is best for beginners to weave bracelets to train on naturalproducts, as they are perfectly fixed with knots, do not slip and keep their shape well. Yes, and when wearing the finished product will not be deformed. How to weave a bracelet from laces, you will learn in detail further from the article. Photos that are selected with frame-by-frame work will help to make the product the first time, without errors.

Required Materials

In order to make a bracelet with your own hands from laces, you need to prepare a workplace for convenience. Depending on the type of work, you will need either a hard cushion to which the edges of the laces are attached with pins with a bead at the end, or a rod to which the edges of the laces are tied.

Having decided on the place of work, select the laces of the desired size and shape. There are thin and round products, and there are flat and wide ones, natural and synthetic, plain and multi-colored.

If you decide to embellish the cord bracelet with additional elements, such as beads or pebbles, then select them in such a way that they match well in size with a cord hole and in color with the rest of the details of the work.

Think about what outfit the handmade bracelet will be worn with so that it fits harmoniously into the overall costume.

When the laces are selected and the color scheme of weaving is thought out, it remains to choose a lock for the bracelet. Think in advance how the product will be fixed on the arm. There are special latches, rings with a carabiner, you can simply make a loop at the end and a knot at the beginning of work. It all depends on the thickness of the laces and the preferences of the master.

One moreAn important tool for beautiful weaving of bracelets from laces will be a prepared scheme. At first, be sure to use these step-by-step instructions. Let's start learning the craft by looking at just such schemes.

Bracelet with leather insert

To make such a bracelet, as in the photo below, you will need 4 thin and long laces, as well as one wide leather one as a base. It is advisable to choose contrasting colors so that the pattern is perfectly visible on the bracelet. To fix the base - in our case, a leather lace - take a pin or a thick needle and a pillow. The gray laces are folded in half and put on the edge of the skin with a central loop, stretching them under the needle.

bracelet with leather base
bracelet with leather base

Then the actual weaving of the bracelet laces begins. Separately, use two ends of one pair and two - the other. The threads are intertwined alternately, then under the leather strip, then above it, and the movements of the first and then the second pair of laces are performed, which cross on the back side.

The photo shows that the leather element is sometimes hidden behind the cords, sometimes it is on top. When the desired length of the bracelet is reached, the ends are hidden from the wrong side. It remains only to strengthen the clasps at both ends of the bracelet and put the bracelet on for a walk.

Openwork pattern

A lace bracelet can be made openwork by fastening the elements not tightly, but with a distance. First, find the middle of the yellow lace and secure it with a pin to the pillow. Then fold the red lace in half and tie it in the centerpart of the knot around the double strands of yellow lace. This is the preparatory stage of the work, shown in the first frame of the photo below. Further work is carried out alternately with yellow, then with red lace.

patterned bracelet
patterned bracelet

Due to the fact that the central threads are tied on opposite sides, and the side threads are connected in the center of the craft, a patterned pattern is obtained. The main thing in the work is to tie the knots on the lace bracelet at the same level so that the product turns out to be neat and undeformed. Do not move on until you have checked the quality of the previous ring. If everything turned out smoothly and beautifully, continue to work on. If at least a slight skew occurs, then stop, untie all the unsuccessful knots back and repeat the tying again according to the pattern.

When the work is completed, you can sew a button or a large bead on the last loop, which will be fastened on the first loop of the bracelet.

Tight weaving

To make a tight and tight bracelet on your hand, get two long but thin laces of the same color. Use a pencil as a base, putting the laces on it with double loops next to each other. To do this, fold them in half and insert the ends into the central fold. After tightening, you can begin to weave a bracelet from laces. The extreme end is inserted between 3 and 4 elements from above, and then stretch the 4th end between 1 and 2, but only from below. Tie a tight knot and pull it up towards the pencil.

how to weave a bracelet from laces
how to weave a bracelet from laces

Next levelthe opposite is done. The first end is pulled into the same loop, but now the movement is carried out from below, and the 4th edge is brought inward between 1 and 2 already from above. This alternation is carried out to the desired length of the bracelet. Tighten all knots with the same force so that the work looks neat. When the whole row is done successfully, the ends are tied together into a voluminous knot. The first loops are removed from the pencil and pulled over the "lock". Now you know how to make a lace bracelet so that it is tight and uniform throughout.

Bracelet with stones

If you have mastered this type of weaving, then you can improve it by adding small pebbles before tying another tight knot. How to weave a lace bracelet with additional elements? Before threading the lace into the loop, pull one pebble onto the central thread. And then fix it with the next knot.

bracelet with stones
bracelet with stones

In order not to pull one pebble on the end of the cord each time, put them all at once, and then only push it into place at the right time.

Original weaving pattern

To make such a beautiful bracelet, use 4 long laces in a contrasting shade so that the design stands out more brightly. In our sample, the colors popular this season are selected - 1 pink and 3 gray. Fix the ends of the laces on the rod, for example, tie to the lintel of the chair. The central two gray laces will serve as the base around which the pattern will gather. The main work is done with one pink and one gray lace.

beautiful bracelet
beautiful bracelet

The photo clearly shows how exactly the ends are pulled into the loops, so we will not dwell in detail so as not to waste time on things that are already clear. We only add that the edges of the bracelet are tightly tied into knots. The threads are soft, so you can fasten the bracelet on your hand by simply tying the ends to a bow.

Chess pattern

How to make a lace bracelet so that it is dense and at the same time has an original pattern? The next weaving option will allow you to achieve the desired result. You will need 4 laces. You can take all of the same color, or you can pick up different in pairs, 2 - one color, 2 - the other. Attach the central main threads to the pillow with pins, on which the knot pattern will be performed. Further, two loops are made from laces of a different color as shown in the photo below.

checkerboard pattern
checkerboard pattern

After the prepared knots are tightly tightened, the pattern is repeated again. Do this until the desired length is reached. Use a flexible meter to measure. It remains to attach the selected type of fastener and fasten the cords in them.

Wide bracelet

You can make a DIY lace bracelet flat and wide with just three long strands. Start by fixing them in the center with a rope.

how to weave a bracelet
how to weave a bracelet

Further, proceeding in the order of the photos below, bring the weaving to the required size. Tie the ends together or secure with a wide clasp.

Bracelet fromshoelaces for beginners

The following version of the wrist bracelet looks original, made by weaving from two contrasting color laces. It closes with a loop left at the beginning of work, and a knot tied at the end.

wide lace bracelet
wide lace bracelet

Now you know how to weave a lace bracelet with your own hands. As you can see, you need to strictly adhere to the scheme and not be distracted so as not to confuse the directions of the nodes. Try it, good luck!
