DIY smartphone case: 6 original models
DIY smartphone case: 6 original models

Let's hold several workshops on making silicone, felt, knitted, leather cases, as well as amazing bumpers from a herbarium and a baby sock.

Herbarium case

To make this DIY smartphone case, prepare:

  • Plastic solid color matching case;
  • dried flowers, leaves, petals;
  • a jar of glitter;
  • flat wooden stick, cotton swabs;
  • acetone;
  • epoxy sealant from a hardware store;
  • scissors;
  • colorless glue.
  • DIY smartphone case
    DIY smartphone case

First, think over the composition by applying flowers in various variations to the surface of the case. As soon as "the one" is found, we get to work:

  1. Take a picture of the perfect location to draw on as you create.
  2. Try first to stick large and light details, and on top smaller and darker ones - under the action of the resin the plants will turn pale and become more transparent. Sprinkle glitter at the end. Don't go overboard with the details - the vegetation layer doesn'tshould be thicker than 1.5mm.
  3. Following the instructions, dilute the resin with water one to one.
  4. Carefully pour the solution into the center. Then smear over the entire surface of the painting, removing air bubbles.
  5. Make sure that the resin solution does not spill over the surface of the composition - in this case, quickly wipe it off with cotton swabs dipped in acetone.
  6. The Floral Universal Smartphone Case will be ready in two hours of drying.

Silicone case

You can also make protective cases for your smartphone from silicone using:

  • construction silicone sealant;
  • spatula;
  • dye of the desired color;
  • scalpel or sharp knife;
  • starch.
  • universal smartphone case
    universal smartphone case

Be sure to wear rubber gloves before making your own smartphone case.

  1. Mix 50g potato starch with about the same amount of sealant. Then knead this product to the consistency of plasticine, adding dye along the way so that the color is even.
  2. Roll out the mass with a rolling pin or a bottle on a flat surface to the desired thickness.
  3. Cover all the holes of the phone with tape, then put it in the center of the resulting cake, pressing this device a little into it.
  4. Then use a spatula to fold over the edges, making sure that the "pancake" fits perfectly on the smartphone.
  5. Be prepared for the fact that the phone will lie in the "captivity" of this mass from 12 hours to a day -this is how much the substance needs to solidify.
  6. When removing the phone, first remove the excess on the front, then cut holes for the camera, charger, headphones - they should be imprinted.

Felt case

Do-it-yourself felt case for a smartphone is made using:

  • thin felt (you can use fabrics in two contrasting colors);
  • scissors;
  • thread;
  • sewing pins.
  • cover book for smartphone
    cover book for smartphone

And with a sewing machine:

  1. Cut out two identical rectangles - the outer and inner sides. It is necessary to take into account the length, width and thickness of the device, as well as an allowance of 5 mm on each side for seams.
  2. On the outer side, cut off one corner diagonally, so that in the future it becomes a convenient pocket.
  3. Then lay the pieces one on top of the other (outer-pocket on the outside), fold to the shape of the phone and sew, retreating 4 mm from the edge.
  4. Felt does not crumble, so the edges do not need to be processed. Optionally, decorate the product with a peculiar application or patch - a universal smartphone case has been created!

Flip case for smartphone

For this product you will need:

  • leather or leatherette;
  • thin piece of plastic;
  • universal glue;
  • two flat magnets;
  • awl, knife, scissors.

Leather case for a book-sized smartphone is done like this:

  1. Cut out 2 pieces of plastic of the exact shape of the phone, on one of them makecamera slot.
  2. Glue a magnet to the "back" plastic in the right place.
  3. Glue both pieces of plastic on the skin, leaving a distance between them equal to the thickness of the gadget.
  4. Wrap a piece of leather to completely hide the plastic inside it, glue in the right places.
  5. From a piece of leather, wrap the second magnet in it, form a clasp, carefully glue it to the front.
  6. Do not forget to make the necessary cuts in the skin for the camera and other necessary holes.
  7. Use double-sided tape to stick the device to the case.

Knitted cover

The most "cozy" case for a smartphone with your own hands can be made from yarn, namely, knit it. It will take not so many materials:

  • knitting needles;
  • yarn;
  • thread and needle.
  • leather case for smartphone
    leather case for smartphone

Here you can use two methods:

  1. Easiest and fastest. Knit two identical fabrics with your favorite pattern and sew them together. Cast on stitches across the width of the smarfon and then knit in length. You can cast on loops along the length of the device and knit already in its width.
  2. Knit "in one piece" - the way socks are knitted. Cast on sts twice the width of the phone, and then divide into four needles. Continue knitting in the chosen scheme, using only front loops, until the length of the product is equal to the length of the smartphone.

You can crochet such a product, taking into account the first method.

Baby sock case

Go shopping or orderthrough the Internet market cute original baby socks. Do-it-yourself smartphone case can be easily made from them. You will also need scissors, a needle and thread, various accessories for applique to your taste - beads, pendants, ribbons, rhinestones, etc.

smartphone protective cases
smartphone protective cases
  1. Cut off the areas of the heel, sole of the foot and toes so that the remaining part has a rectangular shape.
  2. Sew open hem.
  3. The remaining uncut fabric, which was supposed to cover the top of the foot, turn up, sew on the sides - this will be a pocket.
  4. Decorate your creation with the baubles you prepared - sew or carefully glue them to this unique sock cover.
