Original application of seeds and cereals: features and ideas
Original application of seeds and cereals: features and ideas

As you know, autumn is harvest time, which means that there is an abundance of various seeds and cereals freshly harvested from the fields. Therefore, the application of seeds will be an excellent option for an interesting craft, which can not only be sent to the competition of creative skills, but also presented to relatives and friends.

Do not list

seed application
seed application

To begin with, it is worth remembering what materials the application of seeds is made of. Thanks to this simple item, you will save your time by preparing the necessary materials for each type of bulk components in advance.

So, for example, large seeds, like watermelon and pumpkin seeds, are especially popular, which not only have an interesting color, but also do an excellent job with moisture and glue. The application of the seeds of legumes, such as peas or chickpeas, is very textured and embossed. And if you are looking for a material to create a smooth, uniform surface, then semolina, millet or buckwheat will do the job perfectly.

We will take reliability

Now let's talk about glue,one of the main components of any creative crafts. Given all the variety of adhesives that real markets offer us, we should take a closer look at some options.

application of seeds and cereals
application of seeds and cereals

The first glue that comes to mind is PVA. This is a good old classic, used by our parents for various types of creativity. Yes, perhaps the composition has become more caustic, but still the result of working with PVA glue justifies it. Thanks to its liquid consistency, it manages to capture all the smallest details that a seed application can consist of. In addition, the drying time plays a big role: if you are not satisfied with the composition, you simply move the objects over the glue, and then let them dry.

At present, hot glue is gaining more and more popularity, which comes with a small gun that makes all the work several times easier. This type of glue can also be useful when creating appliqués and crafts when you need to attach large seeds quickly and securely. But it is hardly suitable for children's creativity, since the high temperature of the adhesive component significantly increases the danger of working with it.

And finally, plasticine is the safest and easiest option. You can choose any colors, sculpt any shape, and in case of failure, just crumple everything into one ball and start again.

Applique from seeds and cereals

The first idea for creativity is very simple and quick, so even a small child can handle it. And at its corewill include maple helicopters, which are not difficult to find in the city, a few rowan berries and white paper.

application of leaves and seeds
application of leaves and seeds
  1. Application from maple seeds begins with the fact that we wash the "helicopters" we have assembled, and after they dry, you can immediately start working.
  2. Let's divide the maple seeds into several piles, after which we spread them in a circle: all this should resemble the structure of a chrysanthemum flower. When the seeds are neatly distributed, place a drop of hot glue in the center of the flower. It should be enough to fix all the "petals".
  3. And immediately put a rowan berry in the center. In this way, we will not only make the flower brighter, but also hide unnecessary traces of glue.
  4. After drying, put the leaf with maple "chrysanthemums" into the frame, and that's it, our craft is ready!

This unusual postcard looks very original and interesting. It’s not even a shame to give such a craft to someone, because the application of seeds and cereals, complete with a wooden frame, is no worse than any purchased gift from the store.

In honor of the Spring Festival

And now we will offer you to make a beautiful, but no less simple craft with the symbol of the women's holiday. This is, of course, a beautiful mimosa, the smell and color of which is simply impossible not to recognize.

maple seed applique
maple seed applique

And in our case, mimosa flowers are an application of leaves and seeds found at home, because the buds will be made from ordinary dried corn, and the leaves will imitate indoorfern.

  1. Let's start again with the preparation of the working canvas - paper. We will arrange it vertically to pay attention to the density and volume of the bouquet.
  2. When everything is ready, we create a composition from a fern (best of all, if it is dried, then the application will be almost eternal). You should not place it in only one place, otherwise the bouquet will turn out bald. You can fix the leaves with both PVA glue and a hot gun.
  3. As soon as the green areas have dried, we generously coat the gaps between them with glue. It is unlikely that a glue gun is suitable in this case, as it dries very quickly, so thick PVA is ideal.
  4. Lay a layer of corn seeds on the glued surface, creating an uneven, bumpy texture of mimosa flowers. Seeds can also be partially applied to leaves.
  5. The craft should be allowed to dry for a couple of hours, after which you can safely insert it into a frame, sign it as a postcard, or even give it to others, as the application turns out to be truly beautiful and warm in spring.

A miracle will come out of the carriage

Now let's deal with the main component of autumn pumpkins - seeds. They are usually dried for food, but due to the difficulty of cleaning, they are usually thrown away. We, on the contrary, will save them and show what kind of application of pumpkin seeds can be obtained.

pumpkin seed applique
pumpkin seed applique
  1. After drying the pumpkin seeds in the oven (which is much faster than the old classic method of drying on the windowsill), take them out of the oven and let them dry.
  2. Now let's prepare the base - a circle ofwhite hardboard. Then we glue the seeds along the outer edge of the disk, leaving no gaps, so that their sharp edge looks outward. It is best to glue on hot glue: firstly, instantly, and secondly, very firmly.
  3. When the seeds seize, paint them with yellow paint. The brighter the color, the better. You can also tint the reverse side to make the appliqué look neat from all sides.
  4. After the paint has dried, generously grease the inside of the circle with PVA glue and immediately sprinkle it with onion seeds. Their dark color and small size make them remarkably similar to real sunflower seeds.
  5. If the result after the first layer does not please you, then re-lubricate the surface with glue and sprinkle with seeds.
  6. After the application has dried, it can be safely used as a table stand for anything or a small homemade decoration for your interior.

Autumn, autumn

application on the theme of autumn from seeds
application on the theme of autumn from seeds

Using purely autumn materials, we did not create any crafts specifically for this season. Therefore, an application on the theme "Autumn" from seeds will be very useful. We will again use pumpkin seeds as the main material, they are very convenient to work with. Also, stock up on colored paper, paint, and glue.

  1. Let's divide the seeds into three equal parts, each of which we will color in its own color. It is convenient to do this if you dilute bright gouache or acrylic with water and mix the seeds well in this liquid.
  2. Giving them sometime to dry and absorb the paint, prepare the silhouette of a tree from brown or gray colored paper. It will also be beautiful if you cut out a few branches, which you will later stick on the main part.
  3. Place the tree trunk on thick paper or cardboard and fix it in place. Only after complete drying, you can start gluing "pumpkin leaves", alternating all three colors.
  4. In addition, you can depict a few leaves at the foot of a tree or at the time of their fall. Let the applications dry again and enjoy the finished result.

For the little ones

application of seeds on plasticine
application of seeds on plasticine

Some little kids can try to create just such a craft. Turtle - an application of seeds on plasticine, which is created in no time and will not cause much trouble in the process of creation.

  1. The finished printout is glued onto thick cardboard and dried.
  2. After that, a thin layer of plasticine is applied to the entire shell, into which ordinary pumpkin seeds are pressed and stuck.
  3. At this stage, the craft can be considered finished.

Double happier

Now that you have learned how to create various applications from seeds, you can safely try other, more complex options. Although they are unlikely to give you trouble, as working with seeds and cereals is a real pleasure for any creative person.
