Patterns of owl pillows. DIY pillow toy
Patterns of owl pillows. DIY pillow toy

Now the creation of various souvenirs and interior accessories is gaining more and more popularity. Try using ready-made patterns of owl pillows to make an original decoration for your sofa. Such a thing will be a great gift for any occasion.

owl pillow patterns
owl pillow patterns

Materials and tools

To sew the same cute characters, you will need the following:

  • patterns of owl pillows;
  • paper and pencil or printer to print the finished template;
  • scissors;
  • safety pins;
  • fabric in any available shade or multiple colors;
  • needle and thread;
  • sewing machine;
  • synthetic winterizer or other filler;
  • eyes and other decor (optional).
how to sew an owl pillow
how to sew an owl pillow

As you can see, nothing complicated is needed. If you are into needlework, you probably already have everything you need.

How to sew an owl pillow

Any soft toys are made using a similar technology. If you have already done something similar, making this cute souvenir is not difficult. The sequence of work will be as follows.

  1. Build a pattern on paper. If you have a ready-made owl diagram in electronic form, just print it out and cut it out.
  2. Pin the appropriate parts on the fabric and make blanks in the right quantity.
  3. Fold in pairs or one with the main right sides inward.
  4. Sew or pre-tape the seams, leaving an opening for filling.
  5. Turn the product on the front side and fill with padding polyester.
  6. Sew the opening with a blind stitch.
  7. Sew on additional elements (if any), decorate the product.

With such a simple and understandable technology, you can make a thing of any complexity.

DIY pillow: pattern

At this stage of the work, you have two options:

  • use a ready-made template;
  • build the image yourself.

If you find your favorite scheme in electronic form, just print an image of suitable dimensions or redraw from the monitor screen. You can change the scale of the entire workpiece or its individual parts at your discretion. As a first experiment, it is better to take an average size, within 30 cm. Too small a product is difficult to make, and a large one will take more time and patience.

how to sew an owl pattern
how to sew an owl pattern

If you only have a photograph of the finished item in front of your eyes, compare the image with the available diagrams. Modify the template to the desired look. In fact, building patterns on your own is not at all difficult, since all the details are usuallysymmetrical. In order to make the base of a bird-shaped pillow out of fabric, it is enough to have a half of the blank on paper, and then fold the material in half and pin the pattern along the fold line. By the way, by completing one blank, you can make many different variants of souvenirs by changing the color and material of individual elements.

View ready-made templates

If you are new to sewing and needlework, take the simplest patterns of owl pillows. One of the easiest options is shown in the following illustration.

do-it-yourself pillow pattern
do-it-yourself pillow pattern

To get a similar product, use one of the blanks below. As you can see, the pillow consists of several parts: the body, eyes with pupils, beak, wings and legs. Additional elements are usually attached with a zigzag seam over the base, while the wings and legs can be done separately, only the work will become somewhat more complicated.

how to sew an owl pattern
how to sew an owl pattern

Please note that in the previous version, the body is built as one part with a closed contour, that is, it may well be asymmetrical. If the left and right halves are the same, use the second template when the half of the part is applied to the fold line of the material.

For the easiest way to make the product, use the previous blank, cut out all the parts one by one, the body in duplicate. Sew the elements on the front side of the front of the owl, and then do the work in accordance with the technology described above.

pillowdo-it-yourself pattern
pillowdo-it-yourself pattern

The second option (diagram above) will be more difficult, since you will have to sew on the paws separately. By the way, they, as well as the base, can be made voluminous, only you need not two, but four parts. The same goes for the wings.

owl pillow patterns
owl pillow patterns

The third pattern given in the section differs in proportions, as well as additional decor. Details that adorn the body can be stitched in tiers, then you will get an owl in a dress with frills. It will look especially beautiful if these elements are made of light material and stitched only along the upper edge. The effect of the volume of "clothes" will be created.

Flat pillows

The easiest way to sew an owl (pattern in the next photo) is to make a product of a simple shape, consisting of two parts without additional elements.

owl scheme
owl scheme

You will actually need to sew one seam. Wings, legs and other parts can be cut out of fleece and sewn or even glued onto the base. If it is made from the same material, then the pillow can be sewn on the front side, since fleece does not require edge processing. If you are building a pattern yourself, try to avoid sharp corners and shape transitions. Make the outline smooth.

how to sew an owl pillow
how to sew an owl pillow

If this is not possible, for example, you want to show the carved shape of the wings, carefully make small cuts in the seam allowances in "dangerous" places before turning the product inside out. This will prevent the fabric from gathering and wrinkling afterright side out.

Volumetric owls

An original and beautiful do-it-yourself pillow (a pattern can be made using the following photo) will turn out great if you put more effort and time. Here you will actually sew a soft toy, only the size corresponding to the pillow.

do-it-yourself pillow pattern
do-it-yourself pillow pattern

In this case, you will need to make many separate elements, and then combine them into a single whole. Such things look more spectacular and original and can serve not only the functional role of the pillow on which they lie, but also decorative or utilitarian, for example, be a place to store the TV remote control.

how to sew an owl pillow
how to sew an owl pillow

So, you were presented with various patterns of owl pillows and photos of finished products. Choose the ones you like. Create beautiful accessories for your interior.
