Doll Maslenitsa. Maslenitsa doll - master class
Doll Maslenitsa. Maslenitsa doll - master class

The Maslenitsa doll is an important attribute of the spring holiday of the same name. It is burned on the last Sunday of Maslenitsa to spend the winter and meet spring, to cleanse the soul before fasting. Nowadays, there are several varieties of dolls that are made for this holiday.

Option for mass celebrations

For wide festivities, the doll is made in large sizes (more than a meter). The principle of creation is simple: you need to make a "skeleton" and build up the body. Prepare in advance festive bright clothes for the doll, straw, sticks, a white pillowcase and paints. Now let's start the creative process:

1. Take two long sticks (1.5 and 1.8 m), cross them perpendicular to each other, and then fasten them tightly with nails or ropes. The sticks serve as a skeleton on which the arms, body and head will grow.

2. Straw is applied to a horizontal stick on both sides and wrapped with ropes. The thickness of the hands is determined by yourself. For example, in places where the sleeves should become a flashlight, lay more straw.

3. Attach straw and small rods to a vertical stick to form the body. DollMaslenitsa is not a fragile girl, and therefore the body must be portly. You make the chest separately from balls: stuff the corner of the pillowcase with straw or rags, forming a ball, and attach it to the pole. Do the same with the second ball.

Dressing a doll for the holiday

As soon as you grow straw and branches on the sticks to the desired volume, dress up the doll. For a scarecrow, you can take any dress, sweatshirt, scarf. If the Shrovetide doll participates in mass performances, draws, then find bright folk dresses and sundresses.

After putting on the dress, work on the head. Stuff a white pillowcase with straw or rags to form an oval shape. Do not allow the appearance of any hills and bumps on the face. The fabric should not show through, so you can put the resulting ball into a second pillowcase.

Stick your head to the stick. Hide the ends of the rags under the dress. Tie a scarf over the top. If there is a tow, then make braids out of it and attach it to your head, and tie a scarf over it. Now you can draw the eyes, eyebrows, nose, freckles and mouth. If you like, the nose can also be made into a balloon and sewn to the face.

Shrovetide doll
Shrovetide doll

While the paint dries, work on your hands. You can put on mittens stuffed with straw. More often, multi-colored ribbons are sewn to the head or dress.

How to make a Shrove Tuesday doll for kids?

For kids in preschool institutions, in order to get to know the holiday, bright unusual dolls are made. They walk in groups with them, sing songs, participate in competitions, introduce customs. To make a doll, take the following:

  • twosticks or slats for the base;
  • dress or bright fabric;
  • straw or tow;
  • colorful ribbons;
  • white pillowcase;
  • a bit of synthetic winterizer;
  • cardboard;
  • paint;
  • scissors.

Fasten the sticks with a cross: the horizontal rail will be with your hands, you need to fasten it close to your head. Now put on your dress. If you will sew an outfit, then proceed as follows:

  • Sew long sleeves and put on a horizontal stick. They should hang down 30 centimeters. Decorate the ends of the sleeves with tassels or fringes.
  • Next attach the skirt. To create curvaceous shapes, take newspapers, twist them into a roll, bend in half and attach to a stick. You need to fasten the newspapers so that when bent, the roll protrudes and holds its shape.
  • Now sew the top of the dress. At the bottom, decorate the joint with ruffles.

Making the doll's head

Now let's move on to making the head. We will have an unusual Shrovetide doll. The craft will have a spring character, cheerful and perky thanks to freckles and ponytails.

doll carnival pictures
doll carnival pictures
  • On cardboard, draw a circle with nine triangles (like the rays of the sun). Do not forget to outline the neck below by drawing a rectangle.
  • Now glue a large circle from the fabric to the circle, stuff it with padding polyester.
  • Paint your face with paints. Make the tone yellow (under the color of golden fritters). Draw a big mouth like a clown. Position the freckles under the eyes and on the nose. Draw a nose with potatoes or make it out of fabric.
  • Kattach bundles of straw or tow to triangles on the back side and decorate on the front side with ribbons.
  • Now attach the head to the stick. Cut out a circle from cardboard or fabric, close the inside of the head. By the way, long earrings can be attached below. Paste the neck (rectangle) with a cloth or sew on a collar.

The doll is ready for the holiday!

Home doll Maslenitsa: master class

Dolls are made not only for festivities, but also for the home. Home carnival all year not only decorate the home, but also protect the house from adversity. Such dolls were given to newlyweds, childless couples, parents.

carnival doll craft
carnival doll craft

The amulet was made in two ways: with and without a pancake. Let's consider the first option. We will need:

  • a branch in the form of a slingshot;
  • glass bottle;
  • bright fabric for outfit;
  • red ribbon;
  • yellow or red pancake material;
  • white face cloth;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • needle and thread.

Attach the branch to the bottle, which must be stable and support the weight of the doll. If you take a copy with uneven ends, then the doll will turn out to be playful. Put a synthetic winterizer in a white flap and form a ball. Tie with threads, you get a head. In the same way, make two balls for the chest from a colorful bright fabric.

Now move on to the arms. You can cut the sticks like a pencil or wrap them with a white patch, forming palms. Take a colored fabric, start wrapping the sticks diagonally, tying them at the base with threads. Now with threadstie your head.

Assembling the doll

Making a skirt. To do this, take a long flap, wrap it around the stick and press it down, creating frills. Tie with thread directly under the armpits. Next, attach the chest of two balls. Finish the ends of the fabric like frills on the dress.

how to make a doll for carnival
how to make a doll for carnival

Decorate irregularities with an apron and a belt. To do this, take a small flap for the apron, lean it against the body, tie it with a wide belt (red ribbon) under the chest and tie it with a red bow at the back.

Next, move on to decorating the head. Tie a red ribbon, it will be a warrior. Tie a scarf on top and decorate the neck area. Please note that Maslenitsa - a doll (the photo with a pancake is presented above) is created without scissors and needles. The fabric is torn by hand into rags, and tied with threads.

Damn will have to be sewn from two circles. Finish its edges with a zigzag. The size of the pancake should correspond to the span of the arms. On the inside, sew two loops into which you will stick the hands of the doll. The face does not need to be drawn.

Second version of the domestic doll

Rag homemade Shrovetide doll can hang on the wall. It is done in the same way as the previous ones, but in a small size (no more than 25 cm). These dolls were not burned, but were created for gifts to relatives. For example, young families with such an offering went to their mother-in-law for pancakes or received this thing as a talisman.

carnival doll photo
carnival doll photo

For this doll, the base is made from birch branches. First, form a head from a white flap and tie it with threads. Then attachher to the stick. Next, determine the intersection with another stick and connect them with ribbons or ropes.

Now dress up Shrove Tuesday in a fancy dress. The sleeves can be made of dark fabric, take a snow-white flap for the petticoat, and put on an elegant embroidered shirt on top. Decorate your head with a braid and a scarf.

In this version, there must be a red color in clothes, a belt, an apron (as a symbol of protection). A ribbon was inserted into the sleeves, for which the doll was attached to the wall. But if it was heavy, then a loop was attached to the back and hung on a carnation.

Features of making dolls

In Russia, different types of dolls were made: some of them were burned, while others were kept at home. Amulets were never thrown away, they were inherited. Each doll had its own secrets of making.

Shrovetide doll master class
Shrovetide doll master class

The big Maslenitsa doll (you can see pictures of the festivities above) should contain three elements: a birch "skeleton", straw and sawdust in the head. It represented fertility and productivity. Before burning, people made wishes and tied red ribbons to the doll's sleeves. Together with the scarecrow, they destroyed all the old things.

At home amulets, hands must be raised up, hold a pancake and have a red color in the outfit. Such a thing could be made from birch branches, straw or rags, but without needles, scissors, glue.

Another kind of homemade carnival was made with red ribbons. During family quarrels, the woman told the doll her offense and tied a knot on a dress or ribbon. In ForgivenessSunday this doll, along with pain and resentment, was burned at the stake. Such amulets were kept in the red corner of the house and were put on the windows only on Shrove Tuesday.
