Let's talk about what patterns are for mittens (knitting needles)
Let's talk about what patterns are for mittens (knitting needles)

The fact that mittens are warmer than gloves has long been known. At the same time, the latter are sold so beautifully, in a variety of colors and with ornaments, that the mittens, in comparison with them, seem monophonic and patterned. So, what patterns to choose for mittens (knitting needles) to stand out from the crowd.

Easy way to create patterns

patterns for knitting mittens
patterns for knitting mittens

Knitting mittens goes in the following sequence:

  • elastic band;
  • brush;
  • thumb.

To knit mittens according to your sketch, you need to measure the brush in a wide place above the thumb, as well as the length from the base to the end of the palm. Next, count how many loops are in ten centimeters. Draw a sketch of the product, where one loop is equal to a cell.

For example, the girth of the hand near the thumb is 20 centimeters. There are 17 loops per ten centimeters, then for our example you need to dial 34 sts. Next, the pattern is drawn for the front part (17 sts) according to the type of monochrome cross stitch pattern.

This is the easiest way for beginnerscreate original patterns for mittens (knitting needles) with a simple front surface. Various snowflakes, animals, flowers, plants, abstraction and a combination of several colors turn a simple product into exclusive mittens!

knitting mittens patterns patterns
knitting mittens patterns patterns

If you don't know how to knit in several colors at the same time, then embroider the selected pattern with threads on the finished product. Embroidery can be chaotic or match the loops of mittens, reminiscent of jacquard patterns (knitting needles). The mittens in this example are reminiscent of Norwegian and Finnish styles.

Professional Patterns

Experienced knitters can knit original mittens by mixing different patterns. The oversized gloves are especially beautiful. For example, the alternation of Christmas trees and braids or knobs and bundles. Due to volumetric patterns, you can knit mittens with owls, mice and geometric shapes.

To choose the right patterns for mittens, knit several rapports of your favorite patterns with knitting needles with a single cloth. Then you will clearly see their harmony and density. Here is an interesting pattern of braids and Christmas trees (an asterisk and a number indicate the repetition of the pattern fromto):

jacquard patterns knitting mittens
jacquard patterns knitting mittens
  1. K1 (L), YO (N)6 times, K1, P2 (I), K6, K2.
  2. 13L, 2I, 6L, 2I.
  3. Knit 2 sts together over the back wall (2p), 9p, 2p, 2p, 6p, 2p.
  4. 2RL, 7R, 2RL, 2R, 6L, 2R.
  5. 2RL, 5L, 2RL, 2R, 6R, 2R.
  6. 1L, N 6 times, 1L, 2I, braid (slip 3 loops before work, 3L, then knit the removed loops),2I.
  7. Repeat the pattern from the 2nd to the 6th row as many times as necessary.

This three-dimensional pattern is more complicated, but you will get the original knitting of mittens (knitting needles).

Patterns: simple braid patterns

For a simple braid, use the notation of the previous figure. Cast on a number of stitches that is a multiple of 11 and repeat the pattern from the first to the eleventh row as many times as needed. All even rows are knitted in the same way: 9I, 2L, so we denote only odd rows.

  • 1st and 3rd rows: 2I, 9L.
  • 5th row: 2I, braid with an inclination to the right (removal of 3 loops for work, 3L and knitting of the removed loops), 3L.
  • 7th and 9th rows are knitted as the first.
  • 11th row: 2I, braid with an inclination to the left (removal of 3 loops before work, 3L and knitting of the removed loops).

Braids are classic and beautiful patterns for mittens. A knitted product looks unusual if you combine different types of braids and plaits. Follow simple tips and get original mittens!
