Embroidery cutwork for beginners
Embroidery cutwork for beginners

Needlework makes it possible not only to show imagination and create original things, but also to enjoy the process, doing what you love. Different techniques use different materials and elements.

For cutwork embroidery, the main thing is to create an openwork, almost weightless lace pattern. This effect can be achieved only with the help of high-quality thin threads and a light translucent base.

lace elements
lace elements

Selection of materials

Only the use of quality materials can provide a beautiful result. Needlewomen advise not to save on materials for embroidery cutwork, because they determine how the final work will look.

fulfillment of a motive
fulfillment of a motive

The fabric is not only embellished with different stitches and seams to create lace, but small pieces are also cut out with scissors to give the finished piece a weightless look. For the process you will need:

  • Fabric. It should be moderately dense and light, but not stretched so that the created pattern does not deform in the future. The ideal option for work would be homespun cloth. For beginners, cutwork embroidery on canvas will be easier than using embroidery fabric or hard canvas.
  • Threads. If the base is natural, then it is advisable to select floss from silk or cotton. But often synthetic threads are used in the work, which significantly reduces the cost of the process.
  • Needles and scissors are used for sewing elements and cutting out excess parts.

Most embroiderers create embroidery on a sewing machine. This allows you to make interesting whimsical shapes and experiment with fabrics and options for using the finished work. As noted above, cutwork embroidery differs from other techniques in lightness and delicacy. DIY lace will look very impressive and interesting.

Step by step

Before starting work, it is necessary to carry out the procedure of fabric decanting. This protects the base from rolling after washing. The material for embroidery cutwork is dipped for some time in warm water, squeezed out by hand and dried. After that, the fabric must be carefully ironed.

After that, using a water-soluble marker, they begin to transfer the drawing to the base. In order for all the elements to be well drawn, you need to use a hoop or an embroidery machine. They will create a good strong stretch.

Beginner needlewomen are advised to use simple motifs, and only after practiceswitch to multi-stage plots. The finished outlines should be sewn with needle forward stitches so that you can see what details need to be sewn up.

openwork motifs
openwork motifs

The middle of the element is sewn up with satin stitch, the rest of the parts are carefully cut out. If the work consists of many small details, then in step-by-step cutwork embroidery for beginners, it is advised to use a small stationery knife to speed up and simplify the cutting process.

Advice from craftswomen

So that the fabric does not sag during the process, you can starch the material a little, but not much, because in the process of cutting it will create additional difficulties. Before starting work, it is recommended to look at the finished photos of cutwork embroidery.

This will help to avoid mistakes in the process of doing the work. Although the drawing will be transferred to the material, you can additionally make yourself a diagram and be guided by it in the process of cutting out unnecessary parts.

Symmetry is important in the work, this applies to any type of motifs. You cannot create the same elements in different sizes, this will make the finished result look sloppy.

To create classic patterns, it is advised to use white threads, since contrasting colors or shades of the same scale can affect the volume of the work, reducing it. For lace, white color is considered optimal.

combination of shades
combination of shades


Technique refers to applied embroidery, allows you to create beautiful tablecloths, pillows, napkins. Recently, cutwork elements on clothes andaccessories.

This is a versatile type of embroidery as it can be combined with other needlework techniques and the variety of stitches can be used to create intricate patterns.

lace tablecloth
lace tablecloth

In the artistic version, embroidery should be done with a large number of lace elements, here the role of stitches fades into the background. The technique goes well with standard cross-stitch, if the second conveys the clarity of the pattern and is used to display the plot, then the cutwork is purely decorative and only complements the chosen theme.

Combination with beads

Sew-on parts can be used to create volume or highlight individual elements. Depending on the size of the beads, you can create both more voluminous works and small motifs.

The smaller the amount of work, the neater and smaller the beads should be. Also, needlewomen advise beginner craftswomen to use small beads to create the desired density.

Beads can easily fill the contours of the pattern by sewing one element to the canvas. For greater reliability, you need to use a special thread for beads, it is strong and does not fray during use.

You can sew beads already strung on a thread with another thread, clasping the desired elements. But this should be done carefully and do not use this option to create clothes, because if the thread breaks from the fabric, then the whole work will be ruined. It is also desirable to use white beads for the process.


In step by stepcutwork embroidery does not describe tricks that help to complete the work faster and better. Putting them into practice will help save a lot of time and allow you to create a quality product.

  • Cut out unnecessary elements better at the end of the work. Sometimes craftswomen make mistakes in the process of sewing on elements or creating seams. Cut-out lace motifs are used to hide this.
  • If you need to create additional volume and add elegance to the work, it is better to perform the motif with threads of different shades of the same tone, this will add depth to the work.
  • It is better to use a buttonhole stitch to strengthen the contours.

Even a novice needlewoman can cope with creating a pattern on a canvas with openwork motifs. There is nothing complicated here.

Flower motif

Flower motif is simple, but requires perseverance and accuracy. Ideal for those who have already mastered the satin stitch technique and want to practice a different technique.

After transferring the pattern to the fabric, it is necessary to sheathe the contours, and then perform the bridles. These are special jumpers made of threads that prevent the embroidery elements from spreading and help keep their shape.

A thread is placed above the fabric, part of which will be cut out, and additionally sheathed with dense seams of the same size. The ideal here would be to use a buttonhole stitch.

Next, you need to cut out excess elements with scissors, but this should be done carefully so as not to damage the fabric. The scheme is suitable for decorating a handbag, scarf or napkin on the table.

Motifs for napkins

Forcreating a festive tablecloth, floral motifs and ornaments from geometric shapes can be used. An abstraction highlighted with contrasting colors or shades of the same gamut will look beautiful. It will not be difficult to embroider cutwork on a typewriter for beginners, but this will require certain skills to recreate the selected pattern on the canvas.

colorful napkin
colorful napkin

In most cases, motifs serve as a frame for a napkin and are created along the edges of the product. But neatly and evenly executed, they can become a real masterpiece and turn even an ordinary piece of fabric into a work of art.
