How to make a fabric panel
How to make a fabric panel

After a renovation just done, you really want to decorate an apartment or house, creating coziness and a unique atmosphere. Of course, you can buy paintings or hang photos on the wall in expensive frames that you bought in elite boutiques or ateliers …. However, there is little that compares to handmade things. Even years later, they keep the warmth and care of the person who created this masterpiece. Try to make a fabric panel and you will understand how easy and pleasant it is to decorate the house yourself! It can be done in several ways, but we will consider the simplest one available to a person who has never encountered needlework.

Types of panels

Fabric panel
Fabric panel

If you decide to make a panel on the wall, then there are a great many options for materials from which this can be done! In any case, you will need a frame and fabric for the base. And then it all depends on your imagination! You can make an applique from fabric or leather, use natural plant materials or beads. You can even make a panel out of buttons! Just let yourself be creative and you will be surprised how great and original things will start.turn out!

Fabric panel

This panel can be done very quickly, but it looks great with the right material. When choosing a fabric, try to match the color of the furniture, curtains or carpet. Or just different beautiful pattern,

Panel from
Panel from

decorating the room and giving the room color and style. Once you have decided on the fabric, you can work on the frame. This is one of the most important stages of work. The frame must be strong and even. The surface must be smoothly sanded, otherwise, after you stretch the fabric, all defects and irregularities in the frame will be visible at a glance. All cracks should be puttied, then the frame should be carefully sanded again, strengthen the corners with staples if necessary.

Panel of shreds of fabric
Panel of shreds of fabric

Now you can stretch the prepared fabric. It should be washed and dried first. After that, it will probably decrease in size a little. If not, then at least the finished fabric panel will be clean and beautiful. We iron the fabric with an iron, and then very carefully pull it onto the frame. We fix it with a thermal gun. Additionally, you can fix it using staples from the stapler. We make sure that not the slightest fold or crease of the fabric forms on the outside. This will spoil the whole appearance of the panel. That's it. The glue is dry, the panel can be hung on the wall or given to friends as a housewarming gift!

Panel of scraps of fabric

This panel is done in the same way as the previous one, but instead ofof a whole piece of fabric, you sew individual pieces to the size of the finished product. You can immediately connect the various elements according to the selected pattern, i.e. make the so-called "seam picture". If this presents a certain difficulty for you, then prepare the fabric of the required size, and then using a thermal gun, simply stick the pieces in the form of an appliqué. Draw the contours of the future sketch in advance, and then it will be much easier for you! Making a fabric panel is very easy and the result is worth the effort!
