How to make a grenade out of paper - the main ways
How to make a grenade out of paper - the main ways

For a long time, paper has attracted many people who are not indifferent to needlework. Working with it develops logic, thinking, opens up various skills of mastery in a person. Of particular interest are usually military-themed crafts. All these pistols, helicopters are admired by many fans of this topic. Lovers of this art form are always busy looking for something new and unusual. Our article will be of interest to such people, as it will discuss how to make a grenade out of paper at home. It turns out that there are a lot of technologies for making such crafts. In this case, you can use a lot of things that gather dust in the closet and do not find a use for themselves. How to make a grenade out of paper? This article will give you some interesting ideas and help you build such crafts from ordinary materials.

First paper grenade technology

So, how to make a grenade out of paper, the scheme of which would be quite simple? To prepare the body of the grenadeprepare a cardboard base in the shape of a cylinder. We act as follows. The height should be calculated so that it matches the height of the firecracker. Then a figure is cut out of cardboard, which is folded into a cylinder. The edges should overlap by one centimeter. Then they need to be glued. Triangular protrusions are also glued one to one. The first bottom should be further strengthened with a cardboard circle planted on glue.

Preparing a charge for a paper grenade

How to make a grenade out of paper
How to make a grenade out of paper

To prepare the charge and the fuse, matches are taken and attached to the firecracker with adhesive tape. In this case, the matches should touch each other's heads, and only one of them should come into contact with the part of the firecracker that is to be ignited.

Now you can move on to preparing the trigger and checks. To do this, a strip is cut out of a plastic bottle, the width of which should be approximately five millimeters. One end of this strip is fastened with a stapler in the form of a loop. It will come in handy when you pull the check. Also, a brown strip is cut out of the matchbox and glued to the second end of the previously prepared plastic strip. The same end should be tied to the firecracker so that the cardboard strip from the matchbox is in close contact with the first match.

Result of grenade preparation

How to make a grenade out of paper
How to make a grenade out of paper

At the last stage of preparing our grenade, we return to its already finished bottom. In the center of the bottom, it will be necessary to make a hole in the shape of a rectangle foroutput of the plastic loop. After that, glue is applied from the end of the firecracker near the check, the check is threaded into a rectangular hole in the bottom of the grenade. The body is filled with peas, the second end of the firecracker is sealed. Then the grenade is closed with a second bottom using glue. Here is such a simple technology that shows how to make a grenade out of paper without much effort. However, this method is not unique.

Second technology for making paper grenades

Let's tell you how to make a grenade out of paper in a different way. It takes longer than the previous technology. However, the result is more visually reminiscent of a real grenade. Few items are also used for crafting. We don't need anything fancy for this. So, how to make a grenade out of paper using this technology? To prepare our crafts, you need to take an egg from polystyrene foam, cut off its upper part. Then, based on it, we draw cells, as on the original grenade. According to this drawing, it is necessary to open the egg and paint it. You need to choose a paint of a color that matches the color of a real grenade. Further, all explosive parts are cut out of cardboard. All this is fastened together, and a check is hung on top.

How to make a grenade out of paper at home
How to make a grenade out of paper at home

Here are simple ways to answer the question of how to make a grenade out of paper at home, as well as what additional materials are needed. All this is easy to do, you just need to turn on your imagination and be patient, and there are many means to prepare at home. We hope that the datayou are interested in how to make a grenade, and you will try to translate these ideas into reality. Happy needlework!
