What to mold from polymer clay: ideas, techniques, tips
What to mold from polymer clay: ideas, techniques, tips

Handmade products have always been highly valued among people. Novice needlewomen often prefer to use polymer clay as a material, because it does not require the presence or long development of any special skills. Nevertheless, it is mandatory to familiarize yourself with the basics of the correct technique and the sequence of actions.

Description of material used

This substance was artificially developed by Fifi Rebinder from Germany. She is considered the first woman who was able to figure out what to mold from polymer clay. The substance had a special herbal aroma and contained in its composition the so-called plasticizers. Thanks to these elements, clay received the property of plasticity. At the same time, Fifi found that during baking, plasticizers are absorbed and harden, which means they are able to maintain a single solid shape after this procedure.

There are two types of polymer clay - thermoplastic and self-hardening. The first one requiresspecial heat treatment. The advantage of thermoplastics is high precision, which allows you to create parts and elements of any size from it. Self-hardening clay dries on its own in the sun within 24 hours, however, in the process, the product dries out, which causes not only a decrease in size, but also the appearance of certain irregularities, which must then be manually corrected.

What can be molded from polymer clay
What can be molded from polymer clay

What can be made from clay

In reality, there are no special restrictions other than your own imagination. Almost any answer can be given to the question of what to mold from polymer clay. Many people prefer to make handmade dolls, graceful figurines and various jewelry. Certain types of thermoplastics are able to look like fabric, metal, wood or stone. Of course, for starters, it is best to resort to the application of the simplest techniques and techniques.

Also, a positive property of plastic surgery is the absence of any toxic elements in it, which makes it completely safe for children. Inspiration can come from a variety of printed publications that provide step-by-step instructions for sculpting certain shapes. A number of properties of polymer clay make it possible to create the most realistic elements, including heads, arms and legs for dolls.

Main tools

The creative process starts with choosing the right consumables. You can buy clay along with tools at any needlework store. Among all manufacturers, Decoclay and Fimo are highlighted. Russian variants like Sonnet, Profi and Flower have also proven themselves well.

Regardless of what to mold from polymer clay, the master will need to purchase a number of tools, which includes the following:

  • rolling pin;
  • extruder;
  • toothpicks;
  • stationery or ordinary sharp knives;
  • PVA glue for connecting several elements;
  • special cutters called cutters;
  • suede fabric that adds shine to the finished figure;
  • sandpaper to eliminate surface irregularities and roughness;
  • Sufficiently sized plastic or glass worktop.
What to mold from polymer clay for beginners
What to mold from polymer clay for beginners

Applied modeling techniques

A combination of the options below is allowed. At the same time, these techniques can be considered today the most popular and in demand when solving the problem of what to mold from polymer clay for beginners.

  1. Smooth transition. This technique mixes two different colors to give the desired effect.
  2. Sape, cane and millefiori. The general name of the above techniques is sausage. To perform, you need to connect several layers of clay at once, and then roll them into a kind of roll.
  3. Mokume Gane. Several layers of material of different color shades are layered on top of each other.
  4. Watercolor technique. Making a smooth transitionvarious shades during sculpting.
  5. S alt technique. Serves to create texture of certain elements or the whole figure as a whole. Ordinary s alt is used for work.
  6. Kaleidoscope. A multi-colored and symmetrical pattern is created, consisting of many layers.
  7. Filigree. A rather difficult option that requires good modeling skills. Mostly not recommended for beginners.
  8. Mika-shift. The technique involves creating a three-dimensional immersion effect.


The main actions in the order they follow can be voiced as follows: gluing parts, baking the product and varnishing it. Each of the processes has its own characteristics for obtaining high quality output. For example, some parts should be glued after baking. In this case, you first need to fully decide what to mold from polymer clay and what elements to use. Glue should not be applied in strips, because visible smudges may remain. Spot application is best.

The manufacturer of polymer clay indicates on the packaging the temperature and time that should be followed during the baking process. If the instructions are not followed, the color of the product or the insufficient degree of hardening of the material may occur. The finished look of the figurine is given by applying varnish, which, as a rule, clay manufacturers also include in the needlework kit. The final process is done with a brush or toothpick. Lacquering is carried out in several layers,at the same time, each subsequent one is applied only after the previous one is completely dry.

How to make a figurine out of polymer clay
How to make a figurine out of polymer clay

Sculpting animals

Toys are one of the most common options for polymer clay crafts. Such a pastime can bring genuine pleasure not only to adults, but also to children. You can consider the whole process of how to mold animals from polymer clay using the example of creating a small turtle. To do this, follow the steps below.

  1. You will need a polymer mass of three colors - blue, light green and pink. You will also need to stock up on a brush and a couple of small beads.
  2. First, four large drops of blue clay are made as blanks for the legs of the turtle.
  3. Light green color is used to make an element in the shape of a bell with a recess inside. This blank will become the shell of a future toy.
  4. Legs are placed with the wide part down. A shell is put on top of them. In the front part, with the help of a brush, a recess is made under the head. Keep the tool pressed vertically.
  5. The blank for the head is made of blue clay rolled into a ball and a cylinder. After these elements are connected. The design is attached to the body. This forms the head and neck.
  6. The final touch will be spots rolled from pink plastic on the shell. Two beads are fixed on the head and serve as the turtle's eyes. On this, the finished figure can be sent tobaking.
How to mold animals from polymer clay
How to mold animals from polymer clay

Face sculpting

Professionals advise to start by learning to see all the elements of the face together and separately from each other. If the head part has a thickness of less than 3 cm, then it can be created without any frame. Many beginners ask about how to sculpt a polymer clay face. It is worth noting that each master can apply his own individual technique, but the process is rather complicated anyway.

You can start with the forehead, which is done by rolling and flattening the sausage. So it turns out a rectangular shape with recesses for the superciliary arches. The nose is created from a drop flattened into a cone. For the cheeks, two flat curved elements are molded. The lips are created from short triangles with one thick edge, while the chin is created from a cone or flattened short triangle. The ears are a pair of droplets recessed at one of the edges. For eyelids, you can make a pair of flat rugby swords. Last but not least are the eyes. They are created from a pair of white clay balls that have been fired.

Connecting face parts

When creating figurines, many beginners are looking for an answer to how to mold a doll's face from polymer clay. A shape for the head is preliminarily created, and foil is used as a frame, which is wrinkled and flattened on one side. After that, a 6 mm plasty is applied. Future facial features are outlined with thin lines using a needle, toothpick or knitting needle. Thus, places are drawn under the eyes, mouth andnose, and nasolabial folds are created if necessary.

The prepared elements of the face are laid out on the clay head in accordance with the marks. Large parts are cut or overlapped. The needle serves to smooth the joints formed in the process. All elements are adjusted in the process, thanks to which it is possible to achieve optimal combinations of shapes and sizes.

How to sculpt a face from polymer clay
How to sculpt a face from polymer clay

Develop work plan

Before you mold a polymer clay figurine, you need to get a clear idea of its appearance. This is especially true when sculpting several different or identical dolls at once. Without a clear plan, most likely, unpleasant moments will appear, such as any violation of proportions both within the elements of one figure and between several separate products.

In addition, you should take care in advance of thinking through reliable frames that hold all the details together. Large figurines from 25 cm tall usually have a brass or copper rod at their core. Smaller options (no more than 3 cm) can do without any frame at all. Next, the proportions and dimensions of the figure as a whole and its individual parts are calculated.

How to make a polymer clay doll

After the frame is made from any rod or steel wire, volumes are increased. This is done using ordinary foil. Without a well-built frame, it will not be possible to make a worthy product. All dents, bumps and bumps should be smoothed out. Thusit will then be possible to apply clay evenly enough. If the proportions and dimensions of the frame coincide with the sketches, then this stage is considered to be completed.

In terms of how to mold a doll from polymer clay, it is usually indicated that, first of all, the process begins with covering the visible parts of the torso with the material, and only then it is worth proceeding to the head and face. It is necessary to distribute the available plastic in advance. For example, you should first sculpt and set aside the doll's head, but it is best to create hair and makeup on a ready-made attached element.

How to mold a polymer clay doll
How to mold a polymer clay doll

Pig Sculpting

The choice of suitable colors for the product is at the discretion of the needlewoman. Preparations include making a large ball for the torso, four small balls for the hooves, a thin tube for the ponytail, and a medium ball for the heel. You will also need to make eyes and ears. They can also be made from four small balls of clay. Small beads are allowed for the eyes.

It remains only to understand how to mold a polymer clay pig, and connect all the elements listed above. A large ball for the torso is rolled into an oval, which tapers towards one of the sides, where the neck and head will be located. Clay for hooves is flattened into tablets. They can be given their final shape with a knife. After the hooves are connected to the body. A medium-sized ball flattens and joins the narrowed part of the torso. Thus, the basis of the future product is ready. Remains onlycut out the nostrils on the patch and attach the ponytail, ears and eyes in the right places.

Sculpting mugs

First of all, you need to sketch out a sketch of future decor elements. It is best to take a transparent mug as a frame and base, because it will be extremely convenient for beginners to use the main template placed in the inner cavity.

It is also worth deciding on how to mold a polymer clay mug. You can choose to decorate with individual figures or other elements, or you can completely cover the outer surface. In any case, the clay is pre-rolled, and then the necessary details are cut out of it. In the figures attached to the mug, the necessary point changes are made with a knife or toothpick. In the final, the product is baked to fix it.

How to make a polymer clay mug
How to make a polymer clay mug


From all of the above, it becomes clear that virtually any objects and decorations can be molded from polymer clay. It may take some time to develop skills, but needlework from this material is considered quite easy and enjoyable pastime, which allows you to develop creativity in both children and adults.
