Bead tree: DIY (photo)
Bead tree: DIY (photo)

Products made with beads and glass beads attract the eye, fascinate with their unusual performance and beauty. All kinds of bracelets and baubles are woven from these glass balls and tubes, which give the girl originality, individuality, and emphasize style.

A bit of history

Beaded jewelry appeared in antiquity. Then they were assigned a slightly different function - they were amulets from evil spirits, protected from damage and the evil eye.

bead tree
bead tree

The hippie movement, which appeared in the 60s of the last century, returned the beads from oblivion, the fennec boom began. "Children of the Sun" preferred to decorate their clothes with all sorts of beaded ornaments. Even during the wedding, the newlyweds exchanged not rings, but baubles.

Beaded trees - basics

Now beading is still relevant. And, in addition to baubles, many find for themselves the weaving of beaded trees. Before you start beading, you will need some necessary items: fishing line, needle, hooks, knitting needles and the beads themselves. It is best to weave a bead tree on a non-slip surface. The table for this is covered with a napkin ortablecloth.

bead and wire tree
bead and wire tree

Beading is produced according to patterns. It is recommended to start with the easiest and then gradually reach the difficult ones. This is a difficult task, but then how beautiful beaded trees look! Bead to bead, glass beads, even sequins - with due imagination, all this goes well with each other. It is only important to make sure that the material will be enough. Beads are suitable for weaving any ornament, but beginners are still recommended to opt for weaving a flower.

Weave a flower

You will need the following material: scissors, wire and beads. The bead is threaded through the wire and secured. In subsequent rows, the number of beads increases by one. After there are five beads in one row, they will need to be reduced. This weaving ensures the symmetry of the flower.

The core should be made from a large bead. The weaving of the flower is completed by connecting all the petals with the middle bead.

bead trees photo
bead trees photo

If desired, the elements of the flower can be varied: increase the number of beads or change the core.

Starting to weave a tree

The bead tree will require the same items and green beads. A loop is made on the wire, located 15 centimeters from its end, then beads are strung on it. A tree of beads and wire should have several leaves that are woven from 4 beads. Then 5 more of the same wires are twisted.

When 6 wires are done, 3 of them are twisted into one. The samedo with the remaining wires. Then the tree trunk should be painted brown, and the branches straightened.

The base is ready, and you can make any leaves on the tree.

Beaded Heart

An original gift for a loved one can be a heart-shaped tree made of beads. It flies fast enough. In order to make this bead tree with your own hands, you will need:

  • Two colors of beads. It is important that the shades are compatible.
  • Two types of wire: thin and thick.
  • Muline threads. The color must be selected in accordance with the shades of the beads.
  • Stand on which the tree will be placed. You can use a glass or a small pot, whatever is at hand.
  • Sequins to decorate the stand with.
beaded trees
beaded trees

Starting to create a tree. First you need to take a thin wire and twist 7 loops of beads on it. The loops are placed at the same distance from each other, and each should contain 5 beads.

Then each such wire is twisted into a twig. So you need to do a lot of them. Approximately 25 branches per tree.

Next, you need to twist large ones from small branches. You should take 5 branches and connect them into one common. It turns out already 5 large branches for a tree.

Each such branch is wrapped with floss thread of the corresponding color. It is important that the thread lies flat and looks whole.

Now we need to form the tree itself. We take the wirethicker and attach branches to it so that it turns out a tree. The barrel is also wrapped with floss thread. When it is ready, it should be bent, giving the desired shape. We do the same with the second tree.

Twist the lower parts of both trees and fix them in the prepared stand. If a foam cylinder was at hand, then the trunks are fixed in the center. If a cup or pot has become a stand, then the trunks should be fixed with plaster. When it dries, the construction will be stable.

We decorate the stand with decorative sequins. The heart tree is ready.


Let's look at how to create another bead tree. A master class on the topic "bonsai" will tell about this. To work, you will need round matte green beads, two wire options: thin and thick, for branches and trunk. You will also need scissors, a small flower pot, bandage, adhesive tape and a cast.

bead tree master class
bead tree master class

Before proceeding directly to the manufacture of wood, you need to prepare some details. First you need to cut pieces of thin wire 40 centimeters long in the amount of 90 pieces.

Beads of 8-10 beads are strung on each such wire, and then a loop is twisted. In total, 7-9 similar loops should be made on the segment. When the required number of loops is ready, the knob is twisted. The result should be 90 bumps.

All the bumps are twisted into small bundles of 2-3 things. Each resulting branch must be wrapped with adhesive tape.

Shaping the crown. Tothe bundle needs to attach several others, forming a magnificent top of them. Then proceed to the assembly of tree branches. Everything is held together with adhesive tape.

After the formation of the crown, we make the trunk. Here you need a thick wire. The crown is attached at one end, and at the other you need to make a support loop. We attach the remaining branches with adhesive tape. To make the barrel thicker, you will need to wrap it with a bandage.

Now it's time to plant our tree. Gypsum must be diluted in half with water. A tree of beads is lowered into a pot and filled with prepared plaster. Need to make sure the tree is stable.

The gypsum is frozen, the tree stands strong, it's time to finish the trunk. The branches and the trunk itself are covered with gypsum. To simulate the roughness of the bark, you can use an old toothbrush.

When the trunk is ready, the pot is again filled with plaster and decorated with pebbles. A couple of days after drying, the trunk is covered with acrylic paints, and then with two layers of varnish. If you wish, you can decorate the pot.

In closing

The tree of beads will be a great gift for the closest people. They can decorate the house, giving your interior a zest and comfort. Bead trees, photos of which are presented below, are very easy to create, do not require large material costs, and at the same time they will be a wonderful gift for any occasion.

DIY bead tree
DIY bead tree

Beaded flowers and trees are durable and original. They will not wither and will not lose their appearance. This memory remains for a long time. In addition, beading isa wonderful hobby that allows you to relax and bring some beauty into the world.
