Crochet Teddy Bear: master class
Crochet Teddy Bear: master class

Among knitted toys, cute, tender bear cubs are popular. In the classic version, Teddy is dominated by a gray-blue gamma. Although at the moment you can find different colors of bears. So, let's look at a few crochet teddy bear tutorials.

Teddy Bear - Amigurii

Amiguri are very small toys. Their size can barely reach a child's little finger or fit in an adult palm. What will require from the needlewoman:

  • thin hook;
  • yarn;
  • synthetic winterizer.

First make a drawing. On the sheet draw Teddy in full growth with all parts of the body.

This will show the size of the paws, head, ears, nose, tail. If the form is not visible, then draw each detail separately, keeping the dimension. Then crochet each piece. Teddy bear will turn out no worse than according to the scheme.

Start knitting the head. From two loops you knit six columns. Then add two loops to these six elements. So by the fifth row you get thirty loops. Next, knit four rows with the same composition (without adding). For the next three rows, cut the columns by two loops.

SoThus, the twelfth row consists of twelve loops. Stuff your head with synthetic winterizer. Reduce six columns, tighten the loop. Please note that if the Teddy bear is crocheted and sewn, then work according to the scheme without changes. If it is on the fasteners, then insert the cotter pins until the sixfold decrease and close the loops.

crochet teddy bear
crochet teddy bear

Knitting paws

The hind legs are shorter than the front. Cast on four stitches, knit eight stitches. Now their number is left unchanged for three more rows. The fifth circle is reduced by two columns. Next, knit six loops three times without changes, stuff with padding polyester. If the wool is thick, no filler is needed.

If you want a movable bear, then insert the mount at this stage. Then, in a circle, make gradual decreases by two loops until you close the paw. Also knit the second piece.

Now form thin front paws. Cast on two loops. In a circle, increase two loops. So the third row consists of six columns. Then decrease one loop, knit the next five circles on five columns.

On the ninth round, fill the part with padding polyester, insert the mount if you have a moving Teddy bear. Crochet further decrease the loops until the last one closes. Also knit the second paw. Hide the thread trimmings inside the part.

crochet teddy bear
crochet teddy bear

Knitting the body and gathering

Now move on to the torso. Close two loops, double them in a circle, knit six columns without a crochet. By the fourth row it will turn outtwenty-four columns. Now lengthen the waist by knitting these twenty-four columns for four more rows. At this stage, attach the hind legs to the body.

Now knitting will not go in a circle, but in forward and reverse order to get a hole from the back. To do this, pick up an air loop, knit back with six decreases. So in the tenth circle there will be eighteen columns. Attach your front legs.

The next round is again reduced by six loops, and knit the next two rows without changes twelve columns. Continue in this manner until the loops are closed. Fasten your head, stuff your body with padding polyester, sew up the hole with a hidden seam. Now you knit the ears, tail arbitrarily and attach to the body. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe eyes, make a tightening with a thread, glue beads, and embroider a black nose on the resulting “mound”. It turned out a cute knitted Teddy bear (crocheted).

crochet teddy bear
crochet teddy bear

Simple Long Muzzle Teddy

The bear can be tied in a simplified way. To do this, knit the body, like a regular napkin, with simple columns. Increase the loops until you are satisfied with the bottom of the body. Further, knitting goes on without changes until the part is rounded and the shape of the abdomen is outlined. Now you can decrease, forming an oval-pear-shaped body. Stuff it, close the loops with a hook (Teddy bear is knitted from thin, soft yarn, so choose a padding polyester or holofiber).

Paws also knit in a wide circle, moving on to decreasing loops. In this case, the stuffing goes in parallel with knitting. By shapeyou should get paws that look like a long pear or rattle. Sew them to the body.

Starting from the nose to the head. That is, they knitted an elongated “hat”, then you start a double-triple increase to move on to knitting the head. Fill with padding polyester, tighten, embroider eyes, nose. Separately knit the ears, sew to the head. Fasten all the details together. Tie a scarf around your neck.

crochet teddy bear master class
crochet teddy bear master class

Unusual crochet Teddy bear: master class

Needlewomen are constantly experimenting with color, yarn, shape of paws, accessories to get the original teddy bear. Consider how to knit a festive Teddy.

  1. Torso start with two loops. Knit six stitches in a circle. Then increase in each row by six loops. By the fourth row you get thirty loops. Without changes, knit five circles, proceed to the removal of ten loops. So the tenth row consists of twenty columns. Then work with them without changes four rows. In the fifteenth circle, cut five loops, stuff with padding polyester. Then again decrease five columns, close the remaining ones.
  2. Hind legs knit with six loops. Crochet twelve single crochet stitches. Teddy bear will look spectacular with heart heels. To do this, simply tie a circle of three rows with cap and connecting posts. If you want to keep simple paws, then increase the loops to eighteen and twenty-two. Knit two more rows without changes. Then make a decrease in a circle for one, five, four loops. Knit six rows without changes, fill with padding polyester, close the remaining twelve loops.
  3. ], crochet teddy bear description
    ], crochet teddy bear description

Continuation of knitting an unusual bear

  1. Forepaws start with four loops. You knit eight columns in them. Then add four more loops. You knit the resulting twelve columns in two circles without changes. Reduce by one loop in the fifth row, keep this number for another four rounds. Next, reduce the circle to nine loops, the next four rows keep this number. Next, reduce three columns, stuff with padding polyester, tighten the loops.
  2. Start knitting the head from the nose of two loops. In them, knit six columns in a circle. On the second row, increase to fifteen stitches. You work with them without changes for two circles. At this stage, due to the connecting posts, you can replace the thread in order to highlight the nose with color. If there is a one-color, knitted Teddy bear, crochet another row of fifteen columns from grass. Next, increase the number of loops to twenty-four, then to thirty. With these loops, work without changes for five rows. Then, in the next three rounds, decrease five loops, getting fifteen columns. Without closing the knitting, sew on beady eyes, eyebrows, nose.
  3. crochet teddy bear description
    crochet teddy bear description

Toy assembly

  1. Ears knit from two loops. First, knit six single crochets into them. Then knit a row without changes. Finish with connectingcolumns. There is another option for knitting an ear. Knit in a circle, fold in half, tighten in two places, giving the desired bend.
  2. Knit the tail randomly, like a ball. Fill with padding polyester, tighten the loops, sew to the body.
  3. knitted teddy bear crochet grass
    knitted teddy bear crochet grass
  4. Sew the ears to the head, paws to the body. Connect the resulting parts together. Add a heart, and the crochet Teddy bear is ready (a description of the accessory is not required, as the heart can be sewn or bought in needlework stores).

Another option for creating an unusual image is the "outfits" of the bear. You can embroider classic scars and patches, sew clothes, decorate with knitted patterns, combine bright shades of wool, unusual yarn. Experiment with eye and nose fittings to express sadness, sadness, joy, surprise, shyness on the face.

crochet teddy bear
crochet teddy bear

A little tip

To get an original crochet Teddy bear, a description of the pattern is not necessary. But a color photograph is needed when selecting materials, knitting parts and embroidering lines. The original has a gray bear all over, a white muzzled tail, a blue nose, and black scars. As for the texture of the yarn, combine weed with cotton or angora wool.
