Game "Mafia", roles: description of the main and additional characters
Game "Mafia", roles: description of the main and additional characters

"Mafia" is a parlor team game with a psychological bias and distribution of roles. It contains a detective story simulating the struggle between members of a formed minority who are aware of each other and an unorganized majority.

Storyline: the urban population, tired of the rampant mafia, decides to put them all behind bars. And the mafia, in turn, declares war on civilians up to their complete extermination.

mafia roles
mafia roles

Number of players

There are no clear restrictions on the number of participants, from 5 to 20 people can play at the same time. It’s just worth understanding that if there are few players, then there will be few roles in the Mafia and the game will end quickly. When there are a lot of them, then endless loud disputes turn the process into chaos. Therefore, the indicated composition is considered optimal.


A lot of characters can participate in the action, but most of them will be additional heroes, the classic roles in the game "Mafia" are: sheriff (aka commissioner), mafia, doctor and civilians. Let's analyze each of them in more detail:

  1. Mafia. Participants fromsuch a card can be from one to three, depending on the total number. Their goal is to destroy civilians and remove suspicion from themselves and their accomplices.
  2. Sheriff. This role in the "Mafia" is assigned to only one person, that is, such a card falls out once. The sheriff's mission is to check the players. The facilitator can help him.
  3. Doctor. There can only be one per game. From the name it already becomes clear that the person who received this card heals those whom it was decided to shoot.
  4. Peaceful citizens. Their number is unlimited. The task is to calculate the mafia.
mafia role rules
mafia role rules

Additional Heroes

With a large number of participants, additional roles in the "Mafia" may be introduced. This makes the game even more interesting and exciting. Who can be added?

  1. Killer. He belongs to the category of civilians. Awakens on the second night and has the right to kill any player at his own discretion.
  2. Woman of easy virtue. In the game "Mafia" a description of the role, the following is a peaceful layman who enters the process from the second night. The mistress awakens and can disenfranchise any character at will.
  3. Scammer. Peaceful citizen. Opens his eyes after the mafia on the first night and remembers the members of the group. They don't know who the snitch is. His mission is to convince the civilians to vote against the bad character. Further process according to the scenario.
  4. Bus driver. Peaceful resident. This isa unique role in the "Mafia", giving the player the right to bluff and obfuscate the traces of members of the mafia structure. If the hero is killed, then the whole city dies or a draw is declared.

What you need to have to play

Special sets for playing the card mafia by roles are sold in stores. It consists of cards with images of heroes and masks. But if there is no special kit at hand, then you can get by with the usual accessories.

To do this, take a regular deck of cards. Masks can be replaced with ordinary bandages, or simply close and open eyes at the command of the presenter. So, the designations of the main characters:

  1. Most often, the mafia is usually denoted by the highest suits of black cards, for example, two black aces or jokers.
  2. Peaceful citizens are given small red suits (2, 3, 4, 5 and others).
  3. Sheriff is the red king.
  4. The doctor is a red lady.

All other designations of the roles of players in the "Mafia" are chosen by the participants by agreement.

mafia role survival game
mafia role survival game

If there are no playing cards, you can make cards yourself. To do this, you need a blank sheet of paper and a pencil. Cut into pieces the size of a map and write the name of the character on each of them. You can only write the first letter, for example, Sh - sheriff, M - mafia and so on.

Game Rules

All the nuances are sorted out, it's time to move on to the description of the rules of the card "Mafia":

  1. In no case should there be any identification marks on cards or pieces of paper, thenthere are hatches, folded edges and more.
  2. Each of the players is de alt one card, which he looks at and places face down next to him. Until the character is killed, it cannot be touched, when this happens, the person will have to show it to everyone.
  3. The game must have a leader who will observe the game and pronounce key phrases.
  4. You need to play in compliance with the rules - do not prompt and do not peep. But you are allowed to bluff and confuse.
  5. All participants, except mafiosi, are classified as civilians.
  6. If only a couple of characters remain during the game - a civilian and an enemy, then the game ends and a draw is announced.
  7. Number of days and nights may vary.
  8. According to the rules of the Mafia, the role of a doctor involves the ability to cure yourself, but you can only do this once.
  9. The dead do not have the right to vote, but if the participant was a civilian, then he has the right to take the last word if he wishes and make an assumption about who the mafia is.
  10. If the number of participants is not more than eight, up to two members of the mafia structure are enough, from eight or more - three. You can also assign additional roles.
  11. If the character was killed by the mafia and the killer at the same time, the doctor cures him completely. There can't be any zombies in the game.
mafia role description
mafia role description

Game progress. First night

On the first night, members of the mafia get to know each other.

  1. The commentator distributescards and asks the players to remember their roles. After that, he says the phrase "Close your eyes, night falls on the city." All members close their eyes.
  2. The host says the phrase "The mafia is waking up." Those who got a card with this character open their eyes and nod to each other. Everything must be done as calmly and quietly as possible so that those sitting nearby do not feel movement and do not suspect who is a bad player. The commentator notifies that the acquaintance is over and asks to close your eyes.
  3. Further, he asks to open and close the eyes of other participants - a doctor, a sheriff, a girl of easy virtue, a murderer (everyone except peaceful heroes). Under no circumstances should a situation be allowed where the doctor and the sheriff can see each other. Everything must be done silently.
mafia player roles
mafia player roles

Day One

During the day, the following activities are performed: Introducing participants to each other, guessing who is in the group, nominating candidates for execution, acquittal, voting, daytime execution.

  1. The host announces the beginning of the day and says the phrase "The city is waking up." Everyone opens their eyes.
  2. Everyone takes turns giving their names and giving reasons why they can't be mafia. If the participants did not know each other before, then badges or nameplates can be used.
  3. After they get to know each other, they begin to observe each other and discuss who, in their opinion, can be a civilian and who can be a mafia. In the process, you can ask each other questions directly, for example: “Confess, you are frommafia structure!”.
  4. Next, each participant votes on who to execute as a representative of organized crime. He names his candidate and gives reasons why he thinks so. At the end of the discussion, the facilitator names those whom they decided to exclude. They are given the opportunity to justify themselves. The nominees begin to explain to the others that they are making a mistake and why.
  5. A second vote is being held, only for candidates for execution.
  6. The player with the most votes is eliminated from the game and shows his card to everyone.
card mafia roles
card mafia roles

Second Night

The actions of the next night are different from the first, the following happens:

  1. The host announces the night has come. All participants close their eyes.
  2. The girl of easy virtue wakes up first and chooses a lover for the night. Closes eyes.
  3. The host asks the mafia to open their eyes. They confer among themselves and choose the victim they want to eliminate from the game. Communication between them should be silent so that the other participants do not suspect anything. The facilitator remembers this choice in order to announce it with the onset of the day. He reports that the mafia has made its choice and fell asleep. Clan characters close their eyes.
  4. Further, in turn, other participants wake up, make their choice and fall asleep - the sheriff, the doctor, the killer and others. The facilitator must memorize all decisions. It is necessary to awaken everyone separately so that no one meets each other's eyes.

Day Two

This day is practically no different from the first. The only difference is that at the very beginning, the host announces the resolution of the players - who is killed by the mafia, cured by a doctor, seduced by his mistress, shot by a murderer, and so on. Eliminated characters reveal their cards to the rest.

Further, the scenario is repeated from day to night. This lasts until all civilians or mafia are destroyed.

card mafia rules
card mafia rules

Tricks and tricks

During the game, you can apply the following:

  1. In order not to lose a person, you can shift the role of the host from the second night to the one who was killed during the day during the Mafia survival game. Anyone can host the first night.
  2. It has been scientifically proven that a person who has played the role of a mafia three times (in a row) is likely to be the same the fourth time. But in the fifth already for sure!
  3. You can make one card more than players. Distribute to everyone, and move the remaining card to the side and do not open it. This will increase interest as no one will know which character is missing.
