How to make glasses out of paper. detailed instructions
How to make glasses out of paper. detailed instructions

The art of origami allows you to make a wide variety of things out of paper, from fruits to vehicles, made with amazing accuracy. Below we will talk about such a necessary thing as glasses. We will tell you how to make glasses out of paper.

Paper glasses

How to make glasses out of paper? Very simple. It is only necessary to follow all the recommendations. And you will also need a little care and patience. After all, everything starts to turn out with practice.

how to make glasses out of paper
how to make glasses out of paper

Let's look at how to make glasses out of paper. You will need an A4 sheet. If you want the glasses to be colored, take the paper of the desired color. Nothing else is needed, except for a little inspiration.

Make paper glasses together

So, let's get down to the craft itself.

  1. Connect the lower left corner with the upper right. Press the fold line well.
  2. Bend the resulting figure in half again.
  3. Unfold the sheet, and then fold it diagonally according to the existing line.
  4. Bend the tops of the two triangles formed a little.
  5. Fold the figure so that only half of thesetriangles.
  6. Fold the bottom piece lengthwise and in half again.
  7. And then again. This might be a bit difficult since the paper is already folded several times already.
  8. And finally, bend a thin strip on the right side to the beginning of the triangle. Repeat on the other side.
how to make glasses out of paper
how to make glasses out of paper

That, in fact, is all. This is how easy and very fast you can make paper glasses. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this, and even a child can do such a craft if you show him.

What it takes to make virtual reality glasses

However, if you want to learn how to make virtual reality glasses out of paper, you will have to put in a little more effort.

You will need the following materials and tools:

  • phone;
  • 2 lenses (for example, from flashlights);
  • pen;
  • ruler;
  • hot glue;
  • thick cardboard, you can take a box.

Make 3D glasses step by step

Now that everything is ready, you can start making virtual reality glasses.

Cut out all the components from the cardboard, following the diagram below. Make a drawing with a pen and ruler, and then cut out what you get. If you missed somewhere and made a mistake, it's okay - just glue everything with hot glue

how to make paper glasses with your own hands
how to make paper glasses with your own hands

2. In places where there are bends, bend the cardboard. Fix with glue.

3. In front, whereeye slits, insert lenses. The cut holes should be slightly smaller than the diameter of the lenses. But even if they hold well, secure them with glue just in case.

4. Download the cardboard app on your phone. It contains many different video games for 3D glasses.

5. Insert the cardboard with lenses into the design. Turn on the app and select a game or video. Insert your phone directly in front of the lenses and enjoy a high-quality 3D image.

how to make virtual reality glasses out of paper
how to make virtual reality glasses out of paper

It really works, and if you try, you can make the glasses look pretty too. Now you know how to make paper glasses with your own hands.

Try making them with the kids. They will surely enjoy watching cartoons in 3D, and you will stir up their interest in various science crafts.

You can experiment with the shape and color of the glasses. And also make them more believable if you insert transparent lenses into a paper frame. If you don't have lenses on hand, use shapes cut out from a plastic bottle.

Paper glasses are great for playing, because even if they break or get lost, you can always make another pair.

Learn how to make paper glasses so you can move on to more advanced origami techniques.
