Easy knitting pattern: scheme, description, application
Easy knitting pattern: scheme, description, application

For novice knitters who have just learned how to knit and purl, experienced craftswomen usually recommend some kind of light knitting pattern to consolidate their skills. There is nothing better than various combinations of elementary loops.

There are quite a lot of ornaments that consist of knit (L) and purl (I) loops (P). Typically, the pattern includes PIs, which are arranged in a certain order on the canvas associated with the LP. This article will look at some fairly simple, but interesting and practical patterns. A great option for using a sequence of ornaments on the example of a children's vest is also proposed.

knitting easy patterns
knitting easy patterns

"Chess" of square blocks

The alternation of squares, consisting of four loops and arranged in a checkerboard pattern, is a classic male pattern. It is often used to make scarves, sweaters, vests, cardigans and a variety of wardrobe items.

easy knitting patterns for beginners
easy knitting patterns for beginners

This easy knitting pattern has several benefits:

  • Edge notcurl up.
  • Average density.
  • Economical use of material.
  • Easy to shrink and expand the canvas.
  • Looks great with any yarn thickness.

Classic "Chess" is performed as follows:

  1. Remove the edging, knit two LP, then 2 PI. The sequence fromtois repeated until the end of the row, then the last P (edge) is knitted with PI.
  2. Wrong rows knit according to pattern.
  3. The second row is performed in the same way as the first.
  4. Fourth row: remove the edge P, knit two PIs, then two LPs. The sequence fromtois repeated the required number of times, and the edge is performed on the wrong side.
  5. The sixth row duplicates the fourth.

Thus, checkerboards always consist of two loops and two rows, but are shifted every four rows.

To separate the ornament from other patterns, it is framed with several rows of garter stitch (all P in the wrong side and in the front rows are knitted with LP).

Variants of the classic checkerboard pattern

It should be noted that the "Chess" may include larger elements that consist of more loops. For example, when knitting with a thin thread, you can increase the number of P in squares to three, four or even five. In this case, the elements of the ornament will shift every six, eight or ten rows.

Such a light pattern with knitting needles looks interesting, in which the proportions are slightly violated and the constituent elements resemble checkerboards, but bricks. This happens when each rectangularthe element consists of a large number of loops, but the shift still occurs every two rows.

Knitting: light patterns, Zigzag

The broken line formed by the PI against the background of the LP is another popular pattern. A zigzag can consist of one, two or more levels. Scheme M. 1 perfectly illustrates the principle of forming a broken line from two levels.

Thanks to such zigzags, you can very quickly knit a fairly large canvas. This pattern does not require special concentration or specific skills. It is also used in scarves, hats, sweaters and other menswear.

Rhombuses from facial and purl loops

The last element of the scheme proposed above is a large rhombus. It consists of already familiar elements: squares. By and large, this is the same easy knitting pattern called "Chess", but the square elements are in a different order.

Rhombuses can have completely different structures:

  • IP only. Such diamonds are convex and solid.
  • IP with LP and with double crochets. The result is a light openwork pattern with knitting needles.
  • IP, LP and voluminous "bumps". Such ornaments are no longer simple, since knitting “knobs” requires certain skills.

Of course, there are many more variations. But all the rest are also more complex ornaments.

How to knit a vest with a simple pattern

Easy knitting patterns for beginners can be arranged in almost any order. In order not to waste time, you can repeat the model,designed by the designer. It is balanced and suitable for both boys or men and women.

easy knitting pattern
easy knitting pattern

The pattern should be read from right to left, that is, at first the patterns shown in Figure M.1 on the right are performed: several rows of garter stitch, "Chess", a row of PI, a zigzag of two tiers of PI. Then proceed to the ornaments on the left: one more zigzag, a row of PI, "Chess", large rhombuses.

If necessary, repeat in the same order.

light openwork knitting pattern
light openwork knitting pattern

Model pictured includes 2:2 ribbing at neckline, armholes and hemline. Realizing her project, the craftswoman can use absolutely any gum at her discretion. The traditional 1:1 version, English or French elastic bands will look good.

If a knitter is having difficulty shaping the neckline, she can make it easier for herself by doing the top of the vest with a plain stockinette stitch. This will in no way worsen the appearance of the product, but will allow you to finish the job faster and get a really high-quality thing.
