Coin of 20 kopecks 1979. Features, price
Coin of 20 kopecks 1979. Features, price

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The 20 kopeck coin from 1979 cannot be called a rarity in numismatics, but its price will vary depending on the type. There are three denomination options, which were produced in St. Petersburg and Moscow. The exact number of currency units produced remains unknown. Let's just say that the price of this coin is low. For manufacturing, an alloy of zinc, copper and nickel was used. The standard weight is almost three and a half grams.

20 kopecks 1979
20 kopecks 1979


The upper half of the 20 kopeck coin (1979) is occupied by the number 20. The rest was taken under the inscription "kopeck" and the year of manufacture. As on many other coins of that time, ears of wheat are located along the edge on the right and left sides of the letters. They go from bottom to top. Decorate the "wheat" frame with oak leaves.


When minting a coin of 20 kopecks in 1979, several stamps were used. The obverse was made using a converted stamp 1.2. The hammer and sickle are clearly visible in the image of the Earth. The central part of the composition is also made up of sheaves of wheat, which takeits origin just below the planet. Also on the coin there is an image of the sun, or rather, its upper part. The rays of the rising sun reach the Earth, as if illuminating and heating it. Bundles of wheat are directed upwards, they have different thicknesses, tied with ribbons. The number of ribbons on the money 20 kopecks in 1979 symbolizes the number of republics of the Union.

At the top of the coin, where the wheat ears converge, there is a five-pointed star. Below, as if emphasizing the image of the coat of arms, the inscription "USSR" is indicated. The right outer ridge has no ledge. The distance between the tapes is narrow.

20 kopecks 1979 rare
20 kopecks 1979 rare


The most common coin of 20 kopecks produced in 1979 was made using a standard twenty-kopeck stamp, which is commonly called "native". It was used between 1973 and 1981.

Such coins make up almost 96% of the total circulation. Their distinctive feature is the absence of an awn, which is located in the region of the second ears near the inner grains. Buyers practically do not chase after such coins, since their cost varies from 1 to 6 rubles.

Two other types of coins were produced using "three kopeck" stamps (3.2). Their mass use began in 1979 for the production of three kopeck coins. The price of 20 kopecks in 1979 will already be slightly higher here. But it should be noted that coins are still not in great demand: it is almost impossible to sell them, they are often found.

The third version of the coins - welet's call it the rarest and most expensive - it has an obverse 3-61.3. As experienced numismatists say, "in good times" such a coin could cost from 500 rubles. and higher. But at present it is almost impossible to sell it for a high price.

You can distinguish such coins from others by the long awns of the second ears. The coat of arms will also be removed on the obverse near the edge. In the first variety, awn coins will be completely absent. In the second variant, the awn of the nearest ear is very short.

20 kopeck coin 1979
20 kopeck coin 1979


The cost of a coin of standard minting is from 1 to 30 rubles. If the coin was made using stamp 3.1, then its price is from 700 to 3000 rubles. The cost of a coin minted with a "three-kopeck" stamp 3.2 will vary from 300 to 600 rubles.
