Set of hat and snood with knitting needles: variety, patterns, description
Set of hat and snood with knitting needles: variety, patterns, description

Many of the fairer sex already in the fall begin to prepare for winter. The main task is to choose fashionable, warm, and most importantly beautiful hats and snoods. Any novice needlewoman can knit an attractive kit on their own. It is enough to know the basics of knitting. You also need to choose the right yarn, tools and patterns for the future warm kit.

hat snood knitting
hat snood knitting

Preparatory work

All needlewomen know the golden rule of all knitting craftswomen. It is always necessary to first make a sample of the pattern of the future product, wash it and then carry out the necessary calculations. After all, one yarn after washing can stretch, and the other, on the contrary, “sit down”.

Recommend to prepare a 10 x 10 cm sample.

You can choose whatever yarn you like: acrylic, wool, wool mixture, mohair. The main thing is that the thread holds the pattern well, this is especially important for braids, plaits.

If you want to get a gradient, then it is better to choose thin yarn, and knit in several additions. A smooth transition from one color to another occurs due to the uniform replacement of each thread in turn.

Snud size

Schemes of hats andSnood with knitting needles are selected, the sample is knitted and washed. Now you should decide on the size of the future product. Today, products are popular both in one turn and in two. Consider the length of the scarf collar for children and adults.

knitting patterns for hats and snoods
knitting patterns for hats and snoods

Many needlewomen knit hats, snoods with knitting needles not only for themselves, but also for their children. Therefore, this information is quite relevant.

According to the given parameters, you can tie an excellent collar. Its width may vary. For example, wide products can replace the hood.

Braid hat

The most popular for a long time include hats, snoods, knitted with a “braid” pattern. It is quite light, you need to carefully monitor the number of knitted rows and make overlaps in time in the required direction.

For work, it is necessary to prepare knitting needles of two sizes: for the main fabric and for elastic.

Measure the circumference of the head, subtract 2-3 cm from the value obtained and calculate the required number of loops. We collect them, close the knitting in a circle.

We knit 6-7 cm with an elastic band 1x1. If you want the hat to be with a lapel, the length of the elastic should be doubled (that is, 12-14 cm).

Now you need to make increments, given the rapport of the future pattern. Experienced needlewomen know that "braids" tighten knitting, so you need to evenly increase the number of loops by about 50%.

We knit the body of the cap to the height of the future product, we perform reductions. To do this, the main number of loops must be divided by6 parts and decrease evenly through each row. When from 6 to 12 loops remain on the knitting needles, they must be pulled together with a working thread. On the wrong side, the thread is fixed and hidden.

You can make your own pompom from yarn or buy a ready-made, fur one. It is fixed at the crown.

knitted hat and snood diagram and description
knitted hat and snood diagram and description

Snood pearl pattern

A hat, snood with knitting needles can also be knitted with a very simple pattern - pearl. But most often this pattern is used to make a scarf-collar. Such an accessory is not only simple to perform, but also quite stylish.

It is advisable to choose the same yarn for knitting. It is better to knit a hat, snood in one turn on circular knitting needles. If you want to knit the product in two turns, it is better to use ordinary, hosiery.

Again we make a sample, erase it and calculate the required number of loops. The pearl pattern is an alternation of purl and facial loops. In the next row above the front we knit the wrong ones and vice versa.

knitted snood hats
knitted snood hats

Other popular patterns

Often garter stitch is also used for snoods. This pattern is very simple, it is necessary to knit on stocking needles only with facial loops. If you knit in circular, then the first row must be knitted, and the second row must be purl.

The “braid” pattern looks very impressive with knitting needles on a hat, snood. You can use both one element and several.

Today, sets that combineseveral patterns at once. So experiment! With a pearl pattern and garter stitch, you can combine braids of varying complexity, plaits, arana.

Mohair fashion sets

Mohair is a pleasant, warm, soft and fluffy yarn. It is often used for knitting hats and snoods. Schemes and descriptions of models are different. But the simplest and most popular pattern can be safely called the English gum. From this yarn, using this pattern, you can create a fashionable takori hat with a double lapel.

To create it, cast on the required number of loops on circular needles and knit 35 cm of fabric in height. After that, reductions are performed. The main number of loops is divided into 4 parts and three loops are knitted together at the beginning and at the end of each block in every fourth row. Thus, it is necessary to knit about 33 rows.

knit a hat and snood with knitting needles
knit a hat and snood with knitting needles

After the crown is pulled together, the thread is fixed and hidden on the wrong side.

With such a hat, openwork stoles or fluffy snoods look spectacular. A scarf can be knitted in the same pattern as takori.

Product care

Once the product is ready, it should be washed in warm water with shampoo or a special product for wool. Gently squeeze the product and lay it on a towel in a horizontal position. In no case should the product be suspended, otherwise it may stretch out.


It is real to knit a beautiful set with knitting needles on your own. This is confirmed by many needlewomen. It is enough to prepare the necessary materials, pattern patterns andget to work in a good mood. In addition, you can knit several sets for your whole family with the family look style.
