Huge do-it-yourself crepe paper flower: a step-by-step master class
Huge do-it-yourself crepe paper flower: a step-by-step master class

Large voluminous crepe paper flowers are a stylish, quick and inexpensive decoration suitable for any occasion. For example, a birthday, a children's party in the garden or school, an outdoor party or even a wedding.

In this article, we have collected 4 of the best master classes that will help you make a huge flower out of corrugated paper with your own hands. And yes, we have instructions for even the laziest and the most impatient!

corrugated paper flowers
corrugated paper flowers

Why is it worth making such flowers?

So, making a huge flower out of corrugated paper with your own hands is not difficult at all, and its advantages are obvious:

  • The main thing, as we have already noted, is ease of manufacture.
  • Speed. Even if there is half an hour left before the holiday, you will still have time to make these decorations.
  • Economy and a small set of necessary materials.
  • Compact andlightness of materials when folded. They can be easily delivered to the desired location and assembled on site.
  • Because the flowers themselves are very voluminous, you don't need too many of them to create a sense of celebration.
  • Virtually no special tools. The glue gun, indicated in many instructions, in its absence can be easily replaced with a tube of PVA.

Small digression: is it crepe or corrugated paper?

There is an ongoing debate on the Internet about whether corrugated and crepe paper are the same material or are they completely different things?

We can say with confidence that these are two names of the same product. The paper may differ in quality or density, but it is called corrugated or crepe paper - it does not matter at all. In order to make a huge flower out of intricate crepe paper, it is important to make sure it is labeled “floral”. It is thicker and stretches better than plain paper for children's crafts. Although, in principle, the simplest and cheapest paper from a stationery store is quite suitable for some types of flowers.

Huge corrugated paper flowers. Master class number 1

corrugated paper flower
corrugated paper flower

These products look good from all sides. These large crepe paper chrysanthemums can be placed on the wall or hung from the ceiling.

We will need:

  • corrugated paper in one, two or three colors - your choice.
  • scissors.
  • rope, laceor wire.
Description of how to make a crepe paper chrysanthemum
Description of how to make a crepe paper chrysanthemum

How we do it:

  • If you have paper of three colors, then leave one package as it is, cut the second shorter by about a third of the length of the first package, and the third, the one that will serve as the middle - half of the second. A flower with a contrasting core looks the most advantageous, but it can also be monochromatic.
  • Cut a long and medium package of paper in a semicircle from both ends, cut the smallest piece with a fringe on both sides.
  • Unfold and lay out the medium and small sheets in the middle of the large one.
  • The sheets folded together are bent with an accordion.
  • We clamp the middle and tie it with a rope or wire.
  • Spread the petals and fasten the parts of the fan together to give a round shape. First of all, you need to fluff the middle as much as possible, and then straighten each petal, bending it towards the center.
  • We did great!

Now you can attach the flower to the wall with pins or masking tape. Or hang on a ribbon to the ceiling.

If desired, the shape of the petals can be made not round, but triangular, adding variety to the appearance.

Master class 2. Peony

Giant paper peony
Giant paper peony

In this master class we will try to make huge flowers from corrugated paper - peonies. They are made using a slightly different technology, a little more laborious, but the result is definitely worth your effort.

These giantcorrugated paper flowers will definitely not go unnoticed among the guests, they will be a great backdrop for photos and selfies.

We will need:

  • 1 roll of floral crepe paper;
  • plain pleated complementary color;
  • a strip of yellow corrugated paper;
  • scissors;
  • big paper plate;
  • glue gun.

How we do it:

  • Unfold the floral paper and fold in half horizontally. Cut across into 7-9 equal parts, depending on the planned number of large petals.
  • We take one of the obtained pieces of paper. We cut off the part of the sheet opposite to the side of the fold in the shape of a petal - rounded or sharp - to your taste. Also, don't be discouraged if the petals come out a little crooked. Firstly, in wildlife there are no identical forms, and secondly, slight irregularities simply will not be noticeable in the finished flower.
  • Slightly squeeze the base of the petal and carefully glue it with a glue gun. We press the junction until the glue dries.
  • Begin to gently straighten both petals from the center to the edge. Be careful as you may accidentally tear it. Also, don't smooth them too much.
  • Repeat the same steps with the remaining sheets of paper.
  • Now take a paper plate and start attaching petals to it in a circle, keeping close to the outer edge.
  • Make 6-8 more similar smaller petals from another roll of paper. Thesewe also attach the petals to the plate inside the ring of large petals. Try to stick them vertically, pressing the base against the plate.
  • The smallest piece of paper is first folded several times along, then once across. Cut out the petals from the side opposite from the fold. You will need quite a lot of such leaves - about ten to twenty.
  • Slightly straighten the small petals and shape them. We glue the petals in the middle of our flower in a chaotic manner, leaving a little space in the very center for the core.
  • Cut out a strip from yellow paper and cut along one edge with a fringe. Then we fold it like a brush and glue it. Now it needs to be disheveled and placed in the center of the composition.
  • Spread all the petals and give them the final shape.

These corrugated paper flowers can be placed on the walls or attached to a vertical stick tied with a green ribbon. They look beautiful.

Master class 3. How to make huge crepe paper flowers: a lazy option

giant paper flowers
giant paper flowers

If you still want to make a huge flower out of corrugated paper with your own hands, and the previous option seemed too laborious to you, then there is a faster way that does not require much time and effort.

We will need:

  • corrugated paper in two contrasting colors;
  • adhesive tape;
  • wire;
  • paper or cardboard for patterns, but you can do without them by cuttingpetals on the eye;
  • glue.
  • pattern of flower petals
    pattern of flower petals

How we do it:

  • First of all, we make patterns of petals of 3 different sizes. The largest is about 35 centimeters long and 15-20 centimeters wide.
  • Cut out the petals according to the patterns obtained. The more of them, the more magnificent the flower will turn out as a result. Again, do not pay too much attention to accuracy, cut as you can.
  • Cut a strip of paper in a contrasting color with a fringe on both sides and fasten it in the middle with wire. Try to take a longer wire, as it will also serve as a kind of stem for the flower.
  • Fluff the strips of paper properly to make a fluffy ball.
  • Petals are folded in 3-4 pieces like a fan and fixed with tape at the base. The flower will be more magnificent if the petals overlap slightly.
  • Attach the resulting fans to the base of the flower with adhesive tape: first small, then medium and at the very end - large.
  • We fix the entire structure well around the wire with adhesive tape, otherwise our flower may fall apart, and this will be a shame.

So, another huge do-it-yourself crepe paper flower!

Master class 4: also for the very lazy

fluffy crepe paper flower
fluffy crepe paper flower

Too hard and time consuming again? Okay, we have an option for the very, very lazy as well.

We will need:

  • crepe paper in your favorite color;
  • lace, rope,elastic band, tape, or anything else that could be used to tie up the paper;
  • scissors.

What we do:

  • Open sheets of paper.
  • Stack them up. The author of this master class used 10 sheets for each flower.
  • Fold the sheets like an accordion.
  • Tie in the middle with what was at hand.
  • Cut off the ends on both sides.
  • And now just fold each of the layers up and into the center, trying not to tear them.
  • Repeat the action until the sheets run out.
  • And literally in minutes our giant voluminous flower is ready.

Petal shape

The shape in which you can cut the tips of the petals depends on what kind of flower you want to end up with. So, triangular tips are more like a dahlia, a sharper triangle is more like a daisy, and a soft square is more like a rose or peony.

giant paper peony
giant paper peony

In closing

Now you know exactly how to make huge corrugated paper flowers: more complex or very simple. But no matter which path you personally take, your guests will be able to appreciate the scale and admire your skill.

And if we all practice a little bit, we will soon be able to make such amazing and complex flowers as in the photo above.
