How to mold a dog from plasticine quickly and easily?
How to mold a dog from plasticine quickly and easily?

The dog is undoubtedly the most common and beloved pet of man. Since ancient times, these friendly animals have served people. From this article you will learn how to mold a dog from plasticine with your own hands.

Materials and tools

Before you mold a dog from plasticine, you need to carefully select materials and tools. This is especially true when you are a professional sculptor and want to cast your work.

how to make a dog out of plasticine
how to make a dog out of plasticine

For children's creativity, it is best to buy simple plasticine, which can be seen in any stationery department. First, it is inexpensive. And secondly, it is multi-colored.

Also, stock up on stacks. And in order not to stain the table in plasticine, buy a special plastic board. Perhaps in the process of modeling, a wet cloth will also come in handy, as sometimes plasticine stains the skin of the hands.

How to make a dog with a child out of plasticine?

If you are going to sculpt with your child, it is not necessary to create a realistic animal. The main thing is that the child likes the lesson and is interesting. Therefore, take colored plasticine and choose the colors that you like the

how to mold a dog out of plasticine
how to mold a dog out of plasticine

First, blind the body with the neck. You can immediately form the body, neck and head from one piece. Then make paws from four small balls and stick them to the body. Blur the edges. Take a stack and mark your toes with it. Then stick a ponytail made from a thin sausage. Don't forget the ears. Stack mark the mouth. Blind eyes from two small black balls. You can take a toothpick and make the texture of wool. The dog is ready!

Sculpting a three-dimensional figure of a dog with a frame?

And now you will learn how to mold a dog from plasticine in stages. First, decide on the size of the future figure. If you are thinking about how to mold a large dog out of plasticine, then you may need to create a base from wire and foil. To do this, first make a wire frame, then tape crumpled pieces of foil to it. So your figure will be more durable and stable.

Then, carefully wrap around the frame. Do it in layers. It will be very good if you take an anatomical atlas and focus on it. So your dog will be very realistic and beautiful. Don't forget the eyes. After you blind your eyes, make thin eyelids. You will work them out in more detail later.

how to mold a dog from plasticine step by step
how to mold a dog from plasticine step by step

After you have made the first "muscle" layer, proceed to the skin and coat. First, if your dog is hairless, flatten the space between the muscles. Secondly, at this stage,start sculpting wool. To make the coat realistic, use a variety of tools. For strands, you can take stacks with balls at the ends, and to work out the hairs, you can use a simple needle or toothpick. Now you know how to make a plasticine dog.

What else can you do with a plasticine figurine?

Here you made a dog and you liked it. But, as you know, plasticine is short-lived. A figurine made from it can fall to the floor and get wrinkled or melt in the heat. In addition, dust sticks to plasticine. Therefore, a particularly successful plasticine figure can be pasted over with scraps of newspapers or paper. Use PVA glue. Layers need to be done two or three. Then cut the figure in half and remove the plasticine from it. Glue the figure back and glue it with a few more layers of paper. Such a figurine will serve you much longer. In addition, it can be decorated.

We hope that now you understand how to mold a dog from plasticine. If desired, plasticine can be replaced with polymer clay, which after baking becomes strong and hard to the touch.
