Hitler Youth knife: description, origin and purpose
Hitler Youth knife: description, origin and purpose

The Second World War left a lot of historical monuments that are deposited in museums and private collections. Along with letters, photos, stamps, collectors also seek to get authentic samples of weapons and uniforms. Items from the battlefield are highly valued among the gray market of archaeologists, and sometimes the firearms of those times can be worth a fortune. Melee weapons also found their place among private collections. Bayonet-knives, daggers, premium analogues - all of them are in demand and remain an extremely popular lot. The latter also includes the Hitler Youth knife, a kind of insignia of the owner, ranked among the ranks of the military elite. Despite their rather distinctive functions, these edged weapons were an inseparable part of the uniform, and the young Germans practically did not part with the bayonet.

Description and origin

Hitler Youth knife
Hitler Youth knife

After the party of Adolf Hitler, at that time still Chancellor, came to power in Germany, military or standard uniforms came into fashion both for organizations created in the likeness of combat units of the SS and SA, and for civilian associations. Among the paraphernalia accompanying the reform, a prominent place was occupied by a knife. In 1933 he became part of the uniformthe Hitler Youth and the Jungfolk, pursuing goals similar to those of the award weapons in the SS and SA. However, if in the organizations mentioned it was possible to earn such a distinction only through outstanding achievements, then the Hitler Youth knife eventually turned into an ordinary item. In a military uniform store, it could be purchased for 4 Reichsmarks.

Melee weapon uniform

According to the description of the Hitler Youth knife, in shape it resembles a traditional bayonet, common in the German army from 1884 to 1898. Later, the appearance of the handle and the blade itself changed somewhat. So, for example, since 1937, the sign of the organization was etched on the enamel surface of the guard. The first samples are simpler in appearance and have more of a functional purpose, while later, when the knife took on the shape of a command dagger, it became more of a ceremonial attribute. Mass production of knives began in 1915, since 1923 such a bayonet has become the main edged weapon of the Wehrmacht armies.

what is written on the knife of the Hitler Youth
what is written on the knife of the Hitler Youth

The Hitler Youth knife is maximally adapted to be worn on the belt, the sheath provides for the ability to quickly draw the blade. The weapon consists of a straight single-edged blade, a handle and a cross, which acts as a guard. Ephesus is massive. The material for the blade is carbon steel, for the handle softer metals were used. The cheeks for the hilt were made of wood, and later of plastic. On the right was the emblem of the Hitler Youth. The length of the blade is 140 mm, with a hilt - 245 mm. An impressive weight of 286 grams made this bayonet one ofthe most massive among analogues common among paramilitary organizations.

Purpose and paraphernalia

Initially, the Hitler Youth knife was conceived as a distinction for those neophytes who successfully passed the “Pimpf-exam”, which involved checking the physical fitness of members of the Jungvolk. Later, it became the traditional emblem of the organization, which is why it quickly dispersed through the ranks of the Hitler Youth. Some owners grinded the blade of the knife, giving it a narrower shape. Thus, the blade could well serve as a combat knife. According to the charter, the sword belt must be black. The blade was fastened on the left thigh in a strictly vertical position. It was not allowed to display your own inscriptions or other signs on the knife.

Various variations

Hitler Youth knife original
Hitler Youth knife original

In 1939, a limited batch of Hitler Youth knives with the inscription "Adolf Hitler - March" was released. Such weapons were awarded to those members of the organization who took part in a commemorative march on Landsberg in honor of the Fuhrer, who was serving a sentence for the Munich Putsch of 1923. There are other variations - for example, from the march to Nuremberg, with the appropriate dating. In addition, a special batch of knives with a saw was released. The original Hitler Youth knife today is quite valuable in itself, but if the collector came across an analogue with the initial etching, then such a blade can be called a unique historical monument and a witness to the whole era of Germany during the period of fascism.

Inscriptions on the blade

The question of what is written on the knife of the Hitler Youth, barelyis not the most popular among those related to the weapons of the Wehrmacht. Initially, the inscription “Blut und Ehre” was etched on the blade, which translates as “Blood and Honor”. This slogan became the motto of the organization, but is now considered banned in Germany. Later on the blades began to place a facsimile of the head of the organization, Baldur von Schirach, and a mention of a march in honor of Hitler. By the time the organization was liquidated, there were no inscriptions left on the knife. All that was placed there was the brand of the manufacturer, the series and the year of delivery.
