How to make DIY chalk
How to make DIY chalk

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Painting with chalk is one of the most favorite summer activities for kids. Of course, you can easily buy it in the nearest store, but it is much more interesting to create your own product: unique, multi-colored, which no one else has. Before you get started, you need to figure out how to make chalk so that it turns out the first time. There are many good recipes, but the gypsum-based version is the most successful.


Get ready to learn how to make chalk from plaster. For work you will need the following materials:

  1. Small size plastic disposable plate. It is convenient to knead the mass in it, and then you can simply throw away the dishes and not waste time washing.
  2. Plastic disposable spoon.
  3. Gypsum. It is sold in craft stores or building departments. For the first time, just 1-2 cups of powder will be enough.
  4. Warm water. You need enough liquid to bring the gypsum to a thick state.pasta.
  5. Molds. These can be silicone ice molds, plastic disposable cups, thick plastic straws for drinks, sand molds.
  6. Acrylic or food color in different colors.
  7. Sequins. These are optional ingredients, but girls love anything shiny.

Cooking process

Step-by-step instructions on how to make homemade chalk will guide you through the entire process from start to finish. Pour 250 ml of dry gypsum into a plastic plate. Carefully pour in 125 ml of warm water and 20 ml of acrylic paint of the desired shade. If you are using glitter, add it to the mix as well. Using a plastic spoon, quickly stir the mass until smooth. Do not hesitate, because you need to make chalk in 10-15 minutes, and then the plaster will harden. Put the mass into a mold, lightly tamp with a spoon, level the surface and leave to harden on a table or windowsill for 1-2 hours. Your homemade chalk is ready!

DIY colored chalk
DIY colored chalk

How to make chalk at home to make it dense and beautiful? Be sure to tamp the mass when laying it in the form, this is necessary to avoid cracks, gaps, and bumps. If you want a more intense crayon color, use more paint. Remember that the gypsum hardens quickly, so do not cook a large portion at once, otherwise the mass will harden before you put the crayons into the molds.


To make it more interesting for kids, make special, unique crayons that no one else has. For example, you can makegigantic chalk. To do this, use a disposable cup as a mold and fill it with mass to the very top.

colorful chalk
colorful chalk

Another good option to surprise your child's friends is to make striped colorful crayons. To do this, prepare several small portions of the gypsum mass, paint them with acrylic paint in different colors and alternately put them into the mold. If you are preparing chalk not for a child, but for yourself, for example, to apply patterns to fabric, you can make an ordinary white chalk and give it a convenient shape.

How to make chalk
How to make chalk

Now you know how to make your own chalk. All you need is to buy the right ingredients and get to work immediately!
