Treatment of dry cough in a child quickly and effectively
Treatment of dry cough in a child quickly and effectively

When children get sick, it is always difficult for both mother and child, especially if the child suffers from an endless dry cough. Any hypothermia can lead to a cold, so the sooner you start treating a dry cough in a child, the easier the disease will pass. This unpleasant symptom can be with acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, foreign bodies entering the respiratory tract, and even with helminthic invasion. Sometimes a dry cough can accompany diseases such as sinusitis or otitis media, so you need to get an appointment not only with a pediatrician, but also with an ENT. Before taking medication, it is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis, since self-medication is unacceptable. In rare cases, diagnosis is difficult due to the fact that the child may be infected with helminths, in which the development cycle passes through the lungs. In this case, it is worth undergoing a comprehensive examination and identifying parasites that irritate the epithelium lining the bronchial mucosa.

dry cough treatment for children
dry cough treatment for children

Cough treatment

When an accurate diagnosis is made, it is necessary to start treatment without missing medications.

dry cough in children diagnosis
dry cough in children diagnosis

If a dry cough is noticed in children, diagnosis should be carried out as soon as possible, sohow the infection can descend into the lower respiratory tract and cause the development of pneumonia. If a diagnosis of ARVI is made, then there is no point in taking antibiotics: you need to give the child fortifying vitamins, antiviral agents and do inhalations with herbal decoctions. To soften the cough, it is advisable to include mucous jelly and plenty of fluids in the baby's menu. To eliminate irritation in the nasopharynx, it is best to take special lozenges. Treatment of dry cough in a child with bronchitis should be aimed at thinning sputum.

treat a child's cough
treat a child's cough

As soon as it becomes wet, it is necessary to take expectorants. Many mothers unknowingly begin to give their children syrups that remove sputum when the cough is dry, which should not be done in any case. First of all, it is necessary to give the child mucolytic drugs, if necessary - together with antibacterial therapy. With difficulty breathing, as a rule, antihistamines are prescribed, and for a speedy recovery, you can resort to traditional medicine, but only to those recipes that are permissible for small ones.

Folk remedies for the treatment of dry cough

To stop a child's cough, it is better to treat according to the scheme prescribed by the pediatrician, but using some folk recipes. Licorice syrup has proven itself very well for thinning sputum, so the baby can be given both it and lozenges based on it. Treating a dry cough in a child with carrot juice mixed with milk will help get rid of it quickly, especially if you add a little butter towarm solution. Melted sugar cockerels, beloved by everyone in childhood, remarkably relieve the symptoms of the disease, but for children with diathesis, it is better to give such a remedy in doses. Treatment of dry cough in a child must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist, otherwise uncontrolled medication can cause serious consequences.
