How to crochet a lamb: diagram and description, master class for beginners
How to crochet a lamb: diagram and description, master class for beginners

Who doesn't love knitted toys? Keeping the warmth of hands, they bring comfort and positive. Such a toy will please not only a child, but also any adult. After all, she will wonderfully decorate the interior.

how to crochet a lamb diagram and description
how to crochet a lamb diagram and description

In this article we will look at how to crochet a lamb. The diagram and description will help us with this. And also, in addition to toys, we will analyze how to tie a sheep-potholder.

Preparation of materials for a lamb potholder

To understand how to crochet a lamb, the scheme and description of which will be offered below, you should first pick up the threads of the desired colors. Also for each sheep you will need four beads, a pair of eyes, threads and a needle. Don't forget about scissors. Some parts require glue to hold them together. Best of all in such cases is "Moment Crystal"

How to crochet a sheep (diagram and description): potholder

First we take that yarn,the color of which will be the main one in the lamb, and we knit a circle of a suitable diameter from it. We use single crochets for this. For this, any scheme by which you can tie a circle is suitable. For example, like this.

how to crochet a lamb diagram and description potholder
how to crochet a lamb diagram and description potholder

The number of rows that you get as a result of the work will depend on the desired size of the future potholder, as well as on the thickness of the yarn used. If your yarn is not thick enough, then fold it in half, or maybe even in three. After all, the purpose of an oven mitt is to protect your hands from the heat of heated dishware handles. And this is impossible if the thickness of the material is insufficient for these purposes. After the last circle is created, we begin to tie it with “fans”. "Fan" should consist of five columns, each of which has one crochet. The wavy edge will imitate sheep's curls. You can leave it in this form, or you can tie the finished part with contrasting threads, using single crochets for this. In the process of tying, you must not forget that any tack should have a loop for which it is suspended. To create it, simply tie a chain in the middle of the work, consisting of air loops in the amount of, for example, fifteen pieces. That's all. Our main part is ready.

Knit a muzzle for a lamb potholder

To make the muzzle of a lamb look good, it is better to take a yarn different from the one from which the main part is knitted. Now we knit a circle of the size that the muzzle should be. It's about three or four rows. Once the job is done,without breaking the threads, we create ears from air loops, and carefully hide the ends of the threads on the wrong side.

how to crochet a lamb diagram and photo description
how to crochet a lamb diagram and photo description

This is the easiest way. But you can knit the oval ears separately using single crochets and then sew them to the muzzle of the lamb. The hairstyle can be made in the form of a cloud, from a contrasting thread, and attach this hairstyle to the head. In knitting, use the same technique as when tying the main part.

Creating legs

Now it's the turn of the legs. They can be made very simply. Tie chains of air loops of the required length, one chain for two legs. We attach a bead from both edges. Just put it on a chain and tie a knot. And now it remains to simply attach these legs from below. Pull them through any hole and tie. Each sheep should end up with four legs. It remains only to glue the eyes.

That's it. We studied one of the options for how to crochet a lamb. The scheme and description of creating a potholder will certainly help even beginner needlewomen.

Preparation of materials for knitting sheep toys

Consider below how to crochet a sheep (diagram and description for beginners) in a dress. This option will appeal to any girl. And not only the baby, but also quite an adult young lady. This toy will not only be able to become a friend in games for a little princess, but will also completely decorate the interior. How to crochet a lamb? The master class requires the following materials and tools. First of all,you will need yarn. Choose the color according to your taste. It is better if the yarn is soft and pleasant to the touch. This is especially important if the toy is intended for children. Secondly, you need a hook, which is selected according to the yarn. Usually the number of a suitable hook is indicated on the label. A filler is certainly needed, which is best suited as a synthetic winterizer or synthetic winterizer. You will also need scissors, a needle and thread to match the yarn.

How to crochet a sheep (diagram and description): toy (head)

Knitting the head should start from the muzzle and finish in the back. Its stuffing is done in the process of knitting. The head consists of 40 rows. In the 1st circle, we perform six columns without a crochet. In the 2nd, in each column of the previous circle, we knit 2 columns without a crochet. A total of 12 columns must be completed. In the 3rd round, we knit 1 single crochet, then 2 single crochets in the next column of the first round. And repeat this combination 6 times. A total of 18 columns should be knitted.

In the 4th round - 2 single crochet and 2 single crochet in the next column of the 30th round. Repeat all 6 times. Total 24. In the 5th round - 3 single crochet and 2 single crochet in one loop (also 6 times) - 30 columns. The sixth circle - 4 single crochet and 2 in one loop (6 times) - 36 columns. In the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th circle, respectively, 5, 6, 7 and 8 columns between two in one loop. Everywhere combinations are repeated 6 times, resulting in 42, 48, 54 and 60 columns, respectively, in each circle.

Then from the 11th to the 14th round they are simply knittedsingle crochet in each column in front of the going circle. Further, the 15th, 17th, 19th and 21st rounds are knitted with the following combination: 8, 7, 6 and 5 columns, respectively, and one decrease. This combination is repeated 6 times in each circle. And in the 16th, 18th and 20th rows, ordinary single crochet columns fit into each column of the circle in front. In total, in the 21st circle you will get 36 columns. In the 22nd and 23rd - also ordinary single crochet columns. In the 24th round - 16 single crochet, 2 single crochet, then 2, 2 single crochet, 16 single crochet. In the 25th circle - 17 columns, 2 in one, 3 columns, 2 in one, 16 columns without a crochet. In the 26th round - 18 single crochet, two in one, 4 columns, 2 columns in one, 16 single crochet. Round 27 - 16 single crochet, 2 single crochet, 2, 2 single crochet, then 5, 2 single crochet, 2 single crochet, 2 single crochet, 13 single crochet. There are 46 columns in total.

Round 28 - 17 single crochet, 2 single crochet, 3 single crochet, 2 single crochet, 6 single crochet, 2 single crochet, 3 single crochet, 2 single crochet, 13 single crochet. There are 50 columns in total. And the 29th and 30th circles are just single crochet columns. In the 31st round, the combination "8 columns plus 1 decrease" is repeated five times. The result should be 45 columns. In the 32nd circle we knit columns without a crochet. In the 33rd, 34th, 35th, 36th, 37th, 38th and 39th circles we knit the following combination: 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 column, respectively, plus one decrease. This combination should be repeated five times in each circle. As a result, there should be 10 columns in the 39th row. In the fortieth circle, five decreases are performed and the thread is fixed. You can use yarn for hair"weed".

Knitting the body

To knit a torso for a lamb, which will also be a dress, you will need two colors of yarn. One of them is the color of the sheep's body, or just white, and the second is the color of the dress. The torso is knitted according to the same principle as the head, only larger. It is worth starting knitting from the bottom, from the thread that will designate the torso. Having knitted somewhere one fourth of the entire body, attach a thread of a different color and knit to the end. Stuff the body in the course of knitting. Once the work is completed, attach a thread of a contrasting color at the transition from one color to another and knit a couple of rows. After that, knit an openwork skirt according to the pattern.

how to crochet a lamb master class for beginners
how to crochet a lamb master class for beginners

Above it was told how to crochet a lamb (diagram and description). The photos presented here will surely be able to help you with this.

Knit ears, arms and legs

Now we need to make limbs for the sheep. They also knit according to the same principle. First, round hooves are knitted, stuffed, and then the loops are gradually reduced to the thickness you want for the legs and arms of the lamb.

how to crochet a lamb diagram and description for beginners in a dress
how to crochet a lamb diagram and description for beginners in a dress

And then we knit in a circle to the required length. On the hands, according to the principle of a skirt, you can tie openwork sleeves.

how to crochet a lamb master class
how to crochet a lamb master class

In the process of learning how to crochet a lamb, the diagram and description will certainly help you. Then andarms and legs should be sewn to the body. To tie the ears, use the diagram below.

how to crochet a lamb diagram and description toy
how to crochet a lamb diagram and description toy

Then just attach them to the head and the head itself to the torso.

The finishing touch

So we figured out how to crochet a lamb. The master class for beginners is quite suitable. It remains to work a little on the completion of the image of our sheep - to make her eyes and decorate the dress. Use ribbons, beads and hanging elements for this. And you can even stick on false eyelashes.

Well, that's it. Our wonderful toy is ready. You can give it to someone, and with it - a piece of warmth. It's so nice to give someone a little joy! Get creative and don't be afraid to experiment with creative processes.
