Basket of newspaper tubes, or How to create a stylish piece of furniture?
Basket of newspaper tubes, or How to create a stylish piece of furniture?

How to combine functionality, style and creativity? The answer is simple: try to master a new type of needlework - paper weaving. It is with the help of it that such a practical piece of furniture as a basket of newspaper tubes is created.

basket of newspaper tubes
basket of newspaper tubes

Main Materials

Any crafts made from newspaper tubes, photos of which can be seen not only in manuals on paper weaving, but also in fashion magazines, are always an economical and environmentally friendly piece of furniture. Why? Yes, primarily because they are an excellent way to protect nature from pollution. Indeed, in the process of creativity, not only newspapers are used, but also all possible catalogs, sheets with advertisements, and demonstration posters. The main thing is that they should be similar in their density and texture to newsprint. Why economical? Because it is enough to collect a binder of printed matter, which is read daily in the family, and there is already material for creativity.

But, in addition, you will also need to stock up on additional tools. So, if it was already decided that the basket fromnewspaper tubes should be present in the interior, then in addition to printed materials, it is also necessary to prepare glue (PVA or pencil), a knitting needle, acrylic varnish and paints, as well as a form from which the design of the basket will be subsequently transferred.

newspaper tube laundry basket
newspaper tube laundry basket

Rolling the straws

When creating any craft from a newspaper "vine", you need to make the main weaving element, namely the tubes. This is quite easy to do, but the process will take quite a long time. So, a newspaper spread is cut into strips at least seven centimeters wide. Then, with the help of a knitting needle, each blank is twisted, and the tip is fixed with glue. This can be done without the help of a knitting needle, only with your fingers. Then you get a denser and thinner "vine". By the way, it is this technology that should be used if the master’s plans include a laundry basket made of newspaper tubes. It is thanks to the special density that it will keep the volume for a long time.

It is definitely impossible to determine how many such blanks a basket of newspaper tubes will require, and therefore the principle applies: “The more the better.”

crafts from newspaper tubes photo
crafts from newspaper tubes photo


Of course, the straws can be painted after the product is finished. But it's better to do it in advance.

The easiest way to change the color of straws is to soak them in an oak stain solution for a short time, then leave to dry. For those who want to get other shades, water solutions are suitable.brilliant green, potassium permanganate or iodine. Three to four drops per 500 ml are enough.

It takes more time to manually paint the tubes with acrylic paint. But the advantage is that these dyes lay down more evenly and dry faster.

The process of creation

A basket of newspaper tubes is woven in the same way as from a vine. To do this, you should start with a base that repeats the size of the chosen shape: for rectangular ones, the usual transverse weaving, for round ones, weaving along the diameter. It is necessary to ensure that the tubes fit snugly against each other.

Next, raise the "walls" of the basket. To do this, the form is placed on an already woven base, and the tube-racks are bent so that they are tightly pressed against the sides of the form. Trying to maintain the density and shape of the product, they are braided in horizontal rows until the desired height is reached.

The basket can be left open, but it is better to make a lid for it. To do this, repeat the whole process, only the parameters of the base are increased by half a centimeter in each direction.

As you can see, making a basket from a newspaper is quite simple, and most importantly - interesting.
