Kanzashi in Ukrainian style: a master class on creating a wreath
Kanzashi in Ukrainian style: a master class on creating a wreath

Kanzashi - a technique for making flowers from ribbons. The history of this art form began in Japan, where hair ornaments made in this style were part of the costume and reflected the social status of a woman.

Now, girls who follow fashion trends are especially popular with hairpins and headbands made of silk and satin, created by craftswomen using the tsumami (folding) technique. They are made as follows: round or sharp petals are formed from small square pieces of fabric, from which flower buds are collected.

An unusual accessory is a wreath or kanzashi hoop in the Ukrainian style. It perfectly complements the ethnic dress, can be the final detail of a bright image for a photo shoot against the backdrop of nature. Making such a decoration with your own hands is quite simple.

kanzashi in ukrainian style
kanzashi in ukrainian style

Ukrainian kanzashi wreath: master class

To independently create a headband or wreath, you need to prepare several types of flowers: poppies, cornflowers, chamomile, sunflowers. Spikelets and leaves will look beautiful, they will add color to the product. The difference between the wreath and the rim is only in the number of buds: in the firstcase, the workpiece is completely covered with them, from edge to edge.

Required materials for making an accessory:

  • ribbons 5 cm wide olive, yellow, scarlet, white and blue;
  • 5cm gold brocade ribbon;
  • 2.5 cm green ribbon;
  • artificial berries;
  • stamens for black and blue flowers;
  • yellow half bead with a diameter of 12 mm;
  • green felt;
  • tweezers;
  • cotton wool or synthetic winterizer;
  • cardboard for creating blanks;
  • blank for green rim;
  • pencil;
  • lighter or candle;
  • soldering iron;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun;
  • needle and thread.

Poppy for a wreath with your own hands

We start making a Ukrainian-style kanzashi hoop from assembling poppies. For them, you need a scarlet ribbon 5 cm wide. We make cardboard blanks for petals in two sizes: 4.5x5.5 cm with a base of 3 cm and 4x4.5 cm with a base of 2 cm. Then we make 10 large and 10 small petals on them. one flower. Scorch the edges with a lighter or a candle, giving the petals volume and bending in different directions to make them uneven, like real poppies.

kanzashi hoop in Ukrainian style
kanzashi hoop in Ukrainian style

Cut out a circle of felt with a diameter of 4 cm and glue a number of large petals on it with a gun. Next, glue the smaller petals. Then we make out the middle of the flower by cutting the blanks of black stamens in half. You will need five of these halves. Glue them oncircle in the center of the bud. Now we cut out a 5x5 circle from a 5 cm wide ribbon and collect it on a thread along the edge.

We tighten the fabric, placing a piece of padding polyester in the center, and tie the ends of the thread. This will be the center of the flower. It remains only to flash it from the middle to the edges in a circle, dividing it into several segments, and glue it. Mac is ready. You can use the second option for making this flower: sew the petals with a thread, distributing them in a checkerboard pattern, and make the stamens from a nylon thread.

How to make a camomile

Decorate the Ukrainian kanzashi wreath with daisies. We take a white ribbon and cut it into 5x5 cm squares. We make 9 round petals using the tsumami technique, folding the fabric several times. Holding the tape with tweezers, cut off the corner and singe its tip with a lighter. Then cut off the side part and repeat the procedure again. When all the petals are ready, glue them in a circle. We make the middle from a yellow half-bead, attaching it in the center.

Ukrainian kanzashi wreath master class
Ukrainian kanzashi wreath master class

Cornflower for headband in Ukrainian style

Let's start creating cornflowers. To do this, you need a blue ribbon 5 cm wide. Cut out 5 squares from it and make sharp kanzashi petals. We glue them together, except for the last one. For the core, you need blue stamens (you can use yellow if there are no blue shades) - place them in the center and glue them. We collect the flower, additionally apply glue to the back of the bud and cut off the extra "tails". It remains to make leaves for the kanzashi rim in the Ukrainian style.

Satin leavesribbons

For leaves, take a green ribbon 2.5 cm wide and cut 8 cm from it. We make them with a soldering iron, folding the ribbon in half with the front side out and pressing the ruler obliquely. Leaves will need 10 pieces. We cut out an oval blank 10x5 cm from felt, fold it in half and make two cuts closer to the edge to pull it over the rim. We string, glue the parts together.

kanzashi ukrainian wreath
kanzashi ukrainian wreath

Kanzashi spikelet

If you wish, you can add a spikelet to the product. It needs a yellow and olive satin ribbon 5 cm wide and a golden brocade ribbon of the same size. We cut squares 5x5 cm and make double sharp petals. For one spikelet, 7 pieces are required. We make sharp leaves from a green tape and glue them from the inside out.

Product assembly

It remains to assemble a wreath or kanzashi headband in the Ukrainian style: glue the leaves from the ribbon around the perimeter of the felt to prepare a substrate for the bouquet. In the center we place a poppy, on each side of it we glue 3 artificial berries, chamomile and cornflower. The accessory is ready. If you planned to make a wreath and more flowers, you can make two or three felt sheets and fill them in by combining different buds.
