How easy is it to hem a collar on a military uniform?
How easy is it to hem a collar on a military uniform?

According to the military regulations, there is a certain regulation, according to which certain limits of behavior for military personnel are established. However, this concerns not only the execution of orders, but also the appearance. The field uniform must have a collar, which is located on the inside of the collar. In this regard, the question arises of how to hem a collar on a military uniform.

What is a collar?

what is needed to hem a collar
what is needed to hem a collar

This piece of clothing is a white strip of fabric that is sewn to the tunic from the inside. It would seem, why is it needed, but the collar has certain functions that it performs:

  • protects the skin from contact with rough material used for sewing military uniforms so that the skin is not injured;
  • it is not always possible to wash the issued form on time, and thereforethe collar also performs a hygienic role.

The need for collars was thought about when the First and Second World Wars were going on. The neck should be clean so that difficult-to-heal wounds do not form. When there are active hostilities, there is no time for personal hygiene, but maintaining the he alth of soldiers is also an important task. Gradually, collars became part of the tradition, and now wearing them is consistent with the military regulations.

What do you need for hemming?

necessary fittings
necessary fittings

How to sew collars on the uniform? To carry out the task, you need to acquire the following materials and tools:

  • cloth for hemming (white calico having collar size);
  • white threads;
  • needle;
  • iron.

When hemming the collar, you need to do it carefully so that there is no feeling of discomfort when wearing a military uniform every day.

Step by step instructions

How collars are hemmed in the army will be discussed later in the article:

  1. At the first stage, it is necessary to properly iron both the fabric itself, from which the collar will be made, and the form collar itself.
  2. As mentioned above, the size of the fabric strip and the gate must match. If there is a smaller fabric on the hands, then the same indents must be observed on each side of the collar. Much less problems if the strip of matter is somewhat larger. It will be enough to cut off an extra piece or simply tuck the fabric from both edges.
  3. A white thread is inserted into the needle,is threaded and secured with a knot so that it does not pop out during operation.
  4. Usually, a blind stitch is used for sewing. There is nothing complicated here, the thread is passed through the collar of the tunic, which consists of two layers of material.
  5. It will take approximately 12 stitches to make the collar look neat.
  6. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the needle must be inserted into the fabric in the place from which it comes out during the previous stitch. As a result, the seam is even and beautiful.
  7. Recommended stitch length is approximately 4 cm.

This instruction details how to hem a collar on a military uniform.

Some tricks

how to hem a collar on a military uniform
how to hem a collar on a military uniform

Soldiers entering military service receive ready-made collars in the amount of 12 pieces annually, which can be replaced with a simple fabric, you will have to make the necessary part from it yourself in order to hem a collar on a military uniform. According to the charter, collars must be changed every day, and if the fabric is washed after use, then its appearance leaves much to be desired. You can buy the necessary material or a finished product in a military store.

According to observations, a double layer of material is best. In this case, the fabric will not bulge and will not rub the skin of the neck.

The collars are checked for cleanliness every day during morning formations.

Now you know how to hem a military uniform collar.
