Learn how to crochet a connecting post
Learn how to crochet a connecting post
crochet connecting post
crochet connecting post

A connecting column (otherwise a half-column, or a blind loop) is one of the basic crochet elements. It is used for making transitions, for pinning and finishing edges, and in circular knitting for closing the circle.

Also, the connecting post is used to connect the details of the product, for example, when making blankets, bedspreads, tablecloths from square, triangular or any other motifs. In rare cases, it is used to create a straight web. In this article, we will tell beginner needlewomen how to crochet a connecting column. For greater clarity, we will also present step-by-step photos of knitting this basic element. We hope our article will help you learn this technique.

Connecting column: designation in diagrams

Blind loop is the lowest in heightcrochet element. That is why it allows you to neatly and almost imperceptibly connect different elements of the product, beautifully make circular napkins, flowers, and also make loop decreases. The canvas, created by half-columns, has a very dense structure and perfectly holds its shape.

how to crochet a connecting post
how to crochet a connecting post

On the diagrams, a blind loop is indicated in several ways: a black cross, a semi-arc or a semi-oval. Next, we will tell you how to crochet a connecting post simply and quickly, and then we will describe how to make a bright rug using an interesting technique called "Bosnian".

Technology for the execution of the basic element - half-column

In order to learn how to crochet a connecting half-column, we suggest that you complete a small sample. Prepare any yarn and hook that fits it in size.

crochet connecting bollard
crochet connecting bollard

Next, make a chain of air loops 7 or 8 cm long. Skip the first first air loop. This must be done to increase the height of the row. Now insert the hook into the second loop of the base.

how to make a crochet stitch
how to make a crochet stitch

We pick up the working thread and pull it through the warp VP. Then we drag it through the loop on the hook. Congratulations! Now you know how to crochet a connecting post.

crochet connecting post
crochet connecting post

To perform the second half-column, we introduce a hook into the third VP, grab the workingthread and pull through the loop on the hook. By analogy, we work to the end of the row. Let's flip our sample. We perform one air loop. Next, we knit the second row again with connecting posts. We get a canvas from two rows of blind loops. In the same way, we knit a few more rows, not forgetting to make the necessary turning lifting loops at the end of each. This is how crochet looks like in the photo.

how to crochet a connecting post
how to crochet a connecting post

Bosnian crochet. The connecting post is the basis of an interesting pattern

In Bosnia and other Muslim countries, a special type of crochet is very popular - with half-columns behind the back wall of the base loop. It's called Bosnian. Products made in this technique are quite elastic, wear-resistant and durable. Often it is with the help of Bosnian knitting that belts, mittens, berets, socks, rugs and many other products are made.

crochet connecting bollard
crochet connecting bollard

Also, using thin multi-colored cotton threads "Snowflake", "Lily" and "Iris", needlewomen create decorative braid with ordinary connecting posts and use it to decorate and decorate clothes. Let's take a look at how to crochet this pattern. The connecting column in Bosnian knitting is always knitted behind one wall - back or front. In this case, the lifting VP at the beginning of the row is not performed. Instead, the first column in the row is knitted into the first loop from the hook, for both of its walls. An important nuance of the performance of the BosnianThe pattern lies in the fact that it is always necessary to work in both front and back rows with one wall of the loop - back or front. If you alternate them, you get a canvas that looks like an elastic band. Thanks to the use of multi-colored threads and various combinations of the walls of loops and rows (purl and knit), unusually beautiful patterns are obtained.

how to make a crochet stitch
how to make a crochet stitch

Let's make a beautiful fringe rug

We advise you to choose a denser yarn for the manufacture of the product or fold the thread in half. Start work with a chain of air loops, the length of which should be equal to the desired width of the future rug (for example, 50 cm). Finish the row by fastening and cutting the working thread. Now make an initial loop on the hook, leaving a small tail (7 cm). You already know how to crochet a connecting post. Insert the working tool into the first loop of the base, grab the thread and make a blind loop. Continue to work half-columns to the end of the row. Remember that the hook should be inserted behind the back walls of the loop. When you finish the row, cut the working thread, leaving a small piece (about 7 cm), and then fasten the last loop by pulling the thread through it. Subsequently, these ponytails at the beginning and at the end of the row will become a fringe on the sides of the product. After learning how to crochet a connecting post, try creating this interesting striped rug. It is performed very simply - in the Bosnian technique with blind loops. To work, you will need 250 g of acrylic yarn in two contrasting shades (for example, pink and lilac orwhite and red) and hook number 4.

We continue to knit the rug with half-columns

crochet connecting post
crochet connecting post

Second row again, start with the initial loop on the hook and knit it on the right side in the same direction as the first, with half-columns.

Change the color of the threads every two rows. To prevent the fabric from beveling to the right, every fourth row, start knitting from the second loop, and at the end, perform one loop more, thereby shifting the knitting a little to the left. Knit until your rug reaches the desired length. At the end, trim the fringe with scissors. This bright and soft product will be a wonderful decor item for your bathroom or bedroom.
