Knitted skirt (crochet): pattern
Knitted skirt (crochet): pattern

Of all things, a crochet skirt is the easiest and fastest to knit. The scheme is usually an alternation of several patterns, which results in original products. It is better for beginner craftswomen to start with children's things. First, they knit faster. Secondly, in case of an error, they can be dissolved and re-linked. Thirdly, crochet experience is gained.

How to knit baby skirts?

The hook allows you to knit the product in parts or as a whole. Girls love fluffy skirts. Using openwork patterns, you get shuttlecocks. Some novice craftswomen do not understand how to create tiers in a product. Let's take a closer look at how to crochet a three-tiered skirt for a girl.

The scheme consists of three patterns:

  • the first pattern includes double crochets (indicated in the diagrams as CH);
  • the second picture is represented by a sirloin net;
  • third - openwork pattern.

According to the volume of the waist, knit double crochets in a circle. Literally after ten to fifteen centimeters, knit a sirloin net (CH, two air loops (VP), CH), adding loops. Three shuttlecocks are then attached to the net,therefore, the length of the skirt depends on its size.

Further, from the second row of the sirloin mesh, you begin to knit any openwork pattern that is used for collars, napkins, bedspreads. You start the second tier from the middle of the fillet net, and knit the third shuttlecock in its last row. After creating the tiers, return to the belt again and tie it first with arches, then fill them with double crochets.

Scheme of tiers of children's skirt

Determine places for four loops, knit them with single crochets. For the belt, choose an elastic band pattern, decorate with flowers. Let's take a closer look at the openwork pattern for shuttlecocks.

crochet skirt pattern
crochet skirt pattern

Crochet baby skirt: tier pattern

  1. All rows start with 3 pick-up sts (PP) and end with a connecting st. SN, VP (asterisks show pattern repeat).
  2. SN, VP.
  3. 3ch, 2ch in each st of previous row (row), ch 5, skip ch and single crochet (sc), 5ch, skip ch again, ch 3 in each ch, ch 1, 3ch.
  4. 3PP, 2CH, 3CH, 1SC in the middle of the arch of five loops PR, 3CH, SC into the next arch PR, 3CH, 3CH fit over the same columns PR, 2CH, 3CH.
  5. 3CH, 2CH, 4CH, RLS to the second arch of CR, 4CH, 3CH, 5CH, 3CH.
  6. 3PP, 2SN, 2VP, RLS in the first arch of PR, 2VP, RLS in the next arch of PR, 3SN, 2VP, (CH, 3VP, CH in the same loop in the middle of the PR arch - the element looks like a “slingshot” ""), 2VP, 3SN.
  7. 3PP, 2CH, 3CH, RLS in the 2nd arch of CR, 3CH, 3CH, 2CH, 7CH are knitted on a slingshot PR, 2CH, 3CH.
  8. 3PP, 2SN, VP, 3SN, 2VP, (SN, 2VP - 7 times), 3SN.
  9. 3PP, 3SN, we knit the extreme columns of the petal of the previous row into one loop of the base (the top is knitted like a “bump”, - 3 columns with two crochets in one loop of the base and with one top), 3VP, (bump on loops PR, 2CH, pico (3CH in the base loop), 2CH - 5 times), bump, 3CH, 4CH.

Long skirt with checkerboard pattern pattern

The difference between adult skirts is that a fabric lining is required for openwork models. You will need measurements of the waist, hips and length to the ankles. One rectangular pattern consists of nine rows, and the repeat consists of fifteen loops. The drawing is obtained in a checkerboard pattern. Add stitches evenly in the tenth row after the end of the rectangular pattern, as this is a crocheted A-line skirt. Rapport patterns:

crochet skirt patterns
crochet skirt patterns
  1. Dial the chain according to the waist. Start with lifting loops and end with a connecting loop.
  2. "Slingshot" (CH, 2CH, CH in one loop of the base), 2CH, 7CH, 2CH, "slingshot".
  3. 7CH in the “slingshot”, 3CH, “slingshot” in the 4th column of seven CR, 3CH, 7CH.
  4. "Slingshot" without VP (RVP) in the 1st column of PR, 3SN, RVP in the 7th column of PR, 2VP, the slingshot is knitted on air loops of the same symbol PR, 2VP, RVP.
  5. 7SN in each column of CR, 2 VP, "slingshot", 2VP, 7SN.
  6. Knit six more rows as the fifth row.

Then knit the following rows according to the rapport. Rectangular poles are now shifted and fit on "slingshots", thenthere is a chess pattern being formed. At the end of knitting, the bottom of the skirt is tied with a frill (the pattern is given in the description of the first product). Sew on the lining and elastic band on the product belt.

Motive crochet skirts: patterns, description

Products from motifs are convenient in that knitting individual elements is faster. But when assembling a whole product, beginner needlewomen may experience difficulties. Therefore, it is better for beginners to choose rectangular or square patterns, and leave round, floral patterns to professionals. Before work, you need to do a few preparatory steps.

crochet knitted skirts with patterns
crochet knitted skirts with patterns
  1. Take measurements.
  2. Draw a pattern.
  3. Tie the motive, measure its dimensions in centimeters.
  4. Relate the size of the motif with the pattern (you can schematically measure the location of the motifs, then you will see how much "lack" or bust.
  5. Make an adjustment, that is, with a slight shortage, scatter centimeters to tie all the motifs in several rows. When "brute force" either modify the pattern (but then it should be repeated throughout the product), or also scatter centimeters on other motifs.

You can alternate motifs with loin pattern or columns. Firstly, on simple patterns it is easier and imperceptibly to increase or decrease loops, and then attach motifs. Once all the calculations have been made, it remains to crochet the skirt. Patterns for openwork and floral patterns are given below.

Openwork square pattern

  1. Chain of 8CH.
  2. 4CH, 3CH - repeat three more times to make itfour sides.
  3. RVP in the last column of the CR, 3 VP on the loops of the CR, RVP in the 1st column of the CR, 5 VP.
  4. "Bump" of two columns with two crochets (ШС2Н) in the first base of the "slingshot" PR, 5SN, ШС2Н, 3VP, connecting loop (SP) in the middle of the arch PR, 3VP.
  5. ШС2Н is knitted over the same symbol PR, 3VP, (SP, 4VP - 5 times), SP, 3VP, ШС2Н(“cones” are knitted immediately without air loops between them).
  6. SHS2N, 4VP, (SP, 5VP - 4 times), SP, 4VP, ShS2N, 6VP.
  7. SHS2N, 5VP, (SP, 5VP - 3 times), SP, 5VP, ShS2N, 5VP, “slingshot” with 5VP between them, 5VP.
  8. SHS2N, 5VP, (SP, 5VP - 1 more time), SP, 5VP, ShS2N, 5VP, CH in the middle of the first arch of PR, 5VP, double “slingshot” (2CH, 5VP, 2CH in 3- th loop of the arch of a similar symbol PR), 5VP, CH, 5VP.
  9. SHS2N, 5VP, SP, 5VP, SP, 5VP, SS2N, (5VP, SN - 1 more time), 5VP, triple "slingshot" (3SN, 5VP, 3SN), (5VP, SN - more 1 time), 5ch.
  10. ШС2Н, 5VP, SP, 5VP, ШС2Н, (5VP, CH - 3 times), 5VP, "slingshot" of 4CH on each side and 5VP in the middle, (5VP, CH - 3 times), 5VP.
  11. ШС2Н - 1 more time without VP between them, (5VP, CH - 4 times), 5VP, "slingshot" of 5 CH on each side and "picot" in the middle, (5VP, CH - 4 times), 5VP.

It turns out a square with four petals that fit like a pineapple. Such openwork knitted skirts (crocheted) with pineapple patterns are best combined with a dense pattern, loin mesh, creating an unusual look.

Flower Round Motif

Floral motif is knitted with wool in the style of guipure lace. If there is no crochet experience, then pick up another floral motif, lighterexecution. Read the diagram carefully. First, knit the core of the flower from single crochets. Then knit eight petals. Please note that from now on, reverse knitting is in progress.

crochet pattern knitted skirts
crochet pattern knitted skirts

The tops of the flower consist of columns with one and three crochets, "slingshots", arches and "picot". The connection of elements occurs through the "pico". In addition to whole floral elements, use "half flower" elements with 5 petals and small leaves to get a dense, "opaque" product (meaning a crochet skirt). The scheme of guipure elements is shown in the figure.

As soon as all the elements are connected, place them on the pattern, sew them together. Sew on an underskirt. Please note: the larger the pattern, the more space. You fill them with either small elements, or sew a petticoat in a contrasting color (then the pattern looks brighter). If you don’t want to sew, then knit the main fabric with a dense pattern so that the product does not shine through, and decorate the bottom with lace.

Pineapple skirt

This skirt is created just like a child's skirt. The tiers of the product are knitted separately, and then sewn to the base. Thanks to the openwork pattern, fluffy, light crochet knitted skirts are obtained. Pattern schemes of the beige model are a pineapple surrounded by two arches and separate petals. Rapport consists of twenty-five rows.

  1. Chain around the waist.
  2. (3PP, 2VP, 3SN - half of the “slingshot” of 3SN on each side and 2VP in the middle), 1VP, 1SN, 1VP, “slingshot”, VP, CH, VP, “slingshot”.
  3. 3rd, 4th rowknit similarly to the second.
  4. From the 5th to the 7th row, knit in the same way as the previous one, only after the "slingshot" 2ch is added.
  5. From the 8th to the 10th row, add 3ch after the "slingshot".
  6. 11-12th rows - add 4ch after the "slingshot".
  7. 13th row: half slingshot, 4ch, ch, 3ch, 10ch - pineapple base, 3ch, dc, 4ch, slingshot.
  8. 14th row: half slingshot, 4ch, dc, 3ch, (ch, ch-8 times, dc), 3ch, dc, 4ch, slingshot.
  9. 15th row: half slingshot, 5ch, (SP, 5ch - 8 times, SP), 5ch, slingshot.

Continuation of knitting "pineapple" skirt

crochet skirts with patterns
crochet skirts with patterns

We continue to consider openwork crochet.

Skirt patterns:

  1. 16th row: half of the "fan" (3ch, ch, 3ch, ch, 3ch), 5ch, "pineapple" from the joint venture and ch, 5ch, "fan" (3ch, ch, 3ch, VP, 3CH).
  2. 17th row: half of the "slingshot" on the air loop of the first half of the "fan" PR, "slingshot" in the 2nd loop of the "fan" PR, 5 loops, "pineapple", 5 loops, 2 "slingshots".
  3. 18th row: half of the “slingshot” in the middle of the first similar symbol of PR, 5CH, “slingshot” over the second similar designation of PR, again 5CH, the reduction of pineapple arches continues, 5CH, two “slingshots” from 5 loops between them.
  4. 19th row: half slingshot, 5 sts, 1ch, 5ch, slingshot, then 5 sts, pineapple, 5ch, 2 slingshots with 2 arches in between.
  5. 20th row:half of the “slingshot”, (five loops, CH - 1 more time, again 5ch), slingshot”, go to five loops and “pineapple”, 5ch, 2 “slingshots” with three arches between them.
  6. 21st row: half of the "slingshot", (5CH, CH - 3 more times, 5CH), "slingshot", 5CH, "pineapple", 5CH, 2 "slingshots" with four arches between them.
  7. 22nd row: half of the "slingshot", (5ch, CH - 4 more times, 5ch), "slingshot", 5ch, "pineapple", 5ch, 2 "slingshots" with five arches between them.

Knitting petals "pineapple" skirt

  1. 23rd row:half slingshot, (5ch, dc - 5 more times, 5ch), slingshot, 5ch, ch, 5ch, 2 slingshots with six arches in between.
  2. From the 24th row, separate motifs are knitted on the rosettes and two petals between them (2nd and 4th CH PR).

Due to the numerous arches and "pineapples" a flared skirt is obtained.

Crochet (petal knitting pattern consists of three rows: 1) 3PP, 4CH; 2) 3PP, (VP, CH - 6 times); 3) 2СБН, (СБН with "pico", СБН - 5 times), СБН) separately, each create petals without connecting them to each other. Only the elements located above the “pineapple” pattern are connected with an air loop. With such petals, you can decorate the last tier of the product, and tie the first two with ordinary arches with double crochets.

Please note: to knit long trapezoidal or flared models, look in magazines for skirts (crocheted) with patterns of pineapples, wedges, sirloin mesh. In this case, you will need measurements of the waist, hips, length from the waist to the ankles. If you will knit a skirt with flounces for a woman according to the first description of a children's product, then you need to sew a lining.

But you can knit entirely, that is, return to the first row of rapport, from the insidecreate a sirloin grid (alternating CH and VP) to the middle of the shuttlecock, then make a new tier according to the rapport. As a result, the skirt is openwork, but it does not shine through.

Simple crochet knitted skirts: patterns, description

Beginner craftswomen are better off using simple patterns, here are a few options.

  1. Make skirt patterns. Knit entirely (in the round) from the waist to the bottom with single crochets. To make the product bright, use multi-colored yarn (sold ready-made in stores or use leftovers from different skeins) or decorate with knitted motifs (flowers, leaves).
  2. Flared skirts knit with wedges. Use the double crochet pattern, knit the bottom with openwork waves.
  3. Crochet square motifs using multi-colored yarn. Connect the squares together. Get a bright skirt.
  4. Alternating "slingshots" and arches. If the top of the skirt starts with double “slingshots”, the middle is knitted from triple ones, and the bottom of the skirt is finished with “slingshots” of 4CH on each side or “fans”, then you get an original pattern.
  5. Use unusual yarn (ribbon, pigtails, lumps, bumps). Even when knitting with simple stitches - get original products.
crochet pattern skirt
crochet pattern skirt

Tips for beginners

For winter options, choose thick threads and the same hook, then even a single crochet skirt will be connected quickly. For summer options, cotton and a thin hook (number 1, 5-3) are suitable. The easiest option is to tie a sirloin net, and sew on itisolated floral elements.

Another option is to use ready-made stripes of patterns. For example, maple leaves, squares with flowers. Such stripes go from fifteen centimeters, so you can start and finish the product with these patterns. Such patterns can be horizontal or vertical rectangular stripes, wedges.

Fancy patterns allows you to create crochet. Skirt schemes can be made from maple leaves, represented by a yellow-orange-brown range. The top of the skirt is knitted from dark yarn, and the bottom is laid out with bright autumn leaves. Since the motifs are sewn on top of each other, the skirt is opaque (do not use thick wool, as the product will be too voluminous and heavy).

Summary of results

The hook allows you to knit products entirely in a circle, details, parts, wedges, motifs. So that the clothes do not shine through, choose a dense pattern. Under an openwork skirt, you need to sew a lining or use tiers. It is better for beginner craftswomen to start working with children's products or with ready-made patterns, and with the advent of experience, you can combine patterns yourself.
