Beaded cyclamen. Step by step master class
Beaded cyclamen. Step by step master class

Cyclamen is a very touching and delicate flower. Mountain violet, as it is also called, seems to have been invented by nature itself for weaving with beads. Needlewomen around the world create these beaded flowers. Cyclamen is usually made in 2 popular techniques: French and parallel weaving. Which one to choose depends on the skills and skill of the needlewoman. This master class suggests making it using the parallel weaving technique.

Beaded cyclamen
Beaded cyclamen

Required inventory

To make a beaded cyclamen, you will need:

  • beads of different colors;
  • 0.3mm thick wire;
  • threads of brown and green colors;
  • cutters;
  • gypsum;
  • acrylic paint;
  • flower pot.

When choosing beads for work, it is better to give preference to Czech or domestic. It is more even in size and color. For the flower you will need beads of pink, silver and white colors. For leaves - green and dark green. When choosing, you can still be guided by your taste. Of course, smallderogations are allowed. In the above master class, the colors are named for convenience.

Beaded flowers

You should start with weaving flowers, as this is the longest and most laborious stage. For a full-fledged bouquet, you will need 6 blossoming cyclamen and 5 buds. Each large flower still consists of 5 petals. True, having completed this part, it will already be possible to firmly say that more than half has been done.

Flowers from beads cyclamen
Flowers from beads cyclamen

For one petal, cut a wire 50 cm long. Mark the middle with one pink bead. To do this, string it and thread one of the ends of the wire in the opposite direction. Next, beaded cyclamen is woven according to the pattern using the parallel weaving technique. For convenience and to make everything clear even to a beginner, the following is a description of the items, the number of which corresponds to the row.

  1. 3 pink beads are strung on the wire.
  2. Exactly the same as the first one.
  3. Another pink bead is added, and there are 4 of them.
  4. Here you need to dial 1 white, 3 pink and again 1 white bead.
  5. 2 white, 2 pink and 2 more white beads are typed, that is, there are 6 of them in total.
  6. Consists of 7 white beads.
  7. You need to increase the quantity by 1 bead, as a result there will be 8 of them.
  8. Dial on 9 white beads.
  9. One more, that's 10 pieces.
  10. Same as row 9.
  11. Repeat row 9 again.
  12. Reduce quantity by 1 so that there are 9 beads in a row.
  13. One more less, and in the end they8 left.
  14. Cast on only 6 pieces in this row.
  15. Reduce by 2 beads to make 4.
  16. Leave only 2 pieces in the last row.

Fix the wire at the end and hide the ends well. It is very important that all rows are strictly parallel to each other, and the beads lie exactly one to one. Without this, it will be difficult to continue weaving with beads. Cyclamen might just be unsightly.

This way you need to make 5 petals for each flower. It turns out that in total they will need 30 pieces. Then you need to connect them together at the bottom with a wire. To complete the work with the flower, you need to run an openwork thread around the edge, consisting of white and silver beads. For her, take a separate wire and thread it at the base of the cyclamen. Then dial one white, three silver and one more white. Pass the end through the next bead and repeat the set again. Do all this until you get an openwork frill around the entire flower.

Beautiful buds

To make beaded cyclamen voluminous and interesting, you can additionally make small buds for it. Weaving them is much easier than flowers. Therefore, their production can be considered a small rest before the next big stage - leaf weaving.

On a wire 30 cm long, dial 30 white beads. Then, in the opposite direction, thread its end through the last 15 beads. Then you need to dial 10 more beads and thread the end of the wire through the ring created earlier. Thus, one of the three petals of the bud turned out. Afterwhen they are all ready, put them together. Twist all remaining ends of the wires together and decorate with brown thread.

Cyclamen from beads photo
Cyclamen from beads photo

Leaves for cyclamen

And of course, it is impossible to imagine any plant without leaves. Beaded cyclamen is no exception. For their weaving, only 2 colors are used - green and dark green. As in the case of the flower, the work is done according to the scheme using the parallel weaving technique. A detailed description will be given below, where the ordinal item corresponds to the row number.

  1. Dial on 2 dark green beads.
  2. Row consists of 2 green and 2 dark green beads.
  3. 1 dark green, 2 green and 2 more dark green.
  4. Alternating 2 dark green and 2 green, there will be 6 beads in total.
  5. This row has 3 dark green, 2 green and 2 dark green, total 7 pieces.
  6. The number of dark greens increases by one, then the row completely repeats the previous one.
  7. Just like in the previous row, the number of dark beads increases. There will be 9 beads in total.
  8. There are a total of 10 beads in this row: 6 dark, 2 light and 2 more dark.
  9. One more dark green beads, and of course one more in a row.
  10. The proportional increase of dark beads in the row continues. There are already 12 of them.
  11. You also need to add one dark bead at the very beginning.
  12. This round consists of 10 dark, 2 green and 2 dark.
  13. There are 15 beads in this row, namely 11 dark green, 2 green and 2 more dark green.
  14. This round starts with 2 light ones, then cast on 10 dark greens, 2 greens and 2 more dark greens.
  15. This row has 3 greens, ten dark greens, 2 greens and 2 dark greens.
  16. Row consists of 2 dark, 2 light, 9 dark, 2 light and 2 dark.
  17. From this row, the number of beads decreases. It will already consist of 2 dark green, 2 green, 8 dark green, 2 green and 2 dark green.
  18. It already has 2 less beads, namely 2 dark, 2 light, 6 dark, 2 light and 2 dark.
  19. You need to dial 2 dark green, 2 green, 4 dark green, 2 green and 2 dark green. There are 2 more beads in the row.
  20. Consists of only 10 beads: 2 dark, 6 light and 2 dark.
  21. Dial on 2 dark green beads, then 4 green and 2 dark green again.
  22. There are 6 dark beads in the last row.

True, this is only half of the sheet. Now, to make the second part, you need to take another piece of wire and repeat all the steps from row 1 to 22, only in mirror image. In this case, in each row, new typed beads must be braided to the first half of the sheet. You will need 8 leaves in total. Twist the loose remnants of the wire together and wrap with green thread.


Now it only remains to collect all the elements together to make a beaded cyclamen. The photo of the finished flower, posted below, clearly demonstrates what the finished work looks like.

Weaving with beads of cyclamen
Weaving with beads of cyclamen

You need to dilute gypsum in a small cup with water so that it becomesmushy. Pour it into a pot. Install the assembled bouquet and fix until completely solidified. After that, paint the plaster with brown acrylic paint and decorate the pot if desired.
