Crochet: diagram and description
Crochet: diagram and description

Beret is suitable for any time of the year. A crochet pattern, even for a beginner, will be simple compared to knitting needles. This is due to the peculiarities of knitting. The headpiece can be adjusted in the process of work so that the product takes the correct shape. Consider several models of berets for the warm and cool seasons.

Spring red beret

This headdress can be knitted from the top or elastic band. The shape of the beret is created by decreasing and adding columns, as well as changing the thickness of the hook. Having typed a chain of three or four loops, start knitting from the top of the crochet hook.

Scheme and description.

  • Knit 8 single crochets.
  • In each column, knit a bump (three columns with a crochet, having one loop of the base and top) and 4 loops between them.
  • Alternate "loop" column with 4 loops between them (should be 16 columns).
  • Knit 8 fans (in one loop of the base there are four "loop" columns) with 4 air loops (that is, there is a fan on the previous column, in the next element there is a connecting column with air loops).
  • In the next row above the fan, knit 4 "cap" columns with a common top, and betweenthem - 7 air loops with a connecting loop on the previous arch.
  • Further, in all loops, except for the connecting ones, you knit solid "cap" columns.

Red headdress

We continue to crochet the red beret.

crochet pattern
crochet pattern


  • Alternate 2 double crochets, 3 stitches, 2 double crochet stitches, 3 stitches, slingshot (two double crochets with a common base stitch).
  • Knit seven "cap" columns and a slingshot.
  • Alternate 18 double crochets and a slingshot.
  • Knit two "loop" columns and three loops to the end of the row.
  • Two rows go solid double crochets.
  • Alternate 2 “loop” columns, 4 loops, “fence” (two columns with one top and two different loops of the base), 4 loops.
  • Knit 7 double crochets, "fence".
  • Alternate 2 "cap" columns with a "fence".
  • Knit 2 "loop" columns, 10 loops, "fence".
  • Knit the penultimate row with “cap” columns (one “fence with “cap” columns at the edges has 5 columns).
  • The last row consists of half-columns.

Most often, beginners do not get berets, but “pancakes”. This is due either to loose knitting, or the wrong selection of threads and a hook.

Simple white crochet pattern

  • Chain of eight loops.
  • 18 single crochet.
  • Alternating double crochet and slingshot (two double crochets knitted in one loopgrounds). Only 9 slingshots, the same number of columns.
  • In place of the "crocheted" column, knit a slingshot, and in the same element of the previous row - double crochets. Total 9 slingshots, 18 posts.
  • Alternating slingshot and 3 double crochets. The slingshot is shifted one stitch in each row to make smooth lines, like a flower.
  • Knit to the end of the row a slingshot with 4 "cap" columns.
  • Alternate 5-column slingshot with double crochet.
  • Knit the next row in the same way as the previous one.
  • Alternate to the end of the row with a slingshot and 6 "cap" columns.

As soon as you tie the desired diameter of the product, begin to reduce the number of columns. The elastic band can be knitted from simple double crochets or without it. When knitting, add beads to make it more elegant to crochet (the pattern can be the same, but place the beads on the slingshots).

crochet diagram and description
crochet diagram and description

Knitting from gum

Some people find it easier to knit a product from an elastic band. To do this, dial the chain around the circumference of the head. Single crochet work eight rows. Connect the resulting strip into a circle with connecting posts. Add loops in half, that is, if the elastic consists of 120 loops, then you should get 180 single crochets.

Next, go to the "cap" columns. Alternate them with cones (14 "crochet" and a cone of two columns with a crochet with one loop of the base and a common top). Please note that 12 loops are added in each row. The increase goes betweenknobs.

Having reached the desired diameter (approximately 21-23 cm), knit the next 4 rows without increments with a smooth shift of the bumps. Due to this, the hat (beret) is “bent”. Crochet the scheme of any headdress is knitted quickly due to decreases. In this case, you decrease 12 columns in each row, while the bumps move and form wedges. Pull off the remaining 8-12 loops, hide the thread on the wrong side.

takes a crochet pattern for a girl
takes a crochet pattern for a girl

White peaked beret

Pay attention to the children's model with a visor. The whole emphasis rests on a large flower, in which the second petals start from the base of the first (as voluminous flowers fit). Knitting starts from the middle. Six rows in a checkerboard pattern, alternate the "loop" column with an air loop.

Then the resulting oval is tied with half-columns. Further, due to the "loop" columns, half-columns and air loops, 21 petals are formed. Pay attention to their location (see the photo for a white crochet with flower and visor patterns). Next comes the increase and work on the second row of petals: 6 large and 21 small. The latter are uneven, so read the diagram carefully.

For a beret, you need to impose leaves consisting of one large and three small petals (the same as the flower itself). The bottom of the headdress is tied with arches and "cap" columns. The visor is knitted last with "cap" posts and loops.

beret crocheted pattern
beret crocheted pattern

Beret with visor for beginners

Such hats with a visor can be knitted for both boys and girls. Only for the stronger sex, choose a simple pattern. To make the beret more stylish, take a melange, sectional yarn. Just remember that it is very capricious and unpredictable in the sense that the product can take on a wide variety of forms.

Knitting starts from the bottom. In the ring you knit sixteen double crochets. Then alternate the "loop" column with an air loop. Next, knit all the columns with a crochet (two in each air loop). Knit a few more rows with an increase due to the alternation of the "cap" column and two air loops.

So continue to knit fully crochet. The scheme for a girl or a boy can be any, the main thing is to adjust the shape of the headdress due to increases and decreases. Once the bottom is tied by adding loops, proceed to the formation of the height of the beret.

Try on the product. Measure the location of the visor, knit with convex and regular single crochets. Every five convex columns increase by one more column. This is necessary for the visor to stand. Its shape is obtained by cutting the loops at the edges (knit the last two columns together).

openwork crochet pattern
openwork crochet pattern

"Motive" crochet: diagram and description

Graceful head berets are obtained from individual motifs. The bottom line is to first form the bottom of the beret from them, then the sidewalls, and knit the elastic in semi-columns with a strapping to match the pattern. At the same time, the sidewallsknit without increases so that the edges are bent.

Let's consider how to crochet a floral openwork beret. Schemes of a lush flower will be as follows. All rows end with a connecting loop, and begin with one lifting loop. Make a slip loop (fold the thread into a circle so that you can then tighten it).

  • Dial an arch of three air loops and a half-column. There are six elements in total.
  • Next, twelve lush columns (in one loop of the base there are five "cap" columns with one top) and three loops between them, that is, on each arch of the previous row, two lush columns.
  • Knit, as in the first row, an arch of three loops and a half-column. You should end up with twenty-four loop arches.
  • Tighten the sliding loop.
  • hat takes crochet pattern
    hat takes crochet pattern

Combination of motifs

We continue to look at how to crochet motif baby berets. The schemes for connecting elements are represented by arches of air loops and half-columns. Leave tails for each element for tying the last row and attaching motifs. Hide the ends of the threads in lush columns on the wrong side.

When the second element is created, when knitting the last row, immediately attach to the first flower with connecting posts for the three arches of the first flower. Further, the elements are also connected for the three arches of the first and second flower, and the 4th arch remains free, that is, out of 24 arches connected, there should be 18, and 4 free.

In the next row, motifs are also attached, but they take a thicker hook toincrease the product size. Connect the flowers according to the size of the head. As you can see, it turns out an unusual, stylish crocheted beret. The scheme of the headgear gum is represented by ordinary half-columns, which are attached to the middle of each arch of the previous row. The harness consists of lush columns and a connecting loop.

If you need to increase the size of the beret, then tie the flower several times with arches and half-columns. You can take a thicker thread and a larger hook number to also achieve the desired size.

baby berets crochet patterns
baby berets crochet patterns

Summary of results

When knitting a beret, pay attention to the yarn and hook number. For a headdress, the brands "Alize" (Alize Cotton Gold), "Jeans" (YarnArt Jeans), "Crystal", "Brilliant" are suitable. Choose wool with acrylic or bamboo for cooler weather, and cotton for summer. If working with unfamiliar yarn, knit a swatch first to see how the thread works.

Beginners should follow the instructions, and professionals can crochet berets from any pattern. The scheme for a girl, boy, adult differs only in size. The essence of knitting remains the same: knit the bottom with an increase in the size of the crown, adjust the height of the beret and narrow the loops to fit the forehead.
