DIY plasticine crafts. Plasticine dolls
DIY plasticine crafts. Plasticine dolls

Does your child want to make a DIY plasticine craft? Or maybe you are going to do handicrafts? In this article you will find ideas of different levels of complexity. Someone may laugh, well, what adult will sculpt from plasticine? But there are many such people. Modeling calms the nerves and develops imagination. Therefore, if you are drawn to plasticine, do not hold back, create.


DIY plasticine crafts
DIY plasticine crafts

This is one of the easy DIY plasticine crafts. Even a child can make a sheep. There is nothing complicated here. Step-by-step instructions in pictures are presented above. The first step is to roll up the muzzle of the animal. It should be an oval. The body is also an oval, but larger. The legs are four sausages. We glue the parts together and knock the workpiece a little on the table so that the bottom surface of the toy becomes flatter and therefore more stable. Now you can start making wool. They make her twoways. First - you roll the balls, and then make a recess in each of them. The second way - you roll thin sausages and twist them with a snail. We make wool and cover the sheep with it. Only the front of the muzzle and paws need to be left intact. Hooves need to be molded from black plasticine. These will be four ovals, in which a deep recess is made with a stack, dividing the geometric figure into almost two parts. Glue the hooves to the legs. From white plasticine we make drop ears, from black we roll balls-eyes. The sheep is ready.


DIY plasticine crafts
DIY plasticine crafts

These cute plasticine figurines are made according to the same principle. Princesses differ only in hair and accessories. We will make such figures on a shell. It will become the base, and at the same time the underskirt. Let's start with the head. We roll a ball out of beige plasticine. In places where the eyes will be, recesses should be made. Now you need to build a hairstyle from sausages. You should alternate short and long strands. You can leave your hair loose or tie it into a braid or ponytail. Now let's start making the skirt. From plasticine we fashion five identical leaves. Attach them to the top of the shell. Now you should roll up three thin sausages - this will be the sleeve. We make a hand, and in order not to sculpt a brush, we hide it in the hair. The decor remains. You can make a bouquet of flowers for the princess or just beautifully decorate the leaves-skirt. Lastly, work on the face.


crafts fromdo-it-yourself plasticine
crafts fromdo-it-yourself plasticine

DIY plasticine craft can be cute. In life, snails cause tenderness in few people, but their decorative figurines look great. This animal has an interesting shape, it is easy and pleasant to decorate. Making a snail should start from the body. We roll out gray plasticine on some rough fabric. This is necessary in order for the relief to be printed on the material. Now cut out the outline of the body. Then you should roll an uneven sausage from white plasticine. It should be thicker on one end and thinner on the other. Now you need to roll it into a shell and glue it to the base. It remains to decorate the snail. We sculpt petals from red, yellow and white plasticine, and then collect them into flowers. We complete the pattern with green material. Lay out leaves and twigs. Black flagella should draw the face of the snail.


DIY plasticine crafts
DIY plasticine crafts

Even a child can create such a dog from plasticine. The step by step process is shown above. It should be guided in the manufacture of toys. Let's get started. Let's start making a dog from plasticine with a muzzle. We roll a gray ball, and then supplement it with white details. These will be triangles, an oval for the muzzle and another oval for the nose. You should also sculpt the mouth separately. Now let's move on to the body. We roll a white oval, and then paste gray overlays on it. One of them will decorate the back, and four others - paws. Now you should roll the front and hind limbs from sausages. It remains to detail the dog. We stick to herblack nose and eyes and then a pink tongue.


DIY plasticine crafts
DIY plasticine crafts

Plasticine figurines don't have to be complicated. You can make a cute hedgehog from a large but easy-to-make number of parts. Where to start? The first step is to roll the ball. It will become the basis of the hedgehog. Now you should make a triangular muzzle. It must be well attached to the body so that the gluing border is not visible. Now we make the lower paws. These will be two flattened ovals. The front paws are two balls, on which two cuts are applied. Ears can be made from flattened ovals, one side of which is cut off with a stack. Now it's time to make pink overlays. You can mold them by hand, or you can cut them out of a layer of thinly rolled plasticine. We decorate the muzzle with three balls. Two of them will be the eyes, and the third will be the nose. It remains only to make needles. We take brown plasticine, warm it up in our hands and start making cones. They can be glued not one at a time, but in whole batches.


DIY plasticine crafts
DIY plasticine crafts

Plasticine dolls are different. In this case, there will not be a whole figure, but only the face of an angel and his hands. But this craft still looks very impressive. How to create it? We take beige plasticine and roll an oval out of it. Now you should make a relief of the face. We make hollows under the eyes, give relief to the cheeks and “open” the mouth of the angel. Now you should glue the nose and ears. And you need to do it in such a way thatthe transition was smooth. We sculpt two pens with droplets. Now, from brown or any other plasticine, you should make a hairstyle. You can form it from sausage curls, as well as cut it out of the layer. It remains to make surprised eyes. We stick two black dots, and in them we glue two white highlights. Now very thin sausages should outline the cilia and eyebrows. Wings should be cut out of white plasticine. If desired, they can be embossed with feathers.


DIY plasticine crafts
DIY plasticine crafts

One of the most exciting activities for children is plasticine modeling. It may not be just a hobby. In the future, it can develop into a profession. For example, a child could become a ceramicist or an arts and crafts artist.

How to make DIY plasticine crafts? We will collect a panda figurine. It is made in just half an hour. The first step is to roll up a white ball - this will be the head. Now we make eye sockets, and then insert black balls into them. Now you should make white eyeballs, and then black pupils. From a white oval we form a pug. And now you should add the muzzle of the animal from plasticine with ears and nose. Let's start making the body. White oval - this will be the stomach. Now you should glue two black balls and one thick sausage to it. We put our head on top, and our panda is ready.


DIY plasticine crafts
DIY plasticine crafts

Plasticine dolls can be funny. Especially if you sculpt them on somebasis, for example, on a shell. Let's see how to make a mermaid. First you should roll the ball - the head. Then we form a hairstyle from thin sausages. To make the mermaid more realistic, she should insert purchased eyes. Now you need to draw a mouth and cilia with a thin marker. From thin bundles we form the arms and body. These will all be sausages, one thicker and two thinner. Now we need to make a tail. We make a thin cone and scatter it over the shell. It remains to make lining-fins on the tail. They are made in the same way as the leaves of trees. You can draw scales on the tail with the help of a stack.
