How to take pictures with your phone: setup, lighting, tips and tricks
How to take pictures with your phone: setup, lighting, tips and tricks

Many people ask this question - why should I buy an expensive camera if my phone has a good camera. Indeed, at present, modern smartphones are practically not inferior to many expensive analogues. In this connection, another question is relevant, how to take pictures on the phone?

Good alternative

And it's true that many phones now have a camera that can take quite good pictures. Of course, this cannot be compared with SLR cameras (although, perhaps, this is a matter of time). But, one way or another, for many people who do not plan to develop professional skills in photography, this option will be acceptable.

how to take a picture of a manicure on the phone
how to take a picture of a manicure on the phone

Possessing basic knowledge and skills, you can take good pictures, which in quality will not be inferior to many photographs obtained by "soap dishes" of an average pricecategories. And if a person not only knows how to take pictures, but is also familiar with such definitions as composition and harmony, then using the phone you can get not just masterpieces, but a whole art!

What exactly can be photographed on the camera of your phone? Yes, in fact, anything and whatever your heart desires.


Many people like to capture themselves in the picture in splendid isolation. At the same time, when preparing to take a picture or for a photo shoot, it is worth resorting to the services of a makeup artist or doing everything yourself. Most girls are interested in how to take pictures of makeup on the phone? To do this, follow a number of rules:

  1. If you need to capture the face, then you should stop using highlighter and transparent powders. These substances are able to emphasize or fix makeup. However, they contain particles that reflect light and in connection with this, part of the face will be illuminated.
  2. Facial bronzers and foundations with a slightly darker shade than skin color are acceptable. This is especially true for a photo shoot, as the lighting will eat up some of the cosmetics.
  3. It is imperative to emphasize the eyes - the smokey ice makeup technique shows itself well. As a result, an effect is created in which the light scale smoothly turns into dark tones. False or magnetic eyelashes are able to maximize the look, making the eyes bigger.
  4. How to take pictures of yourself on your phone? You need to try to avoid a frontal angle, as often suchthe pictures don't look very nice. It is better to slightly turn the face in any direction or even lower it slightly.
  5. When choosing a pose, you should take into account body build. With wide hips, it is better to stand sideways. To emphasize a thin waist and a magnificent bust, you should stand up straight, but at the same time the lower part of the body should be wound to one side, or cross your legs, leading one after the other. The face also needs to be turned to the side, and the chin should be directed to the shoulder. This position will allow you to “lose” 5-7 kg and will be winning.

Compliance with these recommendations will allow you to take really high-quality pictures.

how to photograph nature on your phone
how to photograph nature on your phone

And they will be just as good as the photos taken with a professional DSLR.

How to photograph a manicure on your phone?

Many girls not only care about the beauty of their hands, but also try to take beautiful pictures as much as possible in order to receive numerous compliments from girlfriends and fans. But how can this be done with only your own phone on hand? You can, of course, turn to a professional photographer, but their services cost a lot of money.

In particular, such pictures are necessary for masters of any nail service for various reasons. Here a number of features should be taken into account, and first of all it concerns the location of the hands. It is very difficult to make them look beautiful in the frame. However, nothing is impossible.

how to photograph nails manicure ontelephone
how to photograph nails manicure ontelephone

At the same time, it should be remembered that taking really high-quality photos with a phone will not work. This is mainly due to geometric distortions that are obtained using not the best smartphone lens. In this regard, at least a compact camera with a zoom lens is needed.

Factors to consider

To finally dot the i's on how to properly photograph nails, manicures on the phone, it is worth mentioning that the quality of photos in general depends on a number of factors:

  1. The beauty of hands - during the shooting, not only nails are taken into the frame, but part of the hand along with the fingers. And if there are any flaws, then in the final picture it will not look very attractive.
  2. Lighting - when taking a picture of nails, it is important that the light is diffused. The presence of glare will violate the entire integrity of the picture. If bright stripes of light are necessary, they should be discreet and convey volume.
  3. Good color reproduction in the absence of artifacts largely depends on the lighting and its amount. The quality of the camera also matters. And here we can mention a significant drawback of any smartphone camera - the result is a software-processed picture, which is far from reality. In addition, due to the small size of the matrix, it is impossible to reflect the full volume in the picture.

Even knowing how to take pictures of people, yourself, your manicure on your phone, it is impossible to get really high-qualitypictures.

how to take pictures of people on your phone
how to take pictures of people on your phone

However, if the photos are taken purely for private use or to show off in front of friends, then the smartphone is capable of something.

Tricks of the trade

To take pictures of your nails, you can take into account the recommendations of professional photographers. In particular, focus on the hands, creating an additional look with the help of bright rings that will be in harmony with the shade of the manicure.

If you cross your wrists on your chest and at the same time spread all your fingers, you can get quite attractive and unusual pictures. At the same time, for such a shot, you will need to carefully choose clothes. It is better to stay on discreet color models with a minimum number of ruffles, buttons, zippers.

How to take pictures of your hands on your phone? An unusual arrangement of fingers will help to add a bit of zest. It is necessary to give the hands some beautiful position, and remove all extraneous details from the frame - such a pose can attract attention without any additional paraphernalia.

Dynamic shots will also look unusual and at the same time no less attractive. Dance with hands is the most successful angle, but it is not so easy to create it. This can be done if the smartphone has a dynamic shooting mode. It remains only to catch the moments, and then choose the most successful ones.

How to photograph nature on your phone
How to photograph nature on your phone

The most relevant topic for such pictures is Love story! Whatcan be better than a neat female hand on the shoulder or body of a beloved man?! You can even create an entire storyline. Romance in such photos is more than appropriate - it is even necessary!

When lovers hold hands, or the girl's fingers are beautifully placed in strong male hands, or simple hugs, it's hard to stay away from such shots. For this, it is worth mastering the techniques of how to properly photograph everything that interests you on your phone.

Unnecessary largely Zoom function

In any modern phone there is an opportunity to increase the object being shot. At the same time, even the minimum level leads to a noticeable decrease in the quality of the photo. Noises immediately show through, and this in turn worsens the already not the best sharpness.

In other words, if you need to zoom in, it's better to approach the subject. If this is not possible, then it remains to photograph as is, and then in any editor you can cut off everything superfluous (if necessary). In addition, the closer the subject is, the better the picture will be.

Camera settings

The camera of each smartphone has its own characteristics, to find out which it is enough to study its settings. By default, auto mode is used, only for a particular situation it does not always work correctly.

how to take pictures of a room with your phone
how to take pictures of a room with your phone

Besides this, there are other modes:

  • sport;
  • panorama;
  • night shot;
  • portrait.

It is worth exploring all the features of your smartphone to get really beautiful pictures.

Lens cleanliness

Another question that may concern any novice specialist - how to take pictures of the room on the phone? In addition to the settings and choosing the desired angle, you should monitor the cleanliness of the lens of your smartphone. Since the phone is on the hands most of the time, the camera glass is constantly covered with a layer of sebum. But because of the fingerprints, not only the frame is blurred, but the sharpness can be broken.

For this reason, you should always carry a microfiber cloth or a special pencil with you. With many SLR digital cameras, this problem does not arise - the smallest particles on the lens will not be able to spoil the frame. However, the smartphone camera is arranged a little differently and is not comparable to the "DSLRs". Therefore, this moment is very important and every phone owner should not forget about it.

Practice, practice and more practice

No matter how much theoretical information and books are read, no matter what terms are learned, without practice for a fairly long period of time, all teaching is wasted. All ideas that come to mind regarding the subject of pictures should be implemented as soon as possible.

how to take makeup pictures with your phone
how to take makeup pictures with your phone

And how to take pictures of nature on the phone? Here it is necessary not only to try different angles, modes, but also to collect entire compositions, to be in search of the bestbackground. Any option, implemented in practice, will allow you to acquire certain skills and knowledge.

In conclusion, one thing can be said: in order to get high-quality pictures for home use, it is not at all necessary to purchase complex professional equipment, including various sources for the necessary lighting. All that is required is to learn how to use all the opportunities that many manufacturers bestow on their products.
