50 kopecks 1922: description and photo
50 kopecks 1922: description and photo

The history of our country is rich and varied. Each historical milestone brought interesting facts. So, in numismatics, 1922 is an amazing year, when the Civil War was already coming to an end, and at that time the mint in Petrograd began to issue a new coin. 50 kopecks of 1922 were minted from precious metal. By the way, it was this coin that was the last to depict the coat of arms of the RSFSR. And from the next year, coins appeared, where there was the symbolism of the Soviet Union.

Description of the coin

The 50 kopeck coin began to be minted in 1921. For its manufacture, 900 sterling silver was used, from which blanks were first prepared. 50 kopecks of 1922 were issued with a diameter of 26.67 centimeters, and the weight was ten and a half grams. Her appearance was also interesting. So, on the obverse of the coin was depicted the coat of arms of the country with a border, and here was the famous inscription-call "Proletariansof all countries, unite!"

The reverse was decorated with a star, in the center of which was the number "50". A crown of oak leaves was also depicted, between them it is indicated that this is a coin of fifty kopecks. The edge was with an inscription that it was made of pure silver metal and the weight of such a coin was 10.5 grams. The designations were also listed here: AG and PL.

Types of fifty dollars

50 kopecks 1922
50 kopecks 1922

The abbreviation on the edge indicated that the 50 kopeck coin of 1922 (silver) had several types. This happened due to the fact that, starting from 1921, the minting of banknotes at the mint in Petrograd was in charge of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Arthur Hartman. His position was also called the head of the monetary redistribution. From the name and surname of this person, the signs AG appeared on the edge of the coin. There are few banknotes with such markings, but they all have a high price at present.

But by the end of 1922, this abbreviation on the edge changes, and now the letters PL appear. This was justified by the fact that Hartmann resigned from his post, and was replaced by Peter Latyshev. In the past, Petr Vasilievich served as manager of the Medal and auxiliary part of the same mint in Petrograd. When a campaign was launched in the young republic to remove the workers of the tsarist regime from high positions, Latyshev was also fired.

And only many years later, when this company with layoffs was nevertheless recognized as erroneous, Petr Vasilyevich was offered to become a manager again. There are more such coins with the letters PL, so incurrently their price is slightly lower.

Two varieties of the coin are known to all collectors, and they are listed in the catalog as Fedorin 2 and Fedorin 3, respectively. There is also a third variety. So, in 1922, several coins also came into circulation, where the edge turned out to be completely smooth and without any marks. Currently, just such a coin of 50 kopecks of 1922 made of silver is considered rare.

Defective coins

50 kopeck coin 1922
50 kopeck coin 1922

It is known that despite the fact that there was strict control over the quality of the coins of 50 kopecks of 1922, sometimes there were also defective copies. So, one of these marriages was considered the absence of the letter “a” at the end of the word “silver”. Now collectors who dream of acquiring such a rare, albeit defective coin are obliged to offer three times more than for the one that was minted according to all the rules.

Smooth herd belongs to such a marriage. Surprisingly, now this marriage has two explanations. The first option is that the 50 kopeck coin of 1922 did not get into the edge ring during manufacture. But this happens very rarely. The second explanation is that this fake was made on purpose in order to later pass off such a coin as rare. After all, rare coins are always appreciated by collectors.

And there is another well-known defect of the 50 kopeck coin (silver), which does not even have to be explained. Sometimes such a banknote weighs less than usual. Such a scam is done on purpose to steal the precious metal.

Fake banknotes

50 kopecks 1922silver
50 kopecks 1922silver

But it is already known that 50 kopecks of 1922 exist not only with marriages, but fakes also appear from time to time. Currently, such fakes are divided into two groups. The first group of such banknotes was made of tin by swindlers, and they successfully put them into circulation. But these forgeries date back to 1922.

Currently, fakes of this coin are also being made. Modern ones can be easily identified by the fact that the font is broken, the edge is usually always smooth for such coins, and they are also made of artificial patina. It is difficult not to see this for an experienced collector, but a beginner can be deceived.

Collectors also know about a series of fake fifty dollars with "polished chiselling". These banknotes were issued in 1922 specifically for collectors. They were minted in small quantities, so the price of just such a coin is always high.


Coin 50 kopecks 1922 silver
Coin 50 kopecks 1922 silver

The price of 50 kopecks of the RSFSR in 1922 varies from 300 rubles to one hundred thousand. All these banknotes can be divided into two groups according to the abbreviation on the edge. AGs are much more valued by collectors than PLs. Hence the price of the first coins is higher. If the coin has not yet been in circulation, then its price can reach fifteen thousand rubles.

The price of defective coins is flexible, so it will depend on the demand of the collector. If at this time the interest in it is increased among many collectors of coins, then its price immediately begins to grow.

The price of fifty dollars in 1922 at auctions

50 kopecks of the RSFSR 1922
50 kopecks of the RSFSR 1922

Despite the fact that the Civil War was still going on during the issue of coins in 1922, the circulation of the 50 kopeck silver coin of this time amounted to more than eight million copies. AG has always been rated higher by collectors, since during the war years many of these coins were melted down, and there were not so many copies.

If fifty dollars turned out to be of good quality, in which there were still small defects, then at the auction it can currently be sold or purchased for three hundred rubles, if PL, and six hundred rubles, if AG. If the quality of the coin is very good, where there are very, very few defects, then it is put up at auction for about four hundred rubles for PL and about 1300 rubles for AG. If such a coin is of good quality without defects, then its value also increases. So, the PL will already cost eight hundred rubles, and the price of the AG can reach up to two thousand rubles.

If a coin of 50 kopecks has a stamp shine or it has capsules, then it can be even more expensive. So, for such a coin, PL usually give from six to twenty thousand rubles, and for AG you can bargain from thirty to one hundred thousand rubles. Fifties with a smooth herd can recently be purchased at prices ranging from 80,000 to two hundred thousand rubles. Such a high price for these particular coins is justified by the fact that there are many fakes now.

Coinage was valuable in that it confirmed the significance and power of the new Soviet power, and on the other hand, it became a milestone in the transition to a powerful country. That is why the coin of this timeis a rarity.
