Coin of 10 kopecks 1980. Description, varieties, price
Coin of 10 kopecks 1980. Description, varieties, price

The 1980 10 kopeck coin is always ambivalent among collectors. Some people love such coins, others do not pay attention to them. The thing is that, despite the large circulation, among these dimes there are special copies. What is unusual about them? How to distinguish cheap coins from better ones?

10 kopeck coat of arms
10 kopeck coat of arms

General Description

Coins of 10 kopecks of 1980 came out in a fairly solid circulation. There is no exact data on the number of coins produced. The mass of a dime is 1600 milligrams. The coins do not have any magnetic properties. On both sides, there is a edging characteristic of those times and is visible. The product belongs to the mint of the city of Leningrad (only without a monogram).


At the top of the 10 kopeck coin of 1980 is a number identifying its face value. It occupies a space that is slightly less than the diameter of the entire coin. Two lines follow. On one is the year of manufacture, on the other the inscription "kopecks". A non-closing wreath of ears of corn bypasses both inscriptions and runs along the edge. On the coin of 10 kopecks 1980 stems intersect, the lower part of each is decoratedoak leaves.

10 kopecks 1980 obverse
10 kopecks 1980 obverse


The central part is occupied by the image of the coat of arms of the Soviet Union. The base and center of the 10 kopeck coin of 1980 is the image of the globe, as well as the outlines of the hammer and sickle, which are located above the Earth. The planet is framed by wheat ears.

From below, where the image begins, the sun's rays come out and illuminate the earth with a hammer and sickle. The lower part of the heavenly body is not visible. On the coin of 10 kopecks 1980, only the upper part of the sun is depicted. Wheat ears are divided into two bundles, each of which is decorated with an elegant lush ribbon. Each personifies the republics of the USSR, their number corresponds to their number. There is also a bandage common to the two ribbons, which unites the composition.

At the top of the obverse is a five-pointed star. It is located right in the center of contact between the two ears of corn framing the coin. The details of the coin described above can be called in one common word “coat of arms”. Below it is the inscription "USSR".

10 kopecks 1980 reverse
10 kopecks 1980 reverse


In 1977, the Mint began using several different stamps to print coins. That is why 10 kopecks in 1980 are different. Some coins were printed using an old-style stamp, while others were made using a new one. Modernization, ideas, design - everything had to be subject to fashion, the latest trends and time. Therefore, on old coins (products of 1977) there were noticeable ledges in the region of the spine ridges. Products made in 1980in this place they no longer have a ledge, here the tips of the ears already look more uniform, the lines are uniform and smooth.

Because the new stamps began to be used almost at the end of the year, the number of "new" coins with a changed image was minimal. The cost of 10 kopecks 1980 on new stamps will be higher.

cost of 10 kopecks 1980
cost of 10 kopecks 1980


The coin, which has a ledge in the upper part in the image of ears of corn, is estimated at an amount from two to fifty-seven rubles (in some sources there are slightly more amounts - 68 or 72 rubles).

Coins that do not have ledges near spikelets in their image, as they were minted a little later using new stamps, will be valued at 100 - 250 rubles.

There is also a third option - coins with improved minting - their cost starts from three hundred rubles and approaches 550 rubles.

Note that the cost of coins depends not only on the year, the number of stamped pieces and the presence of defects. The price will also depend on the degree of demand in a given period of time for coins of this kind. Also, the quality of preservation of the copy can also affect the cost.

Coin marriage

Such an oversight happens with many coins, 10 kopecks of 1980 cannot be called an exception. Copies come across with a curved stamp. This is due to the fact that during manufacture, a coin blank enters the minting area. Minting, as you know, is carried out outside the ring, with which the coin is centered. Also responsible for the deformationa stamp that can cause steps and protrusions.

It would seem that marriage is marriage, what good is that. In fact, in numismatics, such coin deformations are very, very much appreciated, since stamp shifts or difficulty in minting occur quite rarely. From a small number of "spoiled" coins, the price of them rises. Moreover, the more noticeable the marriage on the coin, the higher its value will be.
