The book "Modeling the Future" by Gibert Vitaly: review, reviews and reviews
The book "Modeling the Future" by Gibert Vitaly: review, reviews and reviews

People want not only to know, but also to be able to change their future. Someone dreams of big money, someone of great love. The winner of the eleventh "Battle of Psychics", mystic and esoteric Vitaly Gibert, is sure that the future can not only be foreseen, but also modeled, making it the way you want. He told about all this in one of his books.

Who is Vitaly Gibert

People who have personally seen or are familiar with Vitaly Gibert call him a sunny and happy person. Viewers know him as the winner of a popular show on the TNT channel, a student of such an ambiguous personality as Natalya Banteeva - an esoteric, mystic, psychic. He himself says that he is primarily a conductor between the world of subtle matters and our world. In a state of meditation, he is able to communicate with spirits and perceive the energy of the universe. Before writing his book Modeling the Future, Gibert gave seminars where he spoke about the truth in each of us, about his path and aboutGod.

Vitaly Gibert
Vitaly Gibert

Author biography

Vitaly Gibert was born on March 21, 1988 in the city of Elista, where he spent most of his childhood. The red-haired smiling boy attracted the attention of adults, but did not show any abilities. Although, in his own words, he saw and felt more than his parents or his two sisters. The death of his mother from cancer had a strong influence on Vitaly. It was during the funeral that Vitaly saw the ghost of his mother and realized that he could do what other people were incapable of. He became interested in mysticism and esotericism, read relevant books, tried to talk to people. The father treated his son's interest condescendingly, but did not prohibit it. Vitaly himself recalled that this helped him develop. Perhaps the idea of the book "Modeling the Future" Gibert came up with already then.

Psychic abilities

Vitaly Gibert decided to reveal his abilities as an adult. Before he appeared on the set of the show "The Battle of Psychics" in 2011, he did not engage in psychic practices, because he did not believe that he was able to help everyone. By his own admission, he does not have the gift of a soothsayer, he cannot cast a love spell or heal a person. Vitaly believes that a person himself is capable of much, you just need to show him the right path and give him the necessary impetus. It was this idea that subsequently became the basis for Gibert's book "Modeling the Future". During the show, Vitaly showed different results. Failing the screening test to find a man in the trunk, he then brilliantlycoped with the exit from the maze and the search for a woman. Fans asked for a personal meeting, but Gibert invariably refused, agreeing only a few times on special occasions. Having become the winner of the battle, Vitaly did not take advantage of the incredible popularity and did not cash in on gullible people. He even "took a break" for a few years. In 2015, he returned to TV screens, and then began to travel with seminars throughout the country and publish his books and CDs. Vitaly Gibert, unlike many of his colleagues, does not conduct private appointments, does not answer questions online and does not conduct sessions.

Battle winner
Battle winner


Nevertheless, Vitaly Gibert can be found at various venues throughout the country. In his seminars, he tells people how they can achieve what they want, how to come to terms with themselves or look to the future with optimism. Vitaly believes that each person carries a particle of magic and is able to rebuild their own world. Gibert's theme of modeling the future sounds quite often. By modeling, he means not just planning, but getting rid of doubts about success, clearly visualizing and realizing within oneself the possibility of acquiring the desired future. People who attended the seminars say that they discovered something new for themselves, were charged with positive energy from the red-haired guy and believed in their own strength, if not magical, but internal. On his website and social networks, Vitaliy shares photos from seminars, charity events and book presentations.

The essence and idea of the work

Book by Vitaly Gibert "Modelingfuture" supports the idea of visualizing desire. But the author added that a simple idea in the head is not enough. In addition to the fact that a person must feel his desire, as if it had already been fulfilled, it is necessary to cleanse the consciousness of doubts and fears, which Vitaly Gibert suggests getting rid of with the help of meditation and a feeling of love. The author himself believes that the future as an unshakable substance does not exist. The future is being created today and now. But we ourselves interfere with this creation with our fears, fears, and insecurities. The book by Vitaly Gibert is about how to discover in yourself the talent of the creator of your future in accordance with the divine plan. Moving consciously along the path of life and choosing harmony in his own inner world, a person is able to come to the fulfillment of his desires without any hesitation and obstacles. And for this you do not have to go to India to a remote ashram for meditation or study with an enlightened guru for many years.

Various editions
Various editions

History of the book

Vitaly Gibert is happy to tell everyone about the history of "Modeling the Future". He admits that he put his whole soul into the text and made it not just a collection of practical tips on meditation and positive thinking, but a reflection of his own life and the path to harmony. He wrote the book for those who want to consciously begin to manage their lives, change the future with their thoughts, actions, deeds. He does not claim to be a guru, but he wishes all readers that the book will teach them to perceive dreams with joy and without fear, so that they come true easily and quickly. Most readers accepted the book positively, as evidenced by the Runet Book Prize in 2013. The book can be bought in almost all stores, but the author, on one of his birthdays, offered all visitors to his site to download the electronic version for free.

Book contents

Gibert's book "Modeling the Future" is both similar and unlike books in this genre. The author starts from the end. The very first section or chapter is called “The End.” In it, the author truthfully tells about his life and the beginning of the path that led him to his current state. The sincerity with which Gibert writes about his problems, misunderstandings and fears is captivating. Next come chapter minus one and zero. This out-of-the-box reference sets his work apart from books on positive thinking and motivation that are widely available on store shelves. In subsequent chapters, the author offers recommendations for various practices and meditations. The book ends with the chapter "Beginning", in which the author proposes to move from the past to the future and his new beginning. Gibert then gives a parable to reflect the main ideas of the book, and ends with sincere thanks to the author.

Book's contents
Book's contents

Review of the book "Modeling the Future" by Vitaly Gibert

The book is written in simple but emotional language. This is how the author builds trust between him and the reader. Many of them cited ease of reading as one of the book's strengths. Trust is also expressed in the dialogues that Vitaly has with the reader. He does not demand to read his book, but completely trusts the choicethe person who opened it. Gibert asks his readers questions to which they themselves would like to receive answers, but perhaps could not formulate them. Since the book is taken by people who have encountered some kind of difficulties, the headings in it work as a guide. It's easy, after reading the entire book, to return to a particular chapter to follow how-to recommendations or be inspired by a story.

The author is blamed for the lack of novelty. Judging by the negative reviews of the book, Modeling the Future is a collection of the same thoughts about the need for visualization, positive thinking and awareness of one's own strength. But Gibert also shares his experience in it, which captivates even the skeptical reader. The book was published in two editions with different covers. And if the first one is in dark colors, designed for an audience that prefers serious literature, then the second version of the cover - in bright colors - will attract a female audience.

Introductory chapters

The chapter "The End", which begins the book "Modeling the Future", tells the story of Vitaly Gibert's personal experience. About his problems and difficulties. The author honestly admits that he was a manipulator, brought his loved ones to tears and tried to rise at the expense of those who needed his help. But this negative experience helped him realize the need for change, and he began to work on himself, because he believed that only he himself was able to change himself. In the minus the first chapter of "Abilities given by God," the author writes that he believes in the chosenness of each person. According to him, all people from birth have the abilityenjoy life as it is. Gibert writes about childhood, in which each person could show unusual abilities, but with time and adulthood, people forget about it. Almost the entire chapter is devoted to the fact that people themselves prevent themselves from being the leaders of their lives due to fears or false beliefs. Chapter 0 "Millions of people do it" continues to convince the reader that all dreams are achievable, thoughts are material, and plans are feasible. The author inserts parables and beautifully highlighted quotes from himself into the narrative.

Gratitude of the Universe
Gratitude of the Universe

Practices and meditations

The first chapter of the book is called “Responsibility. Only you are the key to your happiness. As the name implies, the main idea of Vitaly Gibert is that the modeling of the future is possible if one is fully aware of one's responsibility. Gibert is firmly convinced that in order to begin to consciously manage your life, change it in any direction, you do not need to learn from psychics for a long time. It is enough to be convinced that all life is the result of thoughts and actions in the past, which means that all future life is the result of thoughts and actions in the present. In this chapter, in addition to parables, there are many personal stories about awareness and responsibility for one's life.

The second chapter of the book is called “Meditation. Go beyond your little "I" and is completely dedicated to meditation as a way to enter a special state in which it is easy to get rid of doubts and believe in yourself. Gibert describes in detail the technique of meditation for relaxation and explains why it is needed. Helikens it to fuel for a fast car, because, according to him, meditation speeds up the process of getting what you want. Also in the chapter are techniques for other meditations and practices. Practice differs from meditation in that it does not require long periods of time and calmness. This is a technique that allows you to instantly fill yourself with positive thoughts or return consciousness to the present.

Third chapter “Modeling. The World You Created” finally talks in detail about meditation-based modeling techniques. Vitaly Gibert writes about his modeling experience. There are also parables and special exercises in the text.

In the fourth chapter “Silence. Listening to reality the author talks about the need to take certain precautions when modeling your reality.

In the fifth chapter “Let go of desire. Trust the wind of freedom” Vitaly talks about how important it is to be able to trust your desires, and not become their slave.

In the sixth chapter, the author summarizes everything said and written, arranging them in the form of a list of important steps that need to be taken towards the dream.

Meditation practice
Meditation practice

From the author

The author devoted the last chapters of his book to important thoughts that appeared throughout the book, and also cited a parable of his own composition and gratitude as a final argument. It is not surprising that Vitaly Gibert first of all thanks the Creator for the light of awareness and the love that is given to him and allows him to see the world as it is. He is also grateful for loved onesand those who helped him work on the book. In this part, Vitaly is most clearly manifested as a person - young, bright and capable of accepting new things. Whatever the feedback on Simulation of the Future, Gibert is also grateful to his critics for helping him improve.

Jolly Gibert
Jolly Gibert

Quotes from the book

In reviews of "Modeling the Future" by Vitaly Gibert, people often quote their favorite quotes from the book. Many of them, according to readers, repeat what someone has already said, but they are formulated in a simpler and more accessible way. For example, an interesting phrase is that there are no evil people, dark ones, there are only people who are very offended. Most of the quotes, like the whole book as a whole, are devoted to attitudes towards oneself, love and fears. The author believes that people receive only those fruits, the seeds of which are sown. Readers like sayings about dreams as an achievable future. Gibert claims that the future does not exist in any variants, it is a blank sheet of paper.

Quote from the book
Quote from the book

Reviews and testimonials

Most of the reviews and reviews of "Modeling the Future" by Vitaly Gibert are positive. Readers note the love and positivity that pervades the entire text. The book is filled with inspiration and is suitable for motivation. After reading, many have realized the need and benefits of sincere gratitude in life. Readers find practical tips on meditations and practices useful, as well as parables that help you get in the right mood. In negative reviews, they write mainly about the lack of novelty, that the ideas have already been formulatedand expressed by other esotericists, and the language of the book is too simple and not designed for highly intelligent individuals.

But no matter how simple and naive the book "Modeling the Future" by Vitaly Gibert may seem, what is valuable in it is that the author himself went this way, and now shares his personal experience with his readers.
