How to make a plasticine zombie for yourself
How to make a plasticine zombie for yourself

Plasticine is the most accessible and easy-to-work material from which you can create a wide variety of shapes. Fans of online games are happy to recreate pictures of their favorite episodes. This work option is also suitable for sculpting heroes from the game "Zombies vs Plants".

Preparation before work

To decide how to make a plasticine zombie, you need to stock up on the right tools and materials.

To work with plasticine, you need to prepare just a few tools:

  • Sculpting board.
  • Knife for dividing pieces.
  • Special blades for recreating fine details.

The choice of plasticine is also of great importance. It is necessary to choose a plastic material of not too bright colors, since the plot does not shine with bright colors. Plasticine should be easy to warm up. You may also need additional decorative items, such as beads, paper.

The principle of creating zombies according to the game

First you need to carefully study the structure of the zombies. To do this, just view the game and select a character. That's the only wayunderstand how to make a plasticine zombie:

  1. Better start with the head. This part of the body of the heroes of the game is the largest and simplest. Roll a ball out of gray plasticine. Flatten two small balls of white plasticine - these are the eyes. Pupils can be two black beads. Details of the face with the help of shoulder blades.
  2. The torso can be made of wire.
  3. It is necessary to form elements of clothing on the skeleton. Most zombies have a brown jacket and green pants torn at the bottom.
plants vs. Zombies
plants vs. Zombies

Small elements are easy to create with special spatulas.

How to make plants from plasticine "Zombies against plants"

This game is familiar to many. To decide how to make "Plants vs. Zombies" from plasticine, you also need to select layouts, and then get to work:

plasticine plant
plasticine plant
  1. First you need to make a base stem, which will be fixed in a flower pot. You can wrap the wire with green corrugated paper. A flower pot can be made from plasticine.
  2. Next, a bud is formed, where all the petals and muzzles of plants are drawn. The principle of creating petals depends on the type of plant.
  3. Petals also need to be made from plasticine. You should prepare a small piece of material for modeling and give it the necessary shape. Veins are easy to draw with a special spatula.

If you need to make fruits that appear in the game, then there should be no problems. Allthe figures are simple and do not require special skills.
