Crochet openwork doily: timeless decorative element
Crochet openwork doily: timeless decorative element

Modern designers do not get tired of improving such a product familiar to many knitters as a crochet openwork doily. Despite the centuries of history of these small decorative elements, their intricate patterns are still able to surprise even experienced knitters.

crochet fishnet doilies
crochet fishnet doilies

Plain napkins

Beginning craftswomen, as well as those knitters for whom the novelty and originality of the pattern are not of great value, often choose simple crocheted openwork napkins for work. Schemes and descriptions of such products include the repetition of the same elements and a rather uniform structure. As a rule, the ornament consists of:

  • six-twelve large elements (emphasis);
  • several solid rows;
  • tooth or wave strapping.

Another common component of simple napkins is a mesh (or openwork patterns that replace it). With it, developers can increase or decrease the size of the napkin. The same technique is adoptedmany craftswomen.

How to reduce or increase the napkin?

The photo below shows an interesting and rather simple crochet lace doily.

crochet doily
crochet doily

The description of the process of expanding the canvas is to include additional rows made with an openwork pattern.

The small napkin, located in the upper left corner of the diagram, includes the following elements:

  • center;
  • openwork pattern (4 rows);
  • strip of even rows;
  • openwork harness.

To increase its diameter, additional components should be introduced. After the first and second stages, another set of even rows is performed, and then a wide strip of six rows of an openwork pattern.

The crocheted openwork napkin is completed by knitting the third and fourth stages.

If necessary, remove any elements from the napkin web, remove rows connected with a grid or a simple pattern.

Knitting napkins from motifs

The following product has an extremely original appearance and the process of making it is very exciting.

crochet doily description
crochet doily description

This openwork crochet napkin is knitted from six separate round motifs, which are then combined into one canvas. Motifs are numbered 2-7 in the diagram. It is important that all components of the product are the same size. To do this, you need to carefully monitor the tension of the thread in the process of work and the density of knitting. Flowers of different sizes will give the product an asymmetrical shape.

Making a motif

To begin with, you should tie a chain of three air loops (VP). Next, the crochet doily is crocheted as follows:

1) 6 single crochet (SC);

2) 1 sc, 8 ch, connecting column (PS) to the 2nd ch, repeat 5 times;

3) 1 sc, 1 ch, under a large arch, knit 1 sc, 1 half-column, 4 double crochets (dc), 2 ch, 4 dc, 1 half-column, 1 sc, 1 ch. Repeat 5 times.

That's all, the motive is ready. It is very simple, actually consists of three rows.

openwork napkins crochet patterns and description
openwork napkins crochet patterns and description

Combination of motifs

When six identical round fragments are ready, you need to tie the seventh one, which will connect them all into one canvas. This flower begins to be knitted from a ring of 5 VP, into which 12 SB N are performed. Then two types of petals are knitted: small and large.

Small: 3 VP, with a connecting column, an arch of 3 VP is attached to the 1st VP, SB N.

Large: 5 ch, the hook is threaded under the arches of the petals of two motifs and knit 4 more ch, SB N.

Based on the scheme, you need to tie five petals of each size. The result is the central part of the napkin.

Crochet: openwork napkins. Shutting down

The first round of binding starts at the top of the petal of one of the round motifs. This row should connect the motifs from the outside of the circle:

1) 5 VP, SB N, 5 VP, SBN, 5 VP, RLS, 5 VP, a column with 2 crochets (С2Н), connecting the tops of two petals, 5 VP, С2Н to the same point, 5 VP, sc. Sequence repeat5 more times;

2) 5 ch, sc n, 5 ch, sc, 7 ch, sc, 5 ch, sc, 5 ch, sc, 7 ch, sc. Repeat 5 times;

3) 2 VP, picot from 3 VP, 2 VP, RLS, 5 CCH, 2 picot from 3 VP, 5 CCH, RLS. Repeat 11 times.

Properly performed actions will lead to the fact that all elements of the napkin will lie in the same plane. There should be no protruding fragments and petals turned to the side.

Ready-made crocheted openwork napkins (diagrams and descriptions can be solid or type-setting) must be washed and doused with steam from the iron. Impregnation of the product with starch will only benefit him, since in this case the napkin will retain its shape better.
